The Life and Times of Rozay Oro

Paradoxical Tiger

Head Youngin of CatSet
Dec 18, 2017
Aight breh. At the risk of you completely tossing out this advice... I'll indulge anyway. :manny: Because there's a chance that someone who needs this will read it and actually puts this to good use.

First of all. Your concept of self is in the toilet, and proof of this is in how people are treating you. You're saying you get girls and smash them, but they don't want anything to do with you. You have falling outs with friends. And by your own words, "I’m the black sheep of my family. I really have nothing." and "I am desperate." Not to mention the vast amount of posts where you've shown desperation and too much focus on the opposite sex to where it's actually damaging. That's why these girls don't respond to you in the way that you want them to. YOU don't respond to yourself in the way that you should be responding, so naturally that's going to reflect the exact same thing in your external world. You don't believe in your own worthiness.

Your concept of self is always going to reflect what you see in your reality, because you're carrying yourself with you everywhere you go. Even if we completely ignored manifestation in all of this and took a more grounded approach, your thoughts are going to influence your behavior and habits. If you keep thinking something repeatedly, you're eventually going to believe it. So if you're out here thinking "Dawg I'm a piece of shyt, I don't get any bytches and everyone hates me", your behavior is eventually going to reflect that, your thought process is going to be in line with it, and even the way you have inner conversations in your mind are going to match those beliefs. And guess what? Now it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. And until you change those beliefs, you're going to keep getting what you've always been getting.

Think about the people who have what they want. So in your case, a loving and fulfilled relationship. Do you think they'd be feeling desperate and insecure about love, or are they completely stable in the fact that they know they're worthy, whole and complete and that their person loves them deeply? Manifestation is 100% an inner game, and it's a feeling game. If you felt worthy of love and respect, you wouldn't be doing the things you're doing. You'd be solidified in the fact that you're content doing your own thing and know fully that you're deserving of love and respect. And in turn, your outer world is once again going to reflect that. But that's not going to change overnight, you're going to have to completely become a new person by changing how you see things, and that may take time.

So how do you do it, you might ask? You do three things. And that's: 1) Know exactly what it is that you want, 2) Mentally live and feel as if you had your desire right now, and 3) Persist in that assumption until it's a concrete fact in your world. That's all it takes. Let's say you want to feel like a man who's loved and cherished by everybody. Well, how do you think it would feel being that individual? You'd probably be feeling confident, at ease, grateful, blessed, magnetic, etc. This is a state. It's not necessarily the thought that manifests, but the state that you occupy. That's why you could affirm "I am wealthy" 200 times a day and not manifest a single dollar. Belief isn't necessary, but entering a state is. That's also why you're receiving the treatment that you are, you're living in a state of everyone disrespecting you. And this new state has to be your new reality. You gotta live in that as much as you can, without stressing or forcing yourself. The goal is for it to eventually feel natural, as if it would've happened anyway.

When dwelling in a new state, you're not going to believe in it at first, and that's perfectly normal. Treat it like when you buy new shoes: you're aware that they're new shoes and you feel that these shoes are sort of "foreign" to you, but the more that you wear them, the more natural they feel. Eventually, those "new shoes" just become your usual shoes and you don't even think about it anymore. That's where persistence is necessary. An easier way is to fall asleep every night in the feeling of what you'd be feeling if you had what you wanted. Or meditate and get into that "zone" and feel it real. By feeling it real, it's not necessarily an emotional thing, but moreso by feeling it via your five senses. Imagine touching, smelling, tasting, hearing and seeing your desire in first person. It doesn't have to be all five senses, use what works best for you. And during the time while you're awake, you think thoughts in line with who you are now, no more thinking about the old story. A mental diet. That includes having mental conversations that are directed towards what you want and less about having imaginary arguments with people. You have to completely become a new person now. It might not be easy some days, so remember to be aware of that because you're human and shyt happens sometimes, but you have to be in this new place a good majority of the time. Then things will start changing, which will show you that this is working, and that'll solidify your assumptions even more until it's a confirmed fact in your life.

I think that's everything more or less to get you started, but basically, you have to change your mentality before life starts opening up to you. YOU have to be the one to make a difference internally before differences start showing up outwardly. Your world is 100% a mirror of what you've got going on inside of you. You don't look at a mirror and expect the mirror to smile, right? You have to smile, and then the mirror will smile back at you. No matter what you try to do to circumvent inner work, it's always going to come down to you. There's no one to change but self.

It's true. The biggest flaw with mainstream LOA stuff is that it tends to push "high vibrations" and "feeling happy" all the time, when that's not practical. Nor is it even true. You can manifest while being in the worst place of your life, because it's a law like how gravity is a law. It's always on. Gravity isn't like "You know what? fukk this nikka. :pacspit:" and flings you into the Sun. It applies to everyone and everything, 24/7/365.

Back in the day, I used to read a lot of Abraham Hicks, but their stuff became way too convoluted to me and I ended up finding Neville Goddard. Haven't switched up since, Neville is the GOAT. And truth be told, a lot of the misinformation comes from people who don't fully have a grasp on the knowledge and share it as if they do, which ends up creating even more confusion with people. But even then, I think it's impossible to know everything there is to know about manifestation because this whole universe in itself is a mystery. And true masters know that. They just go by what works consistently and share based off personal experience.

It's a lot more simple than it's been taught, but it challenges your entire viewpoint on reality and a lot of people aren't ready for that. It takes a lot of balls to basically reject your current reality and mentally live in a world you prefer to live in, while also using common sense while living in the physical.

One of the better posts I’ve ever seen on thecoli. Well done! Dap + Rep

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
yes, what are your hobbies Rozay?
Gaming lol
Piano even though I’m not good
Drawing is fun even though I’m not as good as I was as a child
I actually enjoy reading. Been fiending for a good book and even blog.
Singing in the shower

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
People are super fukking flaky these days. Also you could be a beacon for broken chicks b/c ur a good person. That can be exhausting. Get more social to build a larger network. It’ll help with loneliness and it’ll have the added bonus of meeting more women.

What are ur hobbies?
How do I find non broken girls?


Aug 18, 2013
I have an apprenticeship lined up and a small job until then..

Welding. My uncle retired from it and told me the benefits I can get from it. Researched it and was sold :ehh:

I hustle on the side now.

February, but trying to work a regular job before them.

Shipyard apprenticeship

Four year program and you get paid while you learn.

This would be a great opportunity to start a career. Imma hold you to this @Rozay Oro :ufdup: