Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Is that Captain Marvel coming to save the day? Umm.. bytch looks like she is looking for her stolen bike .... and will have to take the bus home.
I hope she can "act" tougher than she looks. I have never seen her in anything but that "Room" movie.
And can someone enlighten me to just how powerful The Scarlet Witch is ? I mean she picked up those giant roving wheels like they were nothing. Like the woman said "Why was she up in the booth this whole time and not down on the field?"
She could have wiped out half of the invading army. I never remember the Scarlet Witch being this powerful back in the silver age comic days (1970s)
Oh Yeah. What was that move when Dr Strange turned one of Thanos's bolts into a bunch of purple looking rose petals? Thanos was like "...bytch!"
To answer the first paragraph.... like some lil dude said earlier “Bu bu bu bu bu she’s an Oscar winner”

So yea..... I think she’ll be fine with that.
Also Wanda?

Who also was clearing plane wings, trucks and damage debris from the airport battlefield so Cap would have a path to the Quinn Jet?

If you’re referring to her..... yes she’s pretty strong breh