First and foremost, I dug the movie overall, but that cliffhanger ending I felt it was ill-timed. And this is possibly because I seen a somewhat similar scenario at the end of season 5 of ARROW where Promethues kills himself which in turn blew up the island with everybody in it KNOWING that they'll be all back the next season. So, how it ended felt empty to me, yet I am intrigued as to how they all come back, because we know all of them would be coming back. And with that I am MORE disappointed by the confirmed deaths. You mean to tell me that NONE OF THE ORIGINAL PHASE 1 DID NOT DIE (aside from Loki to which Thor even admitted have "died" before)? Stark didn't die and could of or should of died? Steve Rogers didn't die when we were CERTAIN he would? Bruce didn't die and we also got CHEATED on not having a Hulk but for just 15 seconds? Thor didn't technically die but got his JUICE back? Not that I wanted them to die but I was ready to have a HUGE emotional impact had at least ONE of them did? Why should I grieve for Gamora? I have little attachment with that character aside of her being part of an ensemble. So, I wasn't satisfied about that. I was expecting a cliffhanger, but it may of better served best had ended right after acquiring the soul stone and have the 2nd part be getting the final stone. Then use the finger snap and have that scene in the 2nd part of this film with them showing how they're able to comeback. Rather than use that on some Walking Dead type finale shyt... and leave people hanging.
Another thing I did have issue is with the depowering of Thanos even with the Stones which adds on my disgust to the fact that nobody aside from co-starring characters like Gamora and Loki were killed. I mean the Titan fight itself should of been an EASY SLAUGHTER. I mean this was the same dude that quickly fukked up HULK within SECONDS... yet now he struggles with these people to the point that he damn near almost LOSES THE GUANTLET? That type shyt annoyed me. It was dope looking at the fight visibly, but Thanos at that point had FOUR stones going after the 5th and he should of easily just killed them all without questions or debate... but want to monologue with Stark when he was about to almost die yet didn't.
But overall, I enjoyed it... but it was INDEED blatant fan service. I knew they were just going to give you an orgy of fan service and we all out when we got to see Red Skull chilling after all this time. But it was mostly fan service and it was cool, because I enjoy that it is something where you invested 10 years to these films as a payoff. With all that said, I REALLY hope the next Avengers film will be better.