So basically you want black men and black women to change roles because black women make more than their partner?
Your too focused on money miss.
Sounds like emasculation of black men as well.
You expecting black women to play Suzie homemaker while ALSO providing for the family financially and to be COOL with that?
nikkas want the benefits of a traditional woman without the hardship of being the primary provider
Money aside they still gain everything else that a relationship brings.
So you'd date and marry a female that didn't cook, clean, keep herself up physically, or do housekeeoing duties but still expected to provide her and used the stupid excuse "Besides being a homemaker and nurturer, I give you all the other nenefits a relationship brings!"
Without a man, you are useless in life. You need a man to create your family and future. Without that a woman is a walking whore.....You're simply looking for a man you can match looks, bank accounts and paper degrees with.....
And you need a woman to have that life created. You don't get to pass on your seed if the women you fukked decides she don't want your seed.
If a women is useless without a man, she should strive for the best man she could get.
That's why the two mates WORK TOGETHER, it Means SHARED BONDING and SHARED PROGRESSION....we seem to have adopted cacs greed and selfish mentality. It doesn't matter HOW MUCH each mate has....get that out of your matters HOW MUCH each MATE is willing to put in to the partnership to love and care for each other and make the family unit work.
We come from a culture in the motherland where we believed in BUILDING WITH EACH OTHER......not these "levels" which creates the same arrogance and superior thinking that this devil has.
I agree with this actually as long as you're saying that working together means that each partner is giving an equal amount to the relationship. If the black women is the breadwinner, the black mean needs to swallow his pride and put in work around the house when it comes to cooking, cleaning, and nurturing the family unit.
If the man is earning more, the women should be willing to do the same. But a man shouldn't be bringing less financially and doing less At the house simply because "a women is supposed to do housework".