:doctorshaq:damn! it felt like Spidey was on screen way longer than that.
MARVEL somehow managed to master time too!
:doctorshaq:damn! it felt like Spidey was on screen way longer than that.
MARVEL somehow managed to master time too!
I have a feeling that when Ms. Marvel meets Thanos, it will be similar to her first fight with Ronan in Avengers EMH:
Strange giving thanos the time stone that will destroy the universe to save tony's life....for no other reason other than the fact hes the main character of the MCU. Totally took me out of it
he musta missed that part.Unless Starks plays a key role in the one timeline that the Avengers are successful in- which Strange foresaw.
fukk Disney for canceling this show. They were so out of touch.
had to give him the neg stone for that oneUnless Starks plays a key role in the one timeline that the Avengers are successful in- which Strange foresaw.
TBH after just having the BP film i didnt really expect much BP action
For people that just saw the movie.....
Still mad this movie wasn’t
Black Panther 2
Featuring The Avengers
It was said that whoever didn’t get a lot of screen time in this movie will get more in A4.
This movie was literally being filmed when Black Panther was being filmed. Barring them putting this movie out maybe in the fall..... KILLING anything else....... logistically I’m not sure how much more they could’ve added that cast in the allotted time.
And for people who loved BP, would you really rather they sacrificed that movie by taking all their cast and resources to focus on A3 & 4, diluting BP?
Y’all gotta be reasonable
im glad they didn't,this movie highlighted how boring Tchallas current powers,skill set,fighting ability and gadgets really are. Next movie they need to go back to the drawing board and revamp now that they know his character is a hit. Im hoping for either much better technological gadgets,or much better,brutal fight choregraphy grounded in reality with very little cgi.
Oh shyt thor’s hammer handle shouldve vanished since it was groot but its such a dope weapon. Plant the whole ask and groot grows into the world tree or some shyt