It’s just too obsessive. And it over complicates shyt. Like James Bond. The whole 007 code name bs is just a fan theory that somehow got legs even when there’s so much evidence prior to skyfall to say that theory holds no water
yeah. obsessive is the perfect word. i'm all for predictions. but outside of making some bank off YT ad rolls, i've never understood the culture of creating 10-20 minute youtube theories based off the same trailer i just watched
(or people who follow that shyt so zealously).
90% of the time the YT voices alone make me wanna stab myself in the ears (that's another story altogether). but you're literally going all-in without any information. and when the theory flops, then it goes from "what's going to happen" to "what should/will happen, eventually". and because everyone else is now invested, yeah, you get skyfall, where people have to acknowledge shytty theories instead of being able to tell their own story.
if you wanna be a creator, be a creator. dont force your creations onto someone else's vision.