Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Jun 11, 2012
Even my immediate family doesnt seem to "know" me too well because they dont pay attention to everything i do and everything i say. :snoop: just when they feel like it or what they want to see. I love them though. They never seem to know when im depressed (and i dont think they care either) but they sure as hell can tell me to stop smoking weed because they dont want me to be a "junkie" or to stop doing something that they feel makes them look bad. They dont even seem to take their own mental health seriously which is why i seem to clash with them because they cant see where theyre fukked up at and dont want to get help or therapy. IM NOT A fukkING THERAPIST. Hell, in one persons case, they cant seem to understand how they stress me out even watching how theyre moving and then venting all their issues to me as if Im a therapist when their issues are heavy as hell. I guess that explains a lot.

Im just boiling over internally and i feel like theres folks waiting for me to snap so they can say "i told you hes crazy or something was off with him". Then when im all isolating myself, not talking to folks because i dont want to "open up", paranoid because i dont know who to trust, people wonder why. Thats why i say fukk the world sometimes because i feel like the world is saying fukk you to me for just existing. I try to be peaceful but I cant lie when I say that I really get angry to the point of really wanting to hurt somebody, destroying something, or being destructive to get all out of this shyt out to show how pissed off i really am inside. If i knew how to box, i would take my anger out in the ring but best believe, i might go overboard where i might probably lose control of myself or really hit someone hard to the point where i seriously hurt them on some make them an example to send a message to everybody to not get on the wrong side of me. That fear has to be put there to ensure respect i guess. Ive been more angry, numb or sad than ive been happy in my teenage and adult years to tell you the truth. shyt obviously isnt good for my health but i cant seem to control my emotions. Journal writing and exercising isnt enough for me when it comes to managing my anger, sadness and emotions.
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Demon Time coming 2024
Feb 2, 2014

Man i had a nice restful 4 days off back to work on saturday...
Got this essential jackson 5 album... damn it slaps stupid hard. not all the songs but the ones i like...:wow: