The Mass Effect Game Series- Official thread


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
people also say ME3 was only bad because of the ending but it had problems from the very start too. its like some default, must-be-said thing and its really not accurate

you have more freedom, sure. is it better?

powers not being tied to anything means all of nothing when there's nothing worth fighting, no stand out advantages of abilities versus others, lack of identity, etc. you can run it back yourself. the jetpack will bore you to death too because there's simply no point to it lol. its got more use for the jumping puzzles that no one asked for than the combat itself. half of them blend into the others too

like there's two different kinds of sentries, for what. incinerate and warp occupy the same space because of the hamfisted combo system. a lot of the AoE stuff never even got another look despite the fact that most of andromeda's fights are in wide open environments. lets not even get into the mod/equipment system that's somehow worse than ME1's
Let's not act like the trilogy had some deep complex system. Once you have incendiary ammo you can kill everything with ease. My run throughs just consisted of me using a biotic charge/reave/incendiary and it was basically a cheat code. The ME trilogy is iconic because of the story and characters, but Andromeda wins in the gameplay/graphics department. I think I even mentioned on this page how retrospective reviews are saying that they want the new ME game to copy Andromeda's massive worlds style, because it showed just how cramped the fights are in the trilogy. As for people saying ME3 is only bad because of the endings that's not true, there were a number of things people didn't like about it. It was clearly rushed and it's full of plot holes, but we gave it a pas because we love the characters. Ashley & Tali being absent for most of the game, boring fetch quests, Priority Earth being the same buildings over and over with just more rubble in each building. ME2 squamates being relegated to glorified cameos.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Let's not act like the trilogy had some deep complex system. Once you have incendiary ammo you can kill everything with ease. My run throughs just consisted of me using a biotic charge/reave/incendiary and it was basically a cheat code. The ME trilogy is iconic because of the story and characters, but Andromeda wins in the gameplay/graphics department. I think I even mentioned on this page how retrospective reviews are saying that they want the new ME game to copy Andromeda's massive worlds style, because it showed just how cramped the fights are in the trilogy.
the irony of bringing up kai leng when he would've been the best non-optional boss in andromeda is something i can't believe yal missing lol. name some encounters. yal keep going back to "everyone says it was good" but what was good?

if you want to load up x ammo and lay on a trigger in each title, that's never gone anywhere. if you want to hover in the air and shoot enemies that react the exact same way to you being in the air, you can do that too. that's what it boils down. its completely braindead and almost every enemy reacts the same way - even the ones they cut and paste but put into open areas so they're less threatening than ever.

and any review saying the world-style of andromeda needs to be copied tho needs to go in the trash. do yal even remember what traversal was like? how you had to 'unlock' areas on the planet by going back and forth between the station and the surface repeatedly? they somehow made the resource hunt from ME2/3 worse.

:skip: go run it back like some of us did leading into this remake.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Let's not act like the trilogy had some deep complex system. Once you have incendiary ammo you can kill everything with ease. My run throughs just consisted of me using a biotic charge/reave/incendiary and it was basically a cheat code. The ME trilogy is iconic because of the story and characters, but Andromeda wins in the gameplay/graphics department. I think I even mentioned on this page how retrospective reviews are saying that they want the new ME game to copy Andromeda's massive worlds style, because it showed just how cramped the fights are in the trilogy. As for people saying ME3 is only bad because of the endings that's not true, there were a number of things people didn't like about it. It was clearly rushed and it's full of plot holes, but we gave it a pas because we love the characters. Ashley & Tali being absent for most of the game, boring fetch quests, Priority Earth being the same buildings over and over with just more rubble in each building. ME2 squamates being relegated to glorified cameos.


the irony of bringing up kai leng when he would've been the best non-optional boss in andromeda is something i can't believe yal missing lol. name some encounters. yal keep going back to "everyone says it was good" but what was good?

if you want to load up x ammo and lay on a trigger in each title, that's never gone anywhere. if you want to hover in the air and shoot enemies that react the exact same way to you being in the air, you can do that too. that's what it boils down. its completely braindead and almost every enemy reacts the same way - even the ones they cut and paste but put into open areas so they're less threatening than ever.

and any review saying the world-style of andromeda needs to be copied tho needs to go in the trash. do yal even remember what traversal was like? how you had to 'unlock' areas on the planet by going back and forth between the station and the surface repeatedly? they somehow made the resource hunt from ME2/3 worse.

:skip: go run it back like some of us did leading into this remake.


All that shyt you jusy typed can be applied to the OT too. :stopitslime:

Unless you're just ass, none of the boss fights in the OT were all that either, especially on subsequent playthroughs.
  • The boss fight in 1 can be skipped with a persuasion check. :mjlol: Dude was mad easy if you did fight him and required no strategy.
  • The boss in 2 was easy asl too and also requires no strategy. Praetorians were more of a challenge than the final fight, especially on Insanity. :rudy:
  • Three didn't even have a final boss fight, once you get the missiles armed you're basically done. Picking Door 1, 2, 3, or 4 isn't iconic either.

All enemies in games 1-3 have distinct attacks and strategies.

Charging enemies either get gunned down as they approach in a straight line, lifted into the air, frozen in place, or blasted off the map.

Brutes and Banshees do the same shyt, depending on the distance they are from the PC.

Nah, ME ain't never been about combat or boss fights. At least MEA added the vertical dimension to fights, the trilogy kept that shyt on the ground for three games straight and only added a dodge in 3. :skip:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014


All that shyt you jusy typed can be applied to the OT too. :stopitslime:

Unless you're just ass, none of the boss fights in the OT were all that either, especially on subsequent playthroughs.
  • The boss fight in 1 can be skipped with a persuasion check. :mjlol: Dude was mad easy if you did fight him and required no strategy.
  • The boss in 2 was easy asl too and also requires no strategy. Praetorians were more of a challenge than the final fight, especially on Insanity. :rudy:
  • Three didn't even have a final boss fight, once you get the missiles armed you're basically done. Picking Door 1, 2, 3, or 4 isn't iconic either.

All enemies in games 1-3 have distinct attacks and strategies.

Charging enemies either get gunned down as they approach in a straight line, lifted into the air, frozen in place, or blasted off the map.

Brutes and Banshees do the same shyt, depending on the distance they are from the PC.

Nah, ME ain't never been about combat or boss fights. At least MEA added the vertical dimension to fights, the trilogy kept that shyt on the ground for three games straight and only added a dodge in 3. :skip:
This is like the third post arguing all around the issue with andromeda

"you can use a persuasion check" has nothing to do with the fact the vast majority of andromeda is you in a static, open space throwing whatever is at hand - because it doesn't ever matter - at enemies in ME:A that in a dozen posts now yal *still* can't even name lmao.

a fight getting skipped has legit nothing to do with the fact that andromeda's biggest addition, verticality, was put to more use platforming than in bringing anything to combat encounters outside of shooting over cover. which you could always do.

they didn't even bother to program unique enemy behavior towards flight, air-dodging, or any combination of abilities from the air. the amount of unique enemy interactions from enemies in andromeda in general deads all the 'gameplay was better talk'. its all one-way target practice. that's not a complete package and its why it bores everyone to tears.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
This is like the third post arguing all around the issue with andromeda

"you can use a persuasion check" has nothing to do with the fact the vast majority of andromeda is you in a static, open space throwing whatever is at hand - because it doesn't ever matter - at enemies in ME:A that in a dozen posts now yal *still* can't even name lmao.

a fight getting skipped has legit nothing to do with the fact that andromeda's biggest addition, verticality, was put to more use platforming than in bringing anything to combat encounters outside of shooting over cover. which you could always do.

they didn't even bother to program unique enemy behavior towards flight, air-dodging, or any combination of abilities from the air. the amount of unique enemy interactions from enemies in andromeda in general deads all the 'gameplay was better talk'. its all one-way target practice. that's not a complete package and its why it bores everyone to tears.

If the combat in MEA "bores everyone to tears" then it's still better off than combat in the 1st three games, which was always my point. :russell:

Been said it in multiple posts ITT but ME ain't about combat. :manny:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
If the combat in MEA "bores everyone to tears" then it's still better off than combat in the 1st three games, which was always my point. :russell:

Been said it in multiple posts ITT but ME ain't about combat. :manny:
did you ....forget the discussion? lol

the main people big upping andromeda's *gameplay* haven't touched it in years and let the internet talk blur reality.

if ME:A's gameplay was hitting the same, the multiplayer wouldn't have dried up in literally 2 weeks. ME3MP was raking in money like 3 years after the fact. and after 2 of those years topping Live marketplace, that shyt paid for the Citadel DLC lmao. the exact same structure was in ME:A's MP - its not persuasion checks when the gameplay loop is the primary thing keeping players attached in that regard. what's the difference then?

if you want to talk you experience okay cool and i'm never gonna hate on anyone's fun. but im talking design and how/why andromeda fell flat. remove the filler and lay out what andromeda offered and it was a sandbox with a bunch of toys you could throw at a dozen versions of the same bucket.

someone mentioned the worlds too and i don't even want to start on that mess :mjlol: they could've went procedurally generated and came out better off

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
Andromeda being unimaginative and having you fight 5 versions of Kett/anarchist for 70% of the fighting time hurt the combat in Andromeda the most imo. Ironically, when combat felt the best in the game fighting in corridors or invading a base that somewhat imposed a limit on the vertical movement available to Ryder. The open world combat zones really exposed the weakness of enemy design/AI.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
did you ....forget the discussion? lol

the main people big upping andromeda's *gameplay* haven't touched it in years and let the internet talk blur reality.

if ME:A's gameplay was hitting the same, the multiplayer wouldn't have dried up in literally 2 weeks. ME3MP was raking in money like 3 years after the fact. and after 2 of those years topping Live marketplace, that shyt paid for the Citadel DLC lmao. the exact same structure was in ME:A's MP - its not persuasion checks when the gameplay loop is the primary thing keeping players attached in that regard. what's the difference then?

if you want to talk you experience okay cool and i'm never gonna hate on anyone's fun. but im talking design and how/why andromeda fell flat. remove the filler and lay out what andromeda offered and it was a sandbox with a bunch of toys you could throw at a dozen versions of the same bucket.

someone mentioned the worlds too and i don't even want to start on that mess :mjlol: they could've went procedurally generated and came out better off

You just an argumentative nikka that's in his feels too deep for some reason. Unless you work for BioWare, get off a nikka's ass already (NH). :mjtf:

MEA was a whole-ass bust; it's MP vs. ME3's MP has nothing to do with shyt we were talking about. Imagine a game selling less copies having a smaller online multiplayer footprint than a game that sold more copies that came out before it.

Imma go ahead and let you cook since plenty of folks ITT have already said they like MEA's combat the best but let you tell it, we're all wrong and you're gonna tell us why. :skip:

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
call someone argumentative when you jump in but still don't understand the argument i guess lol
Andromeda being unimaginative and having you fight 5 versions of Kett/anarchist for 70% of the fighting time hurt the combat in Andromeda the most imo. Ironically, when combat felt the best in the game fighting in corridors or invading a base that somewhat imposed a limit on the vertical movement available to Ryder. The open world combat zones really exposed the weakness of enemy design/AI.
basically this


Aug 26, 2019
The Voiceless Realm
So I finally finished the trilogy a few days ago. I initially fukked up with the Suicide Mission and got half the crew killed, so I cheated and looked up how to keep everyone alive. Zaeed was the only member that wasn't loyal and didn't realize that it would get him killed in ME3 :huhldup:

I picked the destroy ending, but can definitely see why a lot of people were pissed about the ending as the info dump at the ending with the little dude had no final boss essentially.

I guess my main question is how did Shep and the crew manage to not end up being indoctrinated at any point with how much contact they came in with reaper tech? The game was rather inconsistent and not entirely clear in how the concept worked as I left Rana alive in ME1 on Virmire for her to only end up killing people years later in ME3.
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42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
So I finally finished the trilogy a few days ago. I initially fukked up with the Suicide Mission and got half the crew killed, so I cheated and looked up how to keep everyone alive. Zaeed was the only member that wasn't loyal and didn't realize that it would get him killed in ME3 :huhldup:

I picked the destroy ending, but can definitely see why a lot of people were pissed about the ending as the info dump at the ending with the little dude had no final boss essentially.

I guess my main question is how did Shep and the crew manage to not end up being indoctrinated at any point with how much contact they came in with reaper tech? The game was rather inconsistent and not entirely clear in how the concept worked as I left Rana alive in ME1 on Virmire for her to only end up killing people years later in ME3.
Its a plot hole :manny: one of the biggest conspiracy things attached to ME after it all ended was the indoctrination theory that suggests Shep was fukked up and seeing whatever the reapers wanted him to see from the jump - and actively working on the reapers behalf from the ME2DLC and onwards.