Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
Emma Stone isn't a terrible actress but nothing about her is best actress, not even close.You're wrong
Emma Stone isn't a terrible actress but nothing about her is best actress, not even close.You're wrong
I've always wondered how pleasurable it would be to debunk a person's conspiracy theories or believed stereotypes about Black people to their face. The racists that I've been able to do that to literally just block it out of their mind.
Seeing the way no one came out and was like, "Damn, yea, yall, I need to reevaluate how quick I am to convict this or that as being an agenda about blah blah blah" shows me that NO MATTER WHAT you prove... people are going to be ignorant scumbags.
Think about what it means to be in your living room, kids around and saying a whole bunch of conspiracy theories in front of your kids... but not correct your viewpoint when shyt is shown to be false less than 2 minutes later... When you think about it...shyt is disturbing as fukk.
Agreed.These are the kind of the people I can't stand the most and usually end up ignoring all together - both online and in real life. When you can't concede that you're wrong (or have ever been wrong), you actually lose all credibility.
But that's the thing about "truly representing us" is that we all aren't the same. @SirBiatch asked if any black people care about back to the future. For him, as a black man, he doesn't and that shyt is foreign to him. For me and my people, back to the future is like sacred text lol. The black experience isn't monolithic. There are things we share in common but we're all different. Someone who grew up in Miami is going to have a different experience than me growing up in the D.C. area. Someone who grew up in poverty will have a different set of experiences than someone who came from wealth or a comfortable middle class situation. The black experience is boyz in the hood, menace to society, new jack city, Selma, think like a man, Malcolm x, fences, hidden figures,and moonlight all at once. I watch boyz in the hood and menace to society and I can't relate to any of that. But I can relate to boomerang or the core theme in moonlight or self discovery and trying to figure out who I am as a teenager and young adult. Or the relationship drama in About last night.
Cosby feels more real to me and my experiences than good times. Doesn't mean either one is wrong and not true. It speaks to the diversity of us as a people and that should always be celebrated
Of course it's about homosexuality. This response is the exact reason the movie was made.It's not about confusing me homie. I know brothers who are gay. They've had similar issues and similar experiences. That's what I'm saying. The black experience isn't one thing. It isn't two things. It's multiple things with multiple stories. My story won't be yours and vice versa nor should it be. And there's nothing wrong with doing a coming of age story about a black boy who happens to be gay. Me saying that's part of the black experience lies simply in that he's black and that's his experience. We get caught up in trying to tell one story when we all don't have one story. I went to St. John's but I went to grad school with people who went to HBCUs. Doesn't make my experience in queens any less black than their experiences.
Idk man. Does the argument come down to how one feels about homosexuality? Cause the shyt doesn't bother me at all.
Of course it's about homosexuality. This response is the exact reason the movie was made.
Of course it's about homosexuality. This response is the exact reason the movie was made.
Wait... moonlight actually won best pic? I thought lala won? I turned the channel when I saw they wonwhat fukkery happened
Was Bill Paxton mentioned at all?