I'm in muay Thai class this morning. Doing timing with this guy, timing is like a lighter version of sparring. Anyway this guy and I have timed before, last time we did he kicked me in the face, hard. And was like "I thought you would get mad and want to fight me hard".
This time we're going, we go for 2 minutes and he gives me tips. Move around more don't just move back. We get stuck with each other, I'm piecing this boy up, he got me too, but now I'm circling and my reach is longer. I deliver him some kicks, but I swing a bit more because dudes throwing punches trying to catch me in my face enough to bother me, he's missing because I'm tall and lengthy and keep my distance.
The timer rings and he comes up to me in an annoyed way and says "don't try to be a machoman and play mostly defense play some offense too, that way our intensity doesn't rise like it just did"
I just said "okay" and walked away.
What a dikk, I was calm the whole time, and you've been here for +2 years me less than 10months. If you saw the intensity was rising you should of stopped instead of continuing to try and 1 up me. How lame