Fill us in nikka
Just started messaging white chicks for fun on okcupid this past week to see if any would bite, they never really have before.
Lo and behold, one did
Eventually got her number and all that, but then realized she got no full body pics, #1 sign that she's usually a whale.
Asked her about it and she told me she "wasn't fat". Just went with it anyways because chit, I haven't been on a date since last November

. Had a feeling she'd be a bit bigger anyways.
Get at the joint around 7:30, she's a few mins late, no big deal. And to my (lack of) surprise, she is on the chubby side, but ain't whale status.

Wasn't really packin in the front or back tho, so she got that refrigerator physique

. TBH, I really wasn't that attracted to her, so at that point, I really didn't give a fuk how the date went.
Honestly, I put more into the conversation than she gave back. Kind of have a problem with relating to white people. It just got to the point where we really had not much to talk about, so I had to fall back on fitness talk. Kept talking about losing weight and chit and it got to the point where it really bothered her. You know, she was one of those "I'M NOT OVERWEIGHT I'M JUST BIG BONED" types, unwilling to accept her bodyweight is a result of what and how much she puts in her gut. Cac behaviour 101.
And then we got into our "types". When it got to my turn, she was all "I bet you're into thin women blah blah blah!" Dumb sloot didn't see about my new found obsession with thick (asian) girls coming...
Then it came to women being just as superficial as men. And she agreed with me on that, but seemed to think I placed too much importance on someone's weight when she full out admitted on me that she wouldn't date a fat guy either

. All I said regarding overweight people that night is that I'd never gf one.
At point I just called it a night and dipped.
-go on date with 1st white chick ever
-slightly chubby white chick has obvious self esteem issues regarding weight
-fixates on it nearly the entire night
-give up and call it a night
-tbh I was a bit of a dikk that night
I do feel partly bad tho, because she told me she had a preference for asian guys

. Hope she doesn't use me as a stereotype for the entire race