If anyone is wondering if Luffy is overpowered, he's not.
You have to remember whats waiting for him at the end of the road is Blackbeard with 2 OP devil fruits. Anyone BB touches loses their powers and he's a walking black hole that sucks everything to him. Mixed with Whitebeards power he's broken. Scariest part of it is we haven't seen his awakening yet

. His darkness awakening will put the world of one piece into permanent nightfall then Luffy the sun gawd will restore the light
For those saying Gear 5 is too goofy, one piece has been goofy. It just took a more serious turn the past couple of years. Just look at the introduction of Blackbeard or Buggy right at the beginning. Blackbeard has been comedy, breh has the lowest pain tolerance and weeps after every hit. His fight against Gear 5 will be jokes.