Dope, dope film
I loved everything about Thanos, Josh Brolin's voice acting, the animation for Thanos. his facial ticks. He had actual motivations for his actions.
Hulk got handled with ease
Props to Disney for making the villain win, it's something I would like to see more in cinema
Not feeling the twist where it looked like Tony would die, I'm an Iron Man fan but he or one of the other 'major' Avengers should have gone
I don't understand why Spidey and Black Panther would be selected for the ashes
Thor is an honorary member of GoTG to me, he fits that dynamic well
Props to Star-Lord for letting his emotions get the best of him and letting saviour Thanos escape
Hawkeye only getting a quick shout out

who cares about Ant-Man
The bleeding edge Iron Man suit is dope
I liked the horror movie vibe used when Thanos turned up in Wakanda, he gave them all the
I wonder what the gap in power levels will be between Thor and Captain Marvel