I call bullshyt. People (black and white) only pull this 'agenda' shyt when a straight white male doesn't win the award. You're so used to straight white males winning that if they don't win, you think something is up. That brainwashing is strong. Moonlight is an incredible movie. It transcended race, sexuality, and gender. People were touched coming out of that movie, and the actors acted their ass off. And now you have black folks talking about an agenda. It's sickening. If the academy has an agenda please explain to us what message they were trying to send when when
No Country for Old Men won?
The Departed?
American Beauty?
Titanic? The fukking
English Patient?
Moonlight was a good movie, I know the DP on it.
It's catching strays cause it's part of a larger conversation that's BEEN going on about Hollywood.
The effeminization of the black male on screen, the abundance of Poverty porn and the general backlash to seing blacks on screen in a positive light.
If you wanna play dumb then fine but I've seen it with my own eyes working in Hollywood and in journalism.
If your a black male you simply won't get the same opportunities unless you come off as gay and non threading and are willing to push that agenda.
This has been going on and the results are starting to show in the youth culture.
I'm all for movies that tackle gay issues or poverty issues but does that have to be the only thing we can get rewarded for?
Oh And a lot of gay people didn't even like moonlight cause it seemed unreleastic.