Can't wait to see if he has an Obama inspired character in the works
Sent from a Super Samsung Galaxy 3 via Master Roshi's Island.
Would be dope. Should be Vegapunk.
Something has been nagging me ever since I saw the Ace and Blackbeard fight. I feel like Luffy is fukked... His search for One Piece and becoming Pirate King is nuts. Those Logia types are seriously overpowered. I can't see Blackbeard losing to Luffy especially when Luffy can't even beat Smoker.
Something has been nagging me ever since I saw the Ace and Blackbeard fight. I feel like Luffy is fukked... His search for One Piece and becoming Pirate King is nuts. Those Logia types are seriously overpowered. I can't see Blackbeard losing to Luffy especially when Luffy can't even beat Smoker.
yea them logia types are ridiculous the only way i c luffy handlin them is if
gawd damn this shyt is goodhe begins to learn how to use that willpower like shanks.......speaking of shanks, how strong is dude? cuz he pretty much had blackbeard shaking in his boots when he came thru....dude got two powers and still said he wasnt ready to fight a one armed shanks
i only just started watching it like a month or so ago....the thought of a pirate anime nvr did anything for me but then i watched it a lil bit and was likeshanks is a beast.
How long you been watching one piece? As a kid i thought the early episodes were garbage(maybe because i thought all anime was supposed to be like DBZ). Then i gave it a try and i'm like...
i just saw the movie Z
im watching it on animefreak.tvDamn I need to get back into this shyt, what's a good site to watch all the episodes
Damn I need to get back into this shyt, what's a good site to watch all the episodes