The Martial Arts and Philosophy


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
good looking out any books you recommend
also what are your thoughts on white lotus kung fu


May 1, 2012

Hes right. Especiallyl about that little dragon part. I was doing a casual role with a buddy in class and he kneed me in my mouth. I was like :stopitslime: my mouth. THis nikka said *good*. I unleashed the dragon on that man and showcased my true power, establishing dominant positions with insane like ease. It was awesome. Coach was like :youngsabo: But yea, i dig everything hes saying here. We're here for each other, not to simply exalt the best.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
good looking out any books you recommend
also what are your thoughts on white lotus kung fu

On CMA? I recommend this


As for "white lotus"... Fictional style breh. its not real (did you watch the movie, lol)

You may be referring to a fictionalized version of this:

Bak Mei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which I don't know much about im honestly relatively quite unread on Southern styles. Which I dont get too bothered about. There are oodles and oodles of misinformation on them anyway.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Hes right. Especiallyl about that little dragon part. I was doing a casual role with a buddy in class and he kneed me in my mouth. I was like :stopitslime: my mouth. THis nikka said *good*. I unleashed the dragon on that man and showcased my true power, establishing dominant positions with insane like ease. It was awesome. Coach was like :youngsabo: But yea, i dig everything hes saying here. We're here for each other, not to simply exalt the best.

I had this moment recently when I was selective sparring with a senior student. you're supposed to only work a couple specific maneuvers each, but you're allowed to vary your application of them however you feel like. We're practicing creating and destroying with the rock paper scissors of the element fists(you do one, your opponent does the countering fist, freestyle, fast as you can) and this dude starts taking leg kicks at me :aicmon::aicmon: and trying to work in bagua circling on me. So i square up seriously and level him with a beng quan.

my sifu was like :manny::win: , he knows this douche tries to get people riled up because he's not considered good enough to finish intermediate training.

I hate dealing with people that try to show off during partnerdrills by trying to turn them into a fight. If its a fight you want.... :mjpls:

Which leads me to another point: Be courteous to the people you train with, they are your brothers in arms. its encouraged to be competitive and train with full force, but make sure you understand that the reason schools exist is because COOPERATIVE effort is necessary. And it costs you nothing to be polite.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Sad this thread got a little derailed but I figure I'd reup again since I've been practicing and thinking a lot. I'm at a personal impasse with a lot of things in the martial arts. My teacher says I practice and research Xingyi enough on my own time to have made quick progress. I feel physically what he's saying is very true. Since i focused my XYQ studies over the past couple of months I've been feeling different. I've never been this keen on the martial arts game before. Internally i feel pretty amazing. I am far from reaching true, innate skill but my legs feel strong and coordinated with my hands and I feel like I am much more in tune with my body. I guess this has been manifested in better awareness of my digestive tract, sexual function (:whoo:), and breathing/heart function.

Strongly studying the martial arts changes you a lot I feel like, not just from a physical perspective but mental, even if your focus is purely external. This is especially true for martial arts that have a mental focus, like aikido, xingyi, taijiquan, baguazhang, jujitsu, and others. In traditional chinese medicine terminology and Xingyiquan terms, this can be explained in the connection between Xin (heart), Yi (intention or mind), and Shen (spirit).

As you practice, your heart or Xin determines your emotions and attitude. This in turn influences your Yi or intent. My Yi may make the decision to perform and action, say countering your punch with my own, but Xin can color how it is expressed; whether I simply want to return your attack or hurt you. Through continuous practice of your Yi, you control your Xin, which changes your character or "spirit" or "soul" or whatever internal godliness you call your personal spark of life. When you practice your martial arts, in a way you are conditioning your character to change along with your body. That means that subtly, the emotions or lack thereof you practice with will change your mind and spirit. This manifests in the differences in a lot of martial artists. Some practice for health. Some for competition. Some for self-defense. Some to help them express their dominance over others. Xingyi takes this into account in its training philosophy. The first stage of practice or Ming Jin (obvious energy) has a certain mental state in combat. You're supposed to move and direct your intention with great speed, force, and viciousness, your intention should be to snuff your opponent out like a light with fast and hard applications. But at the 2nd level, when you begin neigong/qigong focus and meditation the focus shifts inside. Your applications become more complex. You begin to notice subtleties in your opponent and sense his intention. Your level of active consciousness in movement becomes more automatic, as does your focus on structure.

For me personally i'm very much still in the first stage. My mechanics are not perfect. My Yi and intention is very obvious. My spirit in fighting is very combative and quick. Practicing like this is almost like a drug. You are accelerating your mind and body to move as quickly as you can, ACTIVELY. It kind of creates a bit of what my grand-teacher cals "martial madness", makes you a little belligerent in terms of personality. I hope to progress past this stage of necessary internal conflict. I'm trying to practice with less emphasis on result and more on meditative. Yes, I want to get better, but as long as i am attached so strongly to results TRYING to be faster, stronger, and harder hitting I will progress more slowly than i should.

Sorry for typing a shytload :russ: hope someone enjoys what i wrote.


May 1, 2012
First day of training today after taking a week off last week and doing 1 day the week before. THe holidays always make me lazy. Im always nervous on these days because of the expectations i have for myself when i train. When you get into the advanced levels of martial arts its like being in a gang. A gang that you cant leave. When you take time off and neglect your art you will see cracks. There will always be cracks but sometimes, with neglect the cracks are bigger then normal. This may cause you to use more power then you need to or bully to compensate for insecurity in technique. The thought of falling off and losing some of your art motivates me to keep going because when you're on top of your game the things you can come up with and do can amaze you.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
First day of training today after taking a week off last week and doing 1 day the week before. THe holidays always make me lazy. Im always nervous on these days because of the expectations i have for myself when i train. When you get into the advanced levels of martial arts its like being in a gang. A gang that you cant leave. When you take time off and neglect your art you will see cracks. There will always be cracks but sometimes, with neglect the cracks are bigger then normal. This may cause you to use more power then you need to or bully to compensate for insecurity in technique. The thought of falling off and losing some of your art motivates me to keep going because when you're on top of your game the things you can come up with and do can amaze you.

i HATE taking a day off because of work right now. It feels like when i do, i have to work on old shyt that i just got right. If I take more than 3 off i feel like i have to go back to the most basic of basics and i overdo it with a super long or hard practice.

Daily, focused practice>>>> sparse intense workout type schedules imo


May 1, 2012
My buddy called me said he wasnt going to train today. i was like fukk it and started doing beats. :snoop:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
My buddy called me said he wasnt going to train today. i was like fukk it and started doing beats. :snoop:

Thats why its kind of important to have a bunch of different people to train with or a solo routine to run through. Grappling is definitely more of a 'team sport' type thing though. I have no idea whether there is even any way to practice something like BJJ without a partner.

The Real

May 8, 2012
I'm trying to practice with less emphasis on result and more on meditative. Yes, I want to get better, but as long as i am attached so strongly to results TRYING to be faster, stronger, and harder hitting I will progress more slowly than i should.

This can be a real problem. Being too attached to results leads to all kinds of negative behavior that can slow you down. I used to have this problem of checking the force of my punches/weight/muscle mass way too often and then sometimes overtraining as a result of being dissatisfied.

Also, when you encounter a specific problem and can't get around it, sometimes taking a short break is exactly what you need. It's like when you work on a logic puzzle or math problem or research paper or creative writing piece or whatever, depending on your life. Sometimes when you come back with a fresh mind and the tension has dissipated, you see or feel the answers/improvement very quickly.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
This can be a real problem. Being too attached to results leads to all kinds of negative behavior that can slow you down. I used to have this problem of checking the force of my punches/weight/muscle mass way too often and then sometimes overtraining as a result of being dissatisfied.

Also, when you encounter a specific problem and can't get around it, sometimes taking a short break is exactly what you need. It's like when you work on a logic puzzle or math problem or research paper or creative writing piece or whatever, depending on your life. Sometimes when you come back with a fresh mind and the tension has dissipated, you see or feel the answers/improvement very quickly.

"Sometimes when following the technique exactly, you feel that your body is not coordinated, your abdomen does not feel good, the postures are bad, and you are not happy. Do not worry! You have gained something and are at a point where you can solve problems. Do not despair! Instead, ask guidance of your teacher.You then comprehend, everything will crystallize in your mind,
and out of great confusion will come bliss, certainty, and progress."- Li Kui Yuan

I agree. When i get frustrated with something. I'll just go back to the basics of the basics. The nice thing about xingyi is that if you feel fukked up, you can go back to san ti stance holding or footwork drills and itll iron your body and mind out so to speak.

One thing ive come to believe is that power, victory and strength are really really overrated. Everyone wants to feel like they can hit harder and be stronger and have so and so body fat etc. They feel like objective markers of improvement. But I've come to feel that they are not as important as coordination, mentality, controlling your opponent's space. Things like timing, hitting power, and fighting skill emerge more naturally and comfortably as you focus on practice over results.

I dont know if that makes any sense.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Thats why its kind of important to have a bunch of different people to train with or a solo routine to run through. Grappling is definitely more of a 'team sport' type thing though. I have no idea whether there is even any way to practice something like BJJ without a partner.

There is. You can just roll on the floor by yourself. :laff: You can do drills for particular moves like triangles, arm bars. The muscle memory actually goes a long way. Its expensive but you can also buy one of these
which is probably the best idea.