Just seen this, I have stayed away from this thread and reviews so i honestly hope this flick isnt being touted as the greatest thing ever.
They got thanos right, he was everything i expected. The action was tight and the meeting of gotg (with thor) and the exchanges with ironman/strange/spidey was well done. But i wasnt a fan of most of the rest, it was aight but not the next level shyt expected. Easily the worse russo offering for me.
- For one the comedy as per usual it was ill-timed, ill-placed and in abundance. It had the starwars effect where because they are cracking jokes in what should be a crisis it killed any element of danger. -2ndly wakanda or more to the point t'challa. Hes basically a butler on call to service steve's every need. By bringing vision they brought unnecessary trouble to wakanda but t'challa doesnt even bat an eye lid. His motives and characterisation are unknown he just bends to steve's every demand because hes captain america.
Worst part is he was a cameo in his own kingdom. When shuri was being attacked i thought hed make the save.....nope. When rogers and falcon radioed for someone to protect vision i thought he would display some badassery..... Nope. I dont want to say disney baited and switched like with finn but that is not the kind of representation fans of BP had in mind at all.. I know thor is powerful and all but him running rough shot just screamed white supremacy. Then before we could breath they are setting up the arrival of the most powerful character which is another blonde haired blue eyed character.
-Deaths, outside of loki (who i always found overated) the deaths had no impact.
-dumb contrivances that defy logic, star lord smacking mantis's hand in a fit if rage and essentially helping thanos

. Strange giving thanos the time stone that will destroy the universe to save tony's life....for no other reason other than the fact hes the main character of the MCU. Totally took me out of it
As a dude that wasnt a fan of thor and the new direction of GOTG the fact they got heavy burn made this a worse experience