When ever someone reduces AAdos to basic stereotypes, you know you are talking an inherently biased and bigoted person.
Don't waste you time responding to this idiot.
Breh got the lowest IQ on the Coli.
When ever someone reduces AAdos to basic stereotypes, you know you are talking an inherently biased and bigoted person.
Black IQ is higher than 84; at around 89-90. Black kids (4yrs old) tend to score pretty high at around 95 on average. But as time goes on, their IQ decreases settling at 87 (on average - still higher than most successful/competent nation IQs). I think it has more to do with environment overall that IQ decreases, that and lack of motivation due to environmental concerns surrounding the average Black person.
It's not american culture, its Narcissism. I'm gonna keep repeating it, because that is the secret sauce people keep over looking. It doesn't have to be someone from another country, someone who moves to another state will usually be more active in trying to become "successful" then the people who are from there. The issue is what do you call successful? Some are happy with money in the bank, eating good, having clothes, and shelter. Others want prestige, and massive wealth. The latter is what you usually find with people who leave their home to venture out, and they come from a place of lacking. This is how the mind works. notice when you are hungry, as soon as you can eat you go crazy and eat everything in sight, but when you aren't extremely hungry you take what you want, and you are satisfied. It's the same thing when someone comes from a place of lack then gets opportunity. The problem is if this way of living isn't controlled it can cause mental illness, including narcissism. To some its normal, but for healthy minded people, its insanity. It depends on your environment. Why do you think whites were so crazy on conquering the world? They came from a place that was fukked up, once they saw all the other lands that were fruitful, they lost their minds. The people who lived in these lands didn't feel a need to own everything, they had so much that greed, and ownership, wasn't even a thought!Are most African immigrants that come here are already wealthy? If I'm not mistaken, many of them may be well educated but that does not translate to being well off. In fact many of the educated ones may be first generation educated and have family members back home living in dire situations. Hence the remittances sent back.
Also what U.S. government programs which may assist Africans with creating businesses or becoming more successful are solely given to Africans while bypassing African Americans? I'm very interested in how this plays out.
Lastly, I attribute African success over African-American success to the former being hungrier than the latter for it.
It's the same with EVERY immigrant group across the board. Did you know that FOB Asians outpace American born Asians? White immigrant groups outpace White Americans? And so on.
It isn't African American culture that puts us at a disadvantage. It's AMERICAN culture period. Consider this...apparently after living in America for just one generation, African immigrant's children actually perform at lower rates than their parents did and face the EXACT same problems as African-American children.
America still is the land of opportunities for black immigrants—but not their kids
Let that sink in for a second. America should be embarrassed. Western countries fukk up Africa to secure the quality of life we are currently living, forcing people from those nations to come here to simply survive and after one generation, American Western vices and hedonism and racism literally erodes the drive and success of African immigrants' born here.
You sound like a fool.
First, there are only around over 1,000,000 African born people who live here, as opposed to over 40,000,000 black american people, so the comparison is not the same.
You still don't get it. Its not about what it means literally, its how a narcissists thinks, and moves.
You just wrote its about outward appearance, well that describes what I posted. This is why the higher you go in certain careers, the more narcissistic the people tend to be. you know this, but you just want to argue. After reading your other posts, I see you are just an agent. Aint no point in replying back to you
When did this so called devaluing education start and the overvaluing of sneakers clothes etc start with Native black descendants of slaves?
When ever someone reduces AAdos to basic stereotypes, you know you are talking an inherently biased and bigoted person.
Don't waste you time responding to this idiot.
Breh got the lowest IQ on the Coli.
I agree with this here. I am not from Nigeria, Kenya or Ghana, but i have a lot of respect for them. Strong and very intelligent people. Of course i want people from my country to be successful, but not in a way that my people go up, and Nigerians or Ghanaians go down. I want every black group to go up. The ones who are on top, stay on top. The ones who are at the bottom, go join them at the top.
Now, this here is false. You are just promoting a false narrative. Just a few examples:
In Canada: Nigerian students struggle to pay school fees
Homecoming: 250 Nigerian students might be deported from Canada
"I now eat once a day" - Nigerian Students in Canada complain about Economic Crisis | Watch - BellaNaija
Most Nigerians immigrating, are poor. See the people in boats being smuggled to Europe. They are no different than the people going to USA. But still, they tend to perform very good, whether in USA, Canada or Europe(Mainly UK)
Nigerians tend to perform better than other groups, because their parents always stress them about EDUCATION. In Nigeria and out of Nigeria. But not education just in order to have degrees. We are talking about Education to LEARN!!! From the early ages, they are forced to go to school, to LEARN. Parents also have a hard concept, with accepting their kids with a degree, marrying people without a degree. Nigerian parents believe, that both parents having a degree, or knowledge, will attract a higher income, and create a better environment...Which is logic...
How about the UK tho. They do the same here and it's not wealthy/educated Nigerians immigrating. Many of them are starting from the bottom like everyone else.
The elite Nigerians go to private schools here and are behind Chinese and Indians in Uni enrolment. The stats I posted earlier are from average state schools of British Nigerians.
The supposedly Black American started to devalue education. Although Black American college enrollment and college Bachelors/Masters rate is at an all time high.
The Coli breh.
The same person to idolize a Carpet munching Bedwench.