My understanding comes from experiencing it with a purly MCU fan. They’ve invested much in these characters over the last decade and never has there been a threat this menacing. I sat by my sister trying to offer so hope based on the comic version but she wasn’t having it. Its crazy how the ending without the “snap” would have been a let down for comic fans but a shock to MCU ones. I kinda envy them having that Han Solo Empire Strikes Back while comic fans are like

. You’re an OG round here and all but from your
Spidey enthusiasm, that scene had to get to you least a wee bit.
Irony? That's when I got taken out of the scene. Like I was right there in the shock moment with everyone else and then he started to go and I went from


in a "snap" because his movie is already announced. Like I know I'm getting a spider-man movie next summer and I really wish I didn't know all that shyt. Like I wish Marvel hadn't announced
any movie past Avengers 4 and just let that shyt stand. Of course that's impossible with the way movies are made today and all that but to be on some wrestling shyt, I wish they kayfabed a bit more.
And while I understand the symmetry and poetic nature of having the original avengers be the ones who have to fight the battle and win the day and the "one last ride" aspect, the ending would've hit me harder had some of them vanished as well. Because then I wouldn't have known what the deal was and would've been really confused and lost.
And you're right, it's definitely the empire strikes back moment and it works for that reasoning. BUT, in 1980, you didn't know a Star Wars sequel was coming; Return of the Jedi wasn't announced before Empire came out and it wasn't a guarantee. So imagine being a kid in '80 and seeing Empire and having no clue what was going to happen after that. For all you knew, that was it; Luke lost a hand, Vader is his dad, and that's the end of the story. Sequels and franchises weren't really a thing at that time so it was easier to do what they did in Infinity War and actually have even someone like me shook, a guy who understands comics but also the business of Hollywood. THAT would be phenomenal