Essential The Official "All Things One Piece" Thread (The Final Saga Has Started))


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
They are both captains of their own crews, I'd actually like Bart to be a Strawhat but I don't know how well the groupie gimmick if he becomes an actual member.

it would probably become a running gag with some potential for story use eventually like sanji nosebleeds or Zoro getting lost, or Usopp being a coward and then manning up. Realistically his shield would make him really valuable how many times is the sunny going to get high jacked while the crew is on an adventure? Especially as they start facing more guys who can one shot the ship from a distance..... Barto powers while OP is likely the only thing that will justify certain characters from just fukking the sunny up as soon as it reaches a dock.


Nov 18, 2013
Bartolomeo has never had a remote chance at joining.
There's nothing worse than people thinking a character will join just because they're likeable even with the insurmountable evidence against it.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Happy bday to Oda. :cheers:

Hopefully the manga is more focused in 2015. I feel like the Dressrosa arc has a ton of good ideas, but it's been dragging and is running a lot longer than necessary. Basically just too many unnecessary side characters and subplots and not enough focus on the actual crew. Not to mention it's now the longest arc in OP...Dressrosa has literally been going for about two years now.

I'm hoping he stops delaying Luffy vs. Doffy and wraps this arc up in the next few months. Looking forward to Wano and seeing the simp get his ass kicked by Big Mom's crew. :feedme:


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
No chapter till next week, but I found a pretty interesting thread (on another board) I figured I'd share. Basically just random things that Oda has said in interviews over the years, some of which I thought was pretty interesting. I'll quote some of it, but here's the thread -

Oda was going to kill Ace within 1 year after his first appearance in 2000. Sound Recording (2012)

Oda had no intention that Shanks lost his arm, but after an editor told him that the story was not interesting enough, Oda decided to cut his arm off. ONE PIECE Grand Countdown 2 (2010)

"When creating a protagonist, it is important not to make him too strong.
For example, if Akainu becomes the protagonist, he is so strong that he can put an end to ONE PIECE within a year." Sound Recording (2012)

All editors of ONE PIECE know how it will end. ONE PIECE Newspaper Vol.3 (2012)

When Vivi appeared for the first time, Oda didn't have the intention of her being princess.
She would have been just defeated by strawhats and made her exit.

"I got enraged after watching the anime in which Ace was killed. I wonder why Ace had to be killed in that harsh way," Jump Festa 2011 (2010), Eternal Log (2012)

"I get annoyed to hear people speaking ill of characters in ONE PIECE. For example, when they say ‘this villain is weak’, I can't help thinking that then I'll make him much stronger!" Color Walk 6 (2014)

In the final scenes of ONE PIECE, there will be a pirate who appears with an eye patch. One Para (2007)

"Middle-aged persons are strong in ONE PIECE. There are many cool middle-aged persons in the real world, but they are not always strong. I wish them to be strong in manga." Interview between Usuta and Oda (2008)

"I hate the revival of dead in manga." Playboy (2007)

Oda said that action movies these days depended too much on computer graphics and they should focus on human relationships rather than fight. Interview between Usuta and Oda (2008)

When Oda forgot Luffy's move, he searched it on ONE PIECE fan site. Weekly Shone Jump 36/37 issue (2006)

"I make it a rule to include 3 times more episodes in one chapter than common manga." Manga Nou no Kitaekata (2010)

"Basically I don't kill any characters because I wish the readers to feel satisfied after an arc ended." Asahi Evening Newspaper (26 November 1999)

"The whole world will be thrown into turmoil in the final arc." Asahi Evening Newspaper (26 November 1999)

Questioner: Many are looking forward to what happens next in One Piece could you give us a message for them?

Oda:: One thing that keeps me motivated to keep drawing One Piece is that I want to draw the last chapter. The last chapter is amazing! I imagine a final chapter that will make Marinefold arc look like nothing!

Questioner: Seriously?!

Oda:: The Marinefold arc really felt like a side trip to me. I didn't expect it to be so popular. So I don't know how readers will take this one. But the thing I think is interesting will be in that last chapter. Until then I would like as many of the fans as possible to stick with me. Eternal Log (2012)

Oda: Yes, I already decided on how it’s going to end. Should I tell you now?
Sakura: …. Well, I want to know, but I probably shouldn’t. BUT, the One Piece, it’s not something like “the growth your heart went through”, right?
Oda: Hahaha, no no, I won’t be pulling off some kind of Wizard of Oz thing like that. After having gone through an adventure like that, it wouldn’t be fair to not actually give them a reward. Omedetou (2014) [Translated by William}

Oda usually finishes drawing a storyboard of a chapter 17-19 days before the official release date. TV show "Real Scope" (19 March 2011)

"If I wrote everything in my mind, it would take about 20 years to finish ONE PIECE." Manga Omo! (2002)

"When I intend to finish an arc within 30 chapters, it ends up 90 chapters being necessary." Playboy (2007)

"ONE PIECE is at least 60% done. From now on, I'd like to restrain my desire to write many things. If I write what I want to, ONE PIECE will never come to an end." ONE PIECE newspaper Vol.4 (2012)

Editor Onishi: ONE PIECE is 60-70% done and it will probably finish within 10 years.
Interview with editor Onishi at ONE PIECE exhibition in Taiwan (2014)

"I was going to finish ONE PIECE within 5 years.
Every crew joins before Grand Line. (1- 1.5 year)
Great adventure (3 years)
Final arc (1 year)" Sound Recording (2012)
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All Star
May 2, 2012
I'm glad he isn't gonna pull some "one piece is in your heart" bullshyt. That would've been my only concern about this manga.


Nov 18, 2013
what is this about exactly?
"One Piece is the story of a boy named Monkey D. Luffy who was inspired by Shanks, a pirate. At the start of the series, 22 years before Luffy leaves his hometown and sets sail, a pirate named Gol D. Roger, known as the Pirate King was executed. He was the only pirate to succesfully conquer the grand line. Before his death, he told the crowd of his treasure, "One Piece". His death sparked what would become the Golden Age of Pirates as countless pirates set out to look for his treasure. Luffy becomes one as well, desiring to be the next Pirate King. He sets out to gather crewmates and begin his adventures and journeys. "
It's been going since 1997 and we still have 10+ years left.
I can only think of one point in the series with a quality drop and then it got right back on track after it.

May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
Happy bday to Oda. :cheers:

Hopefully the manga is more focused in 2015. I feel like the Dressrosa arc has a ton of good ideas, but it's been dragging and is running a lot longer than necessary. Basically just too many unnecessary side characters and subplots and not enough focus on the actual crew. Not to mention it's now the longest arc in OP...Dressrosa has literally been going for about two years now.

I'm hoping he stops delaying Luffy vs. Doffy and wraps this arc up in the next few months. Looking forward to Wano and seeing the simp get his ass kicked by Big Mom's crew. :feedme:

So far I've loved the Dressrosa arc...most def a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) compared to Fishman Island. We should be thankful Oda da gawd has blessed us wit so much piff in one arc.
Look at all this shyt:

- Law Backstory
- Law is a D. (cool surprise)
- Rosinante (coolest character from a backstory)
- The Infernal Affairs play while not highly original, still cool as fukk (marine infiltrates pirates/pirates infiltrates marines)
- Sabo is alive :gladbron:
- New admiral reveal...Fujitora
- Usopp da Gawd + Haki awakening :blessed:
-Doflamingo's ruthlessness and snatching Law's arm
- Bartolomeo fanboys :scust:
- Gladiators!!!
- Pica's voice :russ:

One arc and this is only off top of my head. We're not worthy of Oda's masterpiece :mjcry: