Talking to my friend has me reflecting on my let me do my best.
I started out my year jobless with an associates degree. Well now I am 1 year ahead and have filled my previous year with a bit more experience as a worker/professional and a student of life.
Things that I've learned vary, some about aircraft's, some about people, some about life, and so on.
I'm not truly reflecting, I'm just thinking while I type so I may forget some things.
To live life you have to be aware of your every step, as it effects everyone that is involved with you. You also have to keep in mind that the quickest way to destroy yourself is through self destruction and living a negative life. Eating bad (I need to work on this no matter how much I exercise), smoking cigarettes, and escaping a sober mind by constantly fueling yourself with drugs.
Not to live with expectations, as that's what leaves you empty handed, because you could have gotten everything that you wanted if you went out and got it.
The work place is a serious place, and for the most part keep your distance. After being suspended from work for a week because I touched this girls ear and she had just gotten it pierced (I didn't mean to upset her ffs), so she was heated and told. Anyway, I'm not there for friends even if they add me on Facebook.
Keeping a steady mind is important too, I need to be aware and the only way I can do that is if I'm calm otherwise my emotions sway me from side to side and I won't be able to make logical decisions.
Humans do a lot of talking but not too much doing, especially when it comes to obtaining things they want or bettering themselves. If I'm going to take the time to mention something then I need to take the time to do it.
Trust peoples words and take their advice, especially when they're in a position you're not, it helps to listen.
Listening itself is really important as well, its more important to listen than anything, think of the things you can learn, not only information on a topic but information on a person, their behavior and thought process.
All of this travelling I do is great, but it means nothing in the long run if I don't set up something for myself that leads me to living a stable lifestyle.