The Ls Of Matt Hardy®


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
I think you're underestimating how much people dislike Matt. I don't mean just on here, but in general. They might drop a lil 'RIP' out of respect but they'll still think he died a loser.

That Lita incident really ruined his image, IMO. Not the fact that he was cheated on (of course nikkas are gonna clown him for that but most of them will still acknowledge that she was wrong for doing it)....but the fact that he kept bytching about it on the internet afterwards. Yeah, it was fun to see it stretched out in a storyline, but when he made such a big deal out of it IRL, it just made him look lame.

The fact that he never got over with fans didn't help either. He was onto something with that V1 shyt but other than that his singles career was basically forgettable. Even Morrison, who's been clowned endlessly for simping over a known whore like Melina, can still take solace in the fact that he was getting over with the fans and was making a name for himself with that parkour shyt.

I used to defend Matt (I actually liked him more than Jeff back in the day), but between him :deadhorse: the Lita incident and him leading people to think he was gonna off himself with that one video he posted, I can't really blame everyone for clowning the fukk outta him. I really hope he grows up and somehow gains the respect of fans, but unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen. He just seems like a natural, whiny loser, which is a shame.

Repped and dapped.

That's why this thread keeps going, because it's been 7 years since this thing started and he still won't stop. It's just L after L after L.

It's hard to like someone like that, let alone respect them as a man. If he just shut up and went away people would've given up, but instead he just keeps putting himself out there like a bytch, and fakes his suicide? Why? For his marks online? Just to fukk with people? :scusthov:

I can't take anyone seriously who says they are a Matt Hardy fan after that. There's a fukkin line.

Project Downtime

All Star
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere in the Midwest
I think you're underestimating how much people dislike Matt. I don't mean just on here, but in general. They might drop a lil 'RIP' out of respect but they'll still think he died a loser.

That Lita incident really ruined his image, IMO. Not the fact that he was cheated on (of course nikkas are gonna clown him for that but most of them will still acknowledge that she was wrong for doing it)....but the fact that he kept bytching about it on the internet afterwards. Yeah, it was fun to see it stretched out in a storyline, but when he made such a big deal out of it IRL, it just made him look lame.

The fact that he never got over with fans didn't help either. He was onto something with that V1 shyt but other than that his singles career was basically forgettable. Even Morrison, who's been clowned endlessly for simping over a known whore like Melina, can still take solace in the fact that he was getting over with the fans and was making a name for himself with that parkour shyt.

I used to defend Matt (I actually liked him more than Jeff back in the day), but between him :deadhorse: the Lita incident and him leading people to think he was gonna off himself with that one video he posted, I can't really blame everyone for clowning the fukk outta him. I really hope he grows up and somehow gains the respect of fans, but unfortunately I don't think that's gonna happen. He just seems like a natural, whiny loser, which is a shame.

So much truth in this post.

I was once a Matt Hardy fan until I start following his social media accounts. After Matt was fired from the WWE, I started digging around the internet archives. The stuff I found made me :facepalm: for actually being a fan.

The Lita indicent exposed Matt as a loser, whiny bytch, and a hypocrite. Yes, Matt started cheating on Lita and she repaid him by fukking Edge. What could have been the greatest turning point in his single career, Matt fukking blew it. Becaue of that, it made it easier for Jeff to become the greater Hardy in the WWE.

2010 could have been another turing point for Matt's career. Instead he started back whinning and tried to throw Christian into his aurguement on why he was not getting a push. But in the end, Chrisitian got two top (but short) title reigns and Matt got fukking fired from TNA.

I lost all respect for Matt for that stupid ass suicide video. What type of person would use their only brother's birthday as a fukking death date? Matt just confimred that he is very jealous of anybody that is more successful that him.


Apr 30, 2012
I defended Matt when he was fired and we found out Lita cheated on him. But after he got with Ashley that should've been deaded. Instead of looking at everything as a win and stepping his game up like Edge did he took massive L's over the last 7 years now is just a whiny bytch.


All Star
Jul 12, 2012
I too was a fan of Matt's initially. I was rooting for him at the start of the Edge/Lita debacle.

Good lord did he ever handle that about as poorly as you could. I think we all know people like him in our lives, people with a grossly inflated sense of self worth, desperate for attention, delusions of grandeur...

All he had to do after the cheating was play it cool, no-sell it all, get a hotter girlfriend and take his singles career to the next level. I know that last bit is easier said than done, but even if he did the first three, most of us would've left him alone and dude would've had his dignity.

The youtube vids and his online presence are some 14 year old angst shyt... I would've been embarassed if my friend behaved like that in Junior High. Dude's a grown ass man with money in the bank who should know how to conduct himself like a man.

The worst part is, I honestly don't even think he'd understand why he's turned himself heel to so many of us fans and why people resent his behaviour.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
So much truth in this post.

I was once a Matt Hardy fan until I start following his social media accounts. After Matt was fired from the WWE, I started digging around the internet archives. The stuff I found made me :facepalm: for actually being a fan.

The Lita indicent exposed Matt as a loser, whiny bytch, and a hypocrite. Yes, Matt started cheating on Lita and she repaid him by fukking Edge. What could have been the greatest turning point in his single career, Matt fukking blew it. Becaue of that, it made it easier for Jeff to become the greater Hardy in the WWE.

2010 could have been another turing point for Matt's career. Instead he started back whinning and tried to throw Christian into his aurguement on why he was not getting a push. But in the end, Chrisitian got two top (but short) title reigns and Matt got fukking fired from TNA.

I lost all respect for Matt for that stupid ass suicide video. What type of person would use their only brother's birthday as a fukking death date? Matt just confimred that he is very jealous of anybody that is more successful that him.

That was perhaps one of the biggest Ls of all.

He tried to say he was just like Christian, but Christian was a better promo worker than he ever was, wrestler, and all around hard worker who was supportive.

What did Matt accomplish?

Completely trashing his career in 1 year. Now he claims to wrestle on the indies because he wants to and doesn't need the money, but all of his bookings are in joke indie promotions. None of the major promotions will touch him, and when ROH tried, they got spammed with hate on Twitter and complaining fans.

I too was a fan of Matt's initially. I was rooting for him at the start of the Edge/Lita debacle.

Good lord did he ever handle that about as poorly as you could. I think we all know people like him in our lives, people with a grossly inflated sense of self worth, desperate for attention, delusions of grandeur...

All he had to do after the cheating was play it cool, no-sell it all, get a hotter girlfriend and take his singles career to the next level. I know that last bit is easier said than done, but even if he did the first three, most of us would've left him alone and dude would've had his dignity.

The youtube vids and his online presence are some 14 year old angst shyt... I would've been embarassed if my friend behaved like that in Junior High. Dude's a grown ass man with money in the bank who should know how to conduct himself like a man.

The worst part is, I honestly don't even think he'd understand why he's turned himself heel to so many of us fans and why people resent his behaviour.

The thing I respect him least for is that he arguably got hotter bytches after that but he STILL chases after her I keep thinking she must've been the best p*ssy in the world, because he has a never-ending beef with every man she ends up with since then, and broadcasts it online like a whiny simp thinking there is nothing wrong with it. And he lets his new GIRL pick battles for him and publicly put his ass on blast for continuing to simp on his ex, but doesn't toss her in the bushes for her own disrespectful behavior. :childplease:

It's embarrassing. This behavior would be unacceptable for a female, let alone a grown ass man.

It's the sheer level of pathetic simping. One moment he hates her, then she's his best friend and the greatest woman in the world who didn't deserve the shyt she got :dwillhuh: then later he doesn't care about her he's moved on...but he can't wait to see her again and she changed his life.



May 2, 2012
"a grossly inflated sense of self worth"

Which was mainly caused by the fans and the ones within the IWC turning him into some kind of martyr, I mean as if he is the only dude to get cheated on, whom by the way was cheating himself. I mean look at Robert Pattinson, do you see him moping around publicly? No maybe in private, but at least he has the good sense to not let himself turn into a permanent victim.

"One moment he hates her, then she's his best friend and the greatest woman in the world who didn't deserve the shyt she got "

And that's the one thing that gets me about his dumb ass, I mean really, you didn't think that she or Edge wouldn't get any type of public lynching, mainly the female in this case? It's always the female who gets chastized a great deal, especially when they have an already rumored wild past like Lita, and Lita was NO exception to the rule. How she was treated up until she left is purely made for the history books; not only by the fans, the IWC (and its "professional bloggers and columnists), but her own company joining in as well. In that case, the next post he made should have been telling the troops, or the firing squad, to back off of her then. He knew what was going on and he didn't care, then again he had a right not to. He was hurt and he wanted her to be as well. I'd just wish he'd own up to that at least.

Boy, him and Sienna Miller (actress) later on writing a book about being surprised and taken a back at how everyone ripped Jude Law for cheating on her is something ridiculously stupid and it's insulting to anyone's intelligence. She didn't care at the time either.

Of course I won't get into the dumb suicide vid that he would release on his brother's birthday


May 2, 2012
All true. It's really hard to find a reason to like Matt Hardy these days, and pretty much impossible to respect him. The video hinting at suicide, in a CLEAR effort to get himself over as a topic of discussion, was pretty much the most pathetic thing I've ever seen a wrestler do. And that's in a business where a lot of shameless things have been done in efforts to get over.

That one act alone was bad enough, but this thread describes literally dozens of other pathetic things he's done. He's a giant failure as a self-promoter, but he just won't go away. I don't think anyone here wishes him dead, but I don't think anybody would miss him if he retired and especially if he stopped posting those videos.

In a time when there were wrestlers who were/are found dead of apparent suicides or overdoses, like Lance Cade, Larry Sweeney, Umaga, I thought it was just something unimaginable for someone who appears to have a brain to even think about doing.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
"a grossly inflated sense of self worth"

Which was mainly caused by the fans and the ones within the IWC turning him into some kind of martyr, I mean as if he is the only dude to get cheated on, whom by the way was cheating himself. I mean look at Robert Pattinson, do you see him moping around publicly? No maybe in private, but at least he has the good sense to not let himself turn into a permanent victim.

"One moment he hates her, then she's his best friend and the greatest woman in the world who didn't deserve the shyt she got "

And that's the one thing that gets me about his dumb ass, I mean really, you didn't think that she or Edge wouldn't get any type of public lynching, mainly the female in this case? It's always the female who gets chastized a great deal, especially when they have an already rumored wild past like Lita, and Lita was NO exception to the rule. How she was treated up until she left is purely made for the history books; not only by the fans, the IWC (and its "professional bloggers and columnists), but her own company joining in as well. In that case, the next post he made should have been telling the troops, or the firing squad, to back off of her then. He knew what was going on and he didn't care, then again he had a right not to. He was hurt and he wanted her to be as well. I'd just wish he'd own up to that at least.

Boy, him and Sienna Miller (actress) later on writing a book about being surprised and taken a back at how everyone ripped Jude Law for cheating on her is something ridiculously stupid and it's insulting to anyone's intelligence. She didn't care at the time either.

Of course I won't get into the dumb suicide vid that he would release on his brother's birthday

I can't get over him bytching and moaning about it, and then saying he wanted her back...

I think his pride took an eternal hit that he didn't end the relationship but she did. That's probably the most scust thing about it.

Even his brother was like "You acted like an ass I see why she left and she's happier now." when he shoulda had his back. :childplease:

Lita fukks his best friend, he STILL wants her back, pays her bills and shyt, wants to wife her up permanently :mindblown: but she walks.

Years later we see why, he's fukking crazy.

Who starts fights with all of his ex-girlfriend's men for 7 years? It's like he compares himself and thinks if he just wins one argument she would take him back and it would be 2004 again. :rudy:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
The suicide vid wasn't even the last straw for me. I started disliking dude when he turned into a fat piece of shyt and kept blaming it on his intestinal problems.

You get a pass on that shyt for awhile, but it was two years after the fact and that fool was still claiming his beer belly was because of his medical condition. Kept saying that shyt will posting photos and vids of him constantly eating at cracker barrel, McDonalds, and Krispy Kreme.

Then there was the situation where he got kicked off the European tour. It got reported on one of the sites and that fool posted a vid on some "I wasn't sent home, I'm still here, yall are just dirt sheets" only for him to be sent home the very next day.

Then he started making vids about eating grapes and not eating meat as if it was some revolutionary concept he created to stay in shape. :rudy:

Even after that, he got fired from WWE went to TNA was talking all kids of shyt about being in the best shape ever, then the nikka debuted and looked like a slightly smaller version of Umaga. :mindblown:

Matt Hardy isn't a man, he's an overgrown child with an inflated ego.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
The suicide vid wasn't even the last straw for me. I started disliking dude when he turned into a fat piece of shyt and kept blaming it on his intestinal problems.

You get a pass on that shyt for awhile, but it was two years after the fact and that fool was still claiming his beer belly was because of his medical condition. Kept saying that shyt will posting photos and vids of him constantly eating at cracker barrel, McDonalds, and Krispy Kreme.

Then there was the situation where he got kicked off the European tour. It got reported on one of the sites and that fool posted a vid on some "I wasn't sent home, I'm still here, yall are just dirt sheets" only for him to be sent home the very next day.

Then he started making vids about eating grapes and not eating meat as if it was some revolutionary concept he created to stay in shape. :rudy:

Even after that, he got fired from WWE went to TNA was talking all kids of shyt about being in the best shape ever, then the nikka debuted and looked like a slightly smaller version of Umaga. :mindblown:

Matt Hardy isn't a man, he's an overgrown child with an inflated ego.

When it comes down to it, the biggest problem is he just comes across as a guy that you wouldn't want to hang out with. :manny:

He's like the fat smelly kid that picks his nose and tells :duck: about his hot supermodel girlfriend.

Then he reads this thread, and posts about how we're all jealous. And then to prove what a big man he is posts photos of his naked girlfriend...calls posters out by name and shyt...

Why do we care that he wifed up another ho? bytch 20 years younger than him, spending his money and talkin shyt about his boys and he thinks he won? :what:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
When it comes down to it, the biggest problem is he just comes across as a guy that you wouldn't want to hang out with. :manny:

He's like the fat smelly kid that picks his nose and tells :duck: about his hot supermodel girlfriend.

Then he reads this thread, and posts about how we're all jealous. And then to prove what a big man he is posts photos of his naked girlfriend...calls posters out by name and shyt...

Why do we care that he wifed up another ho? bytch 20 years younger than him, spending his money and talkin shyt about his boys and he thinks he won? :what:

Now that I think about it, wasn't that broad responsible for him getting arrested one of those times? Like she called the cops and showed them his stash of roids.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
Now that I think about it, wasn't that broad responsible for him getting arrested one of those times? Like she called the cops and showed them his stash of roids.

Yes. She snitched on him because the cops threatened her with jail after she called the cops on him and told them he was high.

She was a known party girl and whore in Tampa before he got with her and knew where his stash was buried because she was also using with him.

She got his marks goin on about how she loves him and she's there for him on-line...when the bytch been fired from every job she's had and only gets booked when she's on a show with him :usure:

You should check out Shannon Moore ripping her a new a$$hole on Twitter for coat tail riding some pages deep in the thread.


Kliq'd Up
Apr 30, 2012
damn, War and peace on this last page

Anyway, in the new punk dvd, Lita has "PUNK" tattooed on her inner lip

Project Downtime

All Star
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere in the Midwest
Matt is a simp in the highest order.

According to his witten words, Lita was dating another man when they start hooking up. That should have been a huge red flag, but the dumbass started dating Lita. After the affair, Matt starts dating Ashley Massaro. She eventually dumps Matt for Paul London because he kept running back to Lita. The worst part is that Matt still have beef with London. He was talking mad shyt to Paul during a 2011 LL:USA show.

Matt's new rat was responsible for at least two more arrest. Instead of renting a car or finding some other way to Cameron, she had Matt's drugged out ass pick her up from the airport and he got arrested. Matt's post rehab arrest is tied to her. She claimed that she only brought Matt some medicine or mouthwash to rehab. But the staff at the rehba center claimed that Matt was drunk and had to go.

And about the intestinal issues, Matt had that problem since the beginning of his pro career. Shane toad a story about how Matt would push them back in place when they traveled together before Shane's neck injury.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
damn, War and peace on this last page

Anyway, in the new punk dvd, Lita has "PUNK" tattooed on her inner lip

Lita's had that since she first joined WWF...she's a hardcore punk rock fan. I was impressed at Lita's game with Punk calling her family--no wonder Matt Hardy is :sadcam: the whole shyt about Punk not putting a female before his work made sense of why Lita travels to all the WWF shows now. He prolly did like Edge and told a bytch if she wanted to be in a relationship with him, she had to put him first and drop her other shyt. Edge got women leaving WWE for him, Punk got them leaving their bands. :ahh:

It must hurt Matt deep inside.

lol @ Reby being the one sneaking him alcohol...

If he ends up in a body bag by the end of the year, I expect find out Ms. Sky wrote herself into his will. :ufdup:

lol @ Shane telling on Matt.

How many of Matt's boys tell on him for being a simp? They probably want him to wise up but it has no effect.