The lies coli nikkas tell (messy time ladies)


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
As a small chick this is true. The big girls always got more play. I don't care what no one says.

How much you want bet you and Paradise have more coli holla pm's then I do?

When I was in high school there was a young woman who was 5'0"/240 pounds. She has a big butt so most of the guys gave her play. All of that attention went to her head. She was extremely rude to skinny or slim women. I never saw it, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so :yeshrug:


Feb 20, 2013
The fact that you always have a decent rebuttal to my foolery kind turns me on :leostare:
oh yea?
is it like this
or like this


Nov 25, 2014
It is hilarious to see. Dudes do it to boost their confidence and get women to like them. There aint shyt for me to lie about. I have no problem mentioning my short comings. Real is real and there's no reason to try to impress anyone or meet their 'standard'.

-I'm only 5'7.
-I think i look like shyt/not attractive. Many years ago i told my parents they should have had another son so they could have a nice looking son instead of being stuck with me lol that was wild.
-I use to have a 4 pack (lol) and chest until i lost weight due to a past depressive episode. Never regained my mass back.
-Had several depression cycles in the the past where i didnt eat, would sit in the room with no lights on, no tv on, completely dark and wished i died. Not anymore though although i still do question myself alot.
-In grad school with a 3.9 GPA and will be done in May.
-I love to talk with women. Id rather be around a woman and soak up her smell (lawd) then be around dudes.
-I love to take women out to eat and i wont let them pay lol.
-I often times compare myself to others and will get more disappointed in my self and wonder why i was conceived.
-I write poetry.
-I make enough money to live on my own but im not coli rich. Im no where near where i wanna be and its annoying.
-I am the type of person you can call or text at 4am just to talk. Ive been down that road many times and i dont mind it at all.
-I'm extremely caring. Just gave my rotisettire chicken to 3 homeless people last month and they legit cried on me. They didnt ask for it.
-I have a very cold side and caused someone to attempt suicide. This happened online. This side of me has rarely came out though. Probably only 3 times in my life.

Lets just be honestttttt, lets just be reallllll.
You also have a penchant for falsely accusing 23 yo black women of being 15 yo white girls.

Fun Sized Psycho

Floating on tooth shaped clouds
Feb 7, 2014
It is hilarious to see. Dudes do it to boost their confidence and get women to like them. There aint shyt for me to lie about. I have no problem mentioning my short comings. Real is real and there's no reason to try to impress anyone or meet their 'standard'.

-I'm only 5'7.
-I think i look like shyt/not attractive. Many years ago i told my parents they should have had another son so they could have a nice looking son instead of being stuck with me lol that was wild.
-I use to have a 4 pack (lol) and chest until i lost weight due to a past depressive episode. Never regained my mass back.
-Had several depression cycles in the the past where i didnt eat, would sit in the room with no lights on, no tv on, completely dark and wished i died. Not anymore though although i still do question myself alot.
-In grad school with a 3.9 GPA and will be done in May.
-I love to talk with women. Id rather be around a woman and soak up her smell (lawd) then be around dudes.
-I love to take women out to eat and i wont let them pay lol.
-I often times compare myself to others and will get more disappointed in my self and wonder why i was conceived.
-I write poetry.
-I make enough money to live on my own but im not coli rich. Im no where near where i wanna be and its annoying.
-I am the type of person you can call or text at 4am just to talk. Ive been down that road many times and i dont mind it at all.
-I'm extremely caring. Just gave my rotisettire chicken to 3 homeless people last month and they legit cried on me. They didnt ask for it.
-I have a very cold side and caused someone to attempt suicide. This happened online. This side of me has rarely came out though. Probably only 3 times in my life.

Lets just be honestttttt, lets just be reallllll.
Oh hai. :shaq: