Jesus man..... We really need to get over humor in movies man
Yall gotta stop being these emo movie stans that personify the emo guys below
Many times the combination of light hearted with high stakes have worked and didnt have ludo narrative dissidence that ruin the plot and the movie still mad entertaining, some would say classics.
1) Sad cop coming home for holidays to see estranged wife on the borderline of divorce,
2) Terrorist take over building,
3) Way outnumbered and people are getting killed,
4) Disfigured feet, beat up and shot up,
5) Trapped,
6) Wife is captured and in danger,
7) Kids get endangered,
8) All because of the actions of wifes coworker that low key wants to smash.
good time to crack a joke?

Die Hard a lesson in great classic movie......... FORMULAS
