The Most Successful Ethnic Group in America May Surprise You...


Oct 17, 2015
This is artificial seeing as how Nigeria itself has horribly managed resources to the point where the people are poor for no reason at all. This isn't impressive or even news worthy. It's actually silly. :francis:
^^^^^he said it for me


Jun 23, 2012
Not surprised. A good number of black doctors and dentists in my network are Nigerian. They also make up a large population of the Engineering teaching staff at Morgan State.


Nov 17, 2017
I want to see both groups succeed, especially in conjunction, I just won't want to see one turned against the other, or used as political fodder.

I agree with this here. I am not from Nigeria, Kenya or Ghana, but i have a lot of respect for them. Strong and very intelligent people. Of course i want people from my country to be successful, but not in a way that my people go up, and Nigerians or Ghanaians go down. I want every black group to go up. The ones who are on top, stay on top. The ones who are at the bottom, go join them at the top.

The average Nigerian moving to the US, is wealthier, more educated, and more stable, than the average Nigerian in Nigeria, or AA in the US.
It’s largely the privileged classes of Nigerians that are coming to the US, and there are quite a few of them.

Now, this here is false. You are just promoting a false narrative. Just a few examples:

In Canada: Nigerian students struggle to pay school fees

Homecoming: 250 Nigerian students might be deported from Canada

"I now eat once a day" - Nigerian Students in Canada complain about Economic Crisis | Watch - BellaNaija

Most Nigerians immigrating, are poor. See the people in boats being smuggled to Europe. They are no different than the people going to USA. But still, they tend to perform very good, whether in USA, Canada or Europe(Mainly UK)

Nigerians tend to perform better than other groups, because their parents always stress them about EDUCATION. In Nigeria and out of Nigeria. But not education just in order to have degrees. We are talking about Education to LEARN!!! From the early ages, they are forced to go to school, to LEARN. Parents also have a hard concept, with accepting their kids with a degree, marrying people without a degree. Nigerian parents believe, that both parents having a degree, or knowledge, will attract a higher income, and create a better environment...Which is logic...

  • Dap
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May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

"More AAs need that hustle mentality"
Don't fall for the imported horse race rabbits, we been doing that and made it possible for them to come here in the first place, goofy.
We don't have the ability to self-select an educated group of people from another country, we were born here and have been here since before "here" was a thing.
2nd generation performance drop + 3rd generation blending kinda deads the reason for praise anyway, and shows it has nothing to do with the group and everything to do with certain windows of opportunity and built-in financial exchanges we're not allowed to have...nor could we feasibly create, seeing as though we're the only part of the diaspora not spread out across earth.
Everybody cheats but the "Gusto having, get it off the muscle, forget you did it, and shyt on yourself for not being a scammer" -AA.
For every positive, there is an equal negative helping it out.


All Star
Feb 9, 2013
Immigrants tend to be more educated in the US because the immigration system self-selects for education as one of the key determinants to allow people in the country. This is what drives immigration from nonwar torn countries. India, for example, sends more than 200 000 students to study in American colleges and a lot are at the post grad level. The other faster and more efficient way to get legal status is the family reunion and that benefits people who have parents who migrated earlier. The level of education is going to be higher and for the 2nd generation raised by educated parents, it also puts them at an advantage. Culture has been used as an explanation but if you expand out the time frame long enough there will be periods were it was used as an explanation for the failures of ethnic groups There was time when Westerners thought China's poverty was due to culture (collectivistic, reliance on seniority, confucian etc) and when its economy started growing the same culture argument was used to explain its growth according to Acemoglu.


Hallowed Be Thy Game
Jan 9, 2014
Most African immigrants are better off than other immigrant groups btw.

There isn’t an overall Nigerian “culture” per se, there’s culture differences by tribe, state, North/South divide, generation, and class.
And Nigeria is one of the strongest post colonial nation, especially considering it wasn’t backed by a world power like Singapore or given massive subsidies + it has crippling divisions.

You also have a rivarly between groups in the Rivers State and some groups in the Delta.There is also infighting between the subsistance farmers up North and incoming ethnic groups.

I think that intelligence is genetic to an extent. I think that certain populations, as a result of being descendants of successful ancient kingdoms/empires, inherited intelligence form their ancestors. Notice how a lot of the smartest Africans come from areas where successful ancient empires used to exist (Songhai in mali, Oyo in Nigeria etc.). African kingdoms from central Africa weren't as successful as those from East and West Africa. I think that this has to do with the fact that as a kingdom becomes more advanced women become more picky with what kind of men they mate with. That is, the more advanced the society, the more women choose to mate with powerful men (who are often more cunning/intelligent then the other men). Ever noticed how the more advanced a country is the more picky the women are? Just look at Japan and Germany. Both countries have negative birth rates. In Japan the women aren't attracted to most men.
I also think that with Jews only the strongest (cunning/intelligent) Jews were able to pass on their genes. Jews have historically been hunted for sport by other humans. The Jews that survived were usually intelligent bankers who were able to pass on their genes :yeshrug:. Ancient Persia used to be a powerhouse back in the day.... notice how the smartest people in the middle east can be found in Iran (think of all the Iranians that work in Silicon valley,medicine, and wall street. Persians are over represented in these fiends tbh). I think that successful ancient empires had smart men that passed on their genes resulting in a greater share of smart people in those populations :francis:. Nigerians, Mande,Jews,Japanese, Han Chinese, and Persians tend to have intelligent people :yeshrug:.
Honorable mention goes to Ethiopians, Egyptians, and cacs from Russia (all of these populations had successful ancient empires).

The privileged and wealthy have always had better access to women so its not that the women are more attracted to intelligent men per se they are just attracted to the wealth and status. Remember before modern times elite men were rewarded with riches but also with access to multiple women.

Many times the men are not more cunning or intelligent some just knew who align themselves with to maintain their high positions which means the perceived powerful passed on their passive genes.

The reason women have become more picky in advanced developed countries is that a lot of times when successful women make as much as well off men,the men feel intimidated , become introverted, and to preoccupied ,while women have a swollen ego and are past their prime in by the time they get their graduates.

Jewish women in pre-modern times were not picky since they had a lot of arranged marriages (especially with Ashkenazi women).