Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Stellar movie. Best MCU film, easily. What a wild ride from start to finish. Favorite moments:
Loki getting offed by Thanos. That was bloody violent. I don't think he's coming back.
Stark and Strange arguing on Maw's ship. Perfect clash of their egos.
Star Lord and Thanos standing off in the Collector's Lair. That was tense, man. Peter manned up. Too bad he was such a fukkboy on Titan. The Guardians need to beat his ass.
RED fukkING SKULLI literally gasped. Absolutely perfect. Hugo Weaving is a punk ass for not reprising the role. I hope that's a gateway for his return.
All the dope ass fight scenes on Titan and Wakanda.
..I think, overall, the low-key best scene for me, was Thor sitting with Rocket and reflecting on just how much tragedy he's endured. It makes you realize that out of all the Avengers, he's been through the most tragedy. As a viewer you never really realize it. It made it that much sweeter when he put Stormbreaker in Thanos chest.
Only gripe is on Titan when Stark and the crew were ridiculously close to beating Thanos...why didn't Quill just slit his throat? I was sitting there like "YO END THIS DUDE"
What a blast. Definitely seeing it again this weekend.
Na..... Hugo done with Red Skull..... that roll now belongs to buddy from Walking Dead......
The gay dude that recruited the chicks