last night im at my homeboy crib in Harlem doing the thing for New Years
my cousin comes through with his lady friend all is good
we all having a good time
friends food lix smoke
now im at the table in the kitchen playing spades and my cousins girl comes in and pours a cup of that henny privilege shyt
poured alot too
she goes to living room sits and sips a lil
puts cup down
goes outside
now this cup still there
she comes back
rolls into kitchen and pours another cup
she sits in the SAME SPOT! with her new drink and the one she originally had right in front of her
so i shout at her
she looks at me and her face automatically told me she was about to get ignorant
so she gets up
she yellin and carrying on
my cousin comes in asks whats the problem
i tell him
he looks at her like

you over here wasting liquors?
pour that shyt in that shyt and drink that shyt

story over