Actual national championship games for football didn't start until the 1998 season when the BCS era started, so you are wrong. 1997 was the last year where champions where determine by polls only. This was the year where your sh*tty a$$ school
and Nebraska split the trophy. Ever since then, scUM hasn't sniff the final destination. Hell, it took 24 years for them rodents to be in any type of contention for a shot. But you and your damn simple minded fools from H0e Arbor keep
stating that you are superior that us 
Y'all some fukking has been, self entitled, delusional b@stards thinking that that the conference starts and end with you when in reality,
The Ohio State University has been the one carrying the conference flag for over 20 years. We are the actual leaders, have the most relevant championships, best uniform colors/ helmet, swag, etc... Fools have a party
when they get one against us because we are the standard of excellence, not scUM. We don't lose to FCS teams unlike you b@stards. Y'all been one of the most embarrassing teams for the conference for since the turn of the century and now y'all want to act like you're the sh*t because
you have won back to back conference championships 
. We have done that multiple of times around here

. Until scUM start bring in some national titles to the conference, OSU is the standard and you will always be looking up to us so don't forget
