The NETFLIX QUINCY JONES documentary shows that DRE AND KANYE aint nowhere near this dude

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Na man that Fresh Prince theme was sort of crazy. I could’ve definitely heard Kane, Rick or Rakim on it


The fresh prince theme song was more sellout fluff.
Which is why when the show debuted. It featured the newly gw and complete change in tonal direction fresh prince that sounded as some say like rakim.

Some of you dudes need to dig in the crate.
As it is obvious y'all have no idea how shyt arose to be at all.

Art Barr
Jan 19, 2017

The fresh prince theme song was more sellout fluff.
Which is why when the show debuted. It featured the newly gw and complete change in tonal direction fresh prince that sounded as some say like rakim.

Some of you dudes need to dig in the crate.
As it is obvious y'all have no idea how shyt arose to be at all.

Art Barr

Correction sir...

Hot sellout fluff :troll:


Jun 22, 2014
And Quincy couldn't fukk with the Mizell Bros especially Larry:sas2:

Quincy's genius was in that he can go from jazz into classical-strings-pre blaxploitation, movie scoring and then into the more pop realm of R&B but if we look just in the world of R&B (funk/soul/blaxploitaton), there are numerous black writers/composers/arrangers who were better.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Quincy's genius was in that he can go from jazz into classical-strings-pre blaxploitation, movie scoring and then into the more pop realm of R&B but if we look just in the world of R&B (funk/soul/blaxploitaton), there are numerous black writers/composers/arrangers who were better.

Quincy needs to stop with the rap witch hunt because he learned music.

from a grassroots perspective relative to his time and era just like anyone did in the culture for rap. That is why I do not understand his witch hunt for rap at all. That attitude is why he cannot do cultural based associated rap music at all. If he could he would have been or done wtf marlery marl did with Kane off top.

Like Quincy at this day and age would get destroyed by marley marl with quincy's own records and or if marley made a rap beat from scratch. Quincy ain't making no say unckle in 99, fifteen years after his shyt with Kane for sauce money. If Quincy was so dope at every music. He should be able to one research and know what a skilled emcee is.
hire him and then make a real culturally viable dope record.

I saw people diss devante.
Yet when devante in the so called producer okays this or that role. like the so called producers who just approve shyt do. like producers from other genre's are given that distinction of being cold and a savant draw like Quincy have been credited.
We saw the results.
That, devante knew to take his inhouse producer in timbo drum style. Which was completely innovative to rnb.
Plus is the foundation that allowed rnb to draw. when it was damn near dead.

Quincy fails alternatively.
To actually take Quincy's son in law.
who there in his own house.
We saw devante a rnb producer. know wtf to do to make arguably tupac's best single song he ever recorded. Devante went over to the other genre and hit, tho.

We seen amerie producer, be able to do the same with just an rnb artist and then singlehandedly make beyounce a solo hit when originally she failed as well.
Yet, Quincy fails and failed at this.
All from a rap producer converted to rnb brain trust and skill set.

I believe Quincy had to be around Janet Jackson old fiance in elizondo. Or at least know of whom he is. Yet Quincy does not know to hire him.
or anyone else in legacy to play this simple four bar loop.

Yet, dr dre knows to take said Jackson legacy related guitarist tho.
Also, dre knew to use a white cat who could play the piano. Along with Stan the guitar man etc.

Yet, if I asked any producer with a name. who made a classic submission in rap to go make any of the music that Quincy made. I know obsessively those said rap producers would study that genre. Go find the actual musicians off the j cards and they could make from scratch what Quincy can did, or does and it would be incredible.

I seen triple six and dr dre singlehandidly find out how to arrange, mix, chop classically played music and innovate it to rap. Yet, Quincy in all his socalled grassroots self taught learning of music. Was not capable of.

When, essentially all a culture based producer in rap is. Is what Quincy is without the consistent grassroots exposure. Quincy will not do the math and arrogantly go into the session. like he knows how to make a culturally accepted rap song and he does not. Plus will scoff at the fact. he could have looked at the j cards and known the history of the music. Yet will be on some stuck up shyt. like he always did and say rap is just a four bar loop. Yet when asked to make this simple four bar loop. It has no draw or pop culturally in hip hop. Plus act ignorantly about the disconnect. When he knows disconnect can exist. Simply because he made his name taking advantage of white and black composer and producers with the Same pompous attitude and disconnect.

It is crazy!
Like still to this day,... Quincy has kept this same stance.
Then never even attempted to even try to actually really be good. It is an attitude problem and it has nuffin to do with age. It just has to do with q knows he is not capable of being a great rap producer. Plus with his background. You would think he would recognize this disconnect and try to ramp and succeed. Instead he huffs and puffs and shows disconnect while deflecting.
Not to mention, his kids are socially in Cali legacy as like the coolest motherfukkers from qdiii to Rashida. His kids have the background to do wtf Quincy criticizes. He could go down the hallway. or pick up the phone and have his son ramp him in every facet. from modern film scoring to rnb and most importantly rap. shyt q could still ask his daughter close to fifty years old.
who to use and cheat basically. shyt LL and Pac sat at his tables. Yet he has never showcased or show&prove.
Hip hop is about showing and proving and all those older cats got exposed. For not being open to all black youth.
who are not classically trained and giving us help. Simple as that.

The problem with q is this and all the negative talk about rap is because he has yet to shownprove. If you can not show and prove you wack in hip hop. So till Quincy shows and proves. He will be wack in hip hop. Kane had to fight back from the depths of sellout and horrible record hell for an entire decade plus. From a combination of poor decisions in just song creation to his image and doing straight cultural taboo no no's. Back to back to back and fukked it all up. Like completely burn up.
Like twelve years. Yet Kane showed and proved and proved his mettle from a post humous legacy showing with big L. From a start in a good place comeback on mackula with prince Paul. After he was said to have failed on veterans day. To eventually Kane is Kane from that comeback and a small collection of rap producer select twelves and a vh1appearance.
So it does not take much. Yet in that Quincy fails to do like Kane. Which is why at the end of the day Kane rejuvenstes whom he is culturally. While alternatively Quincy has never been relevent to hip hop culturally ever. as an actual new submission based artist in rap music as a genre.

Not to mention, Quincy could sample himself if he wanted and not pay nobody. Yet and still it took Kane twelve years to say oh that is Kane and he is the Kane we vaulted. to basically being the visage of the black man of our Gen with rakim. Yet for Quincy to still not be able to do rap with all his resources. Especially after the top draw he ruined in kane came back says alot.
Including using his own grassroots braintrust. that is the very idea of what hip hop is at its core. Which is using what is available to dig and show and prove.

Yet Quincy still fails to pick up on this.

Is why Quincy fails.

Go ask your son who is supremely gifted to do a rap record. I would really after all this time like to see an expertly done culturally viable, highly skilled to over skilled Quincy Jones rap record even to this day.

So, q...chop chop.

Get it done and stop talking.

Till you make a dope rap record. That disconnect is going to disconnect you from relevent social history with common people. Audiophiles think they run it.

Yet, audiophiles chase what hip hop knows and autonomously will manuever or innovate around.
Just like every Gen rap had to blow the dust off.
for it to heard or sound relevent to the modern ear. From jazz to triphip now.
I don't think the old guard realizes. They would not even exist in the relevant social think tank in the age without rap.

Like if Michael Jackson was still alive.
This fascination and trickle down to Quincy from mj's legacy.
would not even have a place right now.
That is what Quincy does not realize.
Hip hop culture is what celebrates what Quincy did. Yet the disrespect to the very culture. that is built in keeping a brain trust. That reinstills how relevant and important to all points of history and art is to modern society. Quincy is missing.

He shows us no love,..while in reality.
our entire culture is built on showing love to everyone. As our culture is a nonviolent peaceful knowledge and skill base culture. For Quincy to not see that as well is a disservice too.
As we are the culture that celebrates and knows exactly what and whom Quincy Jones is for real. For him to continue this witch hint is still flat out wrong after all these years.

Art Barr
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Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
Quincy's genius was in that he can go from jazz into classical-strings-pre blaxploitation, movie scoring and then into the more pop realm of R&B but if we look just in the world of R&B (funk/soul/blaxploitaton), there are numerous black writers/composers/arrangers who were better.

Isaac Hayes is right there with Q in that regards, from jazz on down.


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
You really think Quincy's catalog is limited to MJ and even with just MJ's albums, quincy's impact on music>>>>> Dre's simply because he curated the sound that made MJ the biggest icon in music history. That's not even mentioning his influence and impact elsewhere. I hope you are trolling, because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about if you think Dre and Quincy are equals.

Mike had a major hand in that as well, folks can check the later Jacksons albums, especially Destiny and Triumph for proof, the sound was already in place.


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
issac ain't seeing quincy in the jazz field:gucci: but I agree with the rest (on down, part)

:sas2:Yes he is, one of the baddest dudes on the keys ever. His compositions are right there as well. He ventured away on his later albums but he always had some jazz laid out on his solo and soundtrack records.


Mar 11, 2015
I'm not doing everything in my power to discredit them. What you're doing is retroactively giving them props for sounds that were made popular by other producers during the height of their careers. Nobody is saying they weren't influential. You're in here saying the music of the past 17 years can be traced back to them, which is clearly not true. And no, they were never dominant producers. Dominance means you're pretty much omnipresent.

Nobody even brought up Paul & J until you did. If they were every bit as great as you are making them out to be, it would go without saying.

This man is doing the lords work in this thread,folks let these 3-6 mafia fans have their fun for long enough. But now they are getting out of hand trying to take a little too much credit. Their influence on todays sound is highly overstated.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
shyt real talk,....

Quincy needs to do a rap album and score a horror movie to pull up at this point. As a matter of fact,...if he never scores a successful horror movie. I doubt he could escape his disconnect to do modern socalled praised pop style music. When thriller what he produced could and is the pop boom basis.
that hit to create what horrorcore is at its core, sonically.

So, all the natural connections and parallels.
to Quincy making and being this dope Rap producer exist.
Yet we are still waiting on Quincy Jones to : show&prove

Right now, audiophiles misappropriated trap.

with kary Perry features juicy j and is the modern template for sonic quality of a pop record. In that Quincy should be able to do a Rap record as well. Yet we hear nuffin but deflection and disconnect from someone with resources.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
This man is doing the lords work in this thread,folks let these 3-6 mafia fans have their fun for long enough. But now they are getting out of hand trying to take a little too much credit. Their influence on todays sound is highly overstated.

Triple six mafia is who created the substantial audio phile based idea.
of melding rap with classically trained instruments in arrangement and actual sonic manipulation. to rip away the disconnect to classical music in the pop era tho.

Old producers and audiophiles did not do this.
Triple six did.
Before that classical music had complete overall sonic disconnect.

Art Barr