Thanos and that whole Infinity war saga is the only reason CM sold tickets. There’s no way it would’ve stood on it’s on.
can't call it a fake billion dollar grosser, but it basically was... and they haven't done jackshyt with that character since. they did nothing to quell the complaints about her. she showed up in Endgame with stupid hair and was basically a cheat code for 45 seconds, then Thanos beat her. also had a terrible hologram scene earlier when they thought having her say "furbrain" or some shyt would make her more likeable... then she was in Shangchi i think? Remember that guy? What's he been up to in the past 3 years? and then Captain Marvel was Kamala Khan's idol on her show for some reason. this bubbly likeable kid loved stoneface Captain Marvel who is apparently a celebrity with the rest of the Avengers for helping them for 7 minutes total.
i don't hate Brie Larsen and think she's capable. they've done very little with that character. i don't remember it, but most of her movie was her not knowing who the hell she was. a classic spin on the overdone amnesia storyline, then she just flew through spaceships like a warm knife through butter. boring, poorly written character who they didn't pepper around enough for people to care