The Legend of Korra


Jul 26, 2014
Just ran through the whole show in about a week. It's not as good as ATLA and there were definitely some shytty aspects in the story but this show was really good, and a worthy successor.

Season 1 was pretty good. Amon was a great villian, and I loved the way they introduced Republic City. The love triangle sucked and Korra was annoying at times but overall it was a great season.

Season 2 took a huge turn for the worst. I didn't care for too much in this season outside of Avatar Wan and Bolin's movie storyline. Unalaq was lame as fukk and the Southern Water Tribe just wasn't a very compelling setting. The final battle between Korra and Unalaq sucked too.

The show got back on track with season 3. The Red Lotus came through and crushed the buildings. Zaheer was a top notch villain and I was glad they finally did away with the love triangle. It was on par with season 1. I hated every second Kai was on screen tho.

Season 4 was straight piff, might be my favorite season. Kuvira was the shyt and when I saw Toph the Gawd :blessed:. I thought Kuvira should've just died tho. Her and Korra "connecting" in the end was unnecessary. I'm glad Su didn't accept her apology.

My favorite seasons prolly 1/4/3/2.

Most of the protagonists are pretty meh honestly. I don't like anyone on this show as much as i liked Aang, Toph or Sokka. Korra isn't a bad character but she isn't very likeable. She does alot of annoying shyt in the first two seasons. Thankfully she calmed down by season 3. Her character development was one of the best parts of this show. Mako was bland as fukk. Asami was ok, but hands down my favorite from Team Avatar is Bolin. My favorite non-villains were Bolin and Tenzin. Villains ranked Amon/Zaheer/Kuvira/Unalaq.

One thing I can say is that it seemed like the avatar state was neutered in this show. In ATLA, if Aang went into the Avatar state it was a wrap for whoever he was fighting. In this, she got beat a handful of times while in it, and it seemed like she went into it every other episode in season 2.

This show isn't anywhere near as funny as ATLA either. I lol'ed maybe 3 times in all 4 seasons, whereas I used to legit crack up atleast once every two episodes in ATLA. It's cool because the show was supposed to be more mature but it's definitely noticeably less funny.

Also, I'm cool with Korrasami, but I feel like it was rushed and random af. I knew it was coming, but I can't honestly say I saw any chemistry between them. They didn't even get cool until season 3, and it always just seemed like a friendship to me. I think the buildup to Korrasami was terrible, and it would've been better if Korra would've been single.

All that being said, this show was great. The Avatar series definitely one of the best TV series of all time, animated or live action. I'm just hoping they'll make more. I know there probably won't be another show, but I hope they could at least make a couple movies. This universe is so huge and there's a ton they could do with it in the future. It would be a real shame if they stopped making new Avatar material altogether.
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Lord Scion

Quality Games
Oct 22, 2012
So, like I said earlier... I watched LoK then TLA in that order for the first time, now I'm rewatching LoK for the subtle shyt I didn't pick up during my first watch. But I'm gonna put a pause on that until after New Years so I can rewatch with yall (since I missed the discussions :mjcry: I actually re-read this whole thread just to see yalls thoughts during each episode... the "L" bender :mjlol:)

I'll leave off my thoughts until I'm not as tired but I'll just say this.

Kuvira is life, Kuvira is love, Kuvira is bae.


@Lucky Millionaire you finna share that avi :birdman:


No Known Weaknesses
Apr 30, 2012
So, like I said earlier... I watched LoK then TLA in that order for the first time, now I'm rewatching LoK for the subtle shyt I didn't pick up during my first watch. But I'm gonna put a pause on that until after New Years so I can rewatch with yall (since I missed the discussions :mjcry: I actually re-read this whole thread just to see yalls thoughts during each episode... the "L" bender :mjlol:)

I'll leave off my thoughts until I'm not as tired but I'll just say this.

Kuvira is life, Kuvira is love, Kuvira is bae.


@Lucky Millionaire you finna share that avi :birdman:

:mjlol: I agree, though

Kuvira's methods were bad, but I REALLY enjoyed how she was written


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
Didn't Aang kill Admiral Zhou in the season 1 finale? :usure:
And didn't he indirectly kill Combustion Man? :usure:
Aang was bout the life. He's tatted up nikka from the projects. You know nikkas with tats on they face are bout that action :skip:

Zhoa could have been saved, but he did not want Zuko to save him.

But sokka did indirectly kill combustion man, and korra did kill her own uncle. :mjcry:
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May 2, 2012
So, like I said earlier... I watched LoK then TLA in that order for the first time, now I'm rewatching LoK for the subtle shyt I didn't pick up during my first watch. But I'm gonna put a pause on that until after New Years so I can rewatch with yall (since I missed the discussions :mjcry: I actually re-read this whole thread just to see yalls thoughts during each episode... the "L" bender :mjlol:)

I'll leave off my thoughts until I'm not as tired but I'll just say this.

Kuvira is life, Kuvira is love, Kuvira is bae.


@Lucky Millionaire you finna share that avi :birdman:

I'm finna not plaeboi :birdman:


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
Didn't Aang kill Admiral Zhou in the season 1 finale? :usure:
And didn't he indirectly kill Combustion Man? :usure:
Aang was bout the life. He's tatted up nikka from the projects. You know nikkas with tats on they face are bout that action :skip:

Zhoa could have been saved by Zuko, if Zhoa was not so hard headed.

Sokka hit combustion man with the boomerang that led to his death.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
Finally done with the show.

I like ATLA a lot better than I remembered liking it as a shorty. I think that the show had better humor than Korra, but it was not as graphic or as adult. The people of LOK were a lot more brutal with their fighting styles and the themes were alot more adult. I prefered the darkness of LOK to the humor of ATLA.

The best characters were Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, and Toph.

Sokka had plenty of funny moments and the gang relied on him to lead them with his genius ideas. He also served as a model of how empowered people without bending can still be. The dynamic between him and his sister felt not only organic and humorous, but subtle and mature at the appropriate times. The way that Sokka grew from a loud mouthed dumbass to a smart and skilled dumbass was impressive. It was easy to root for him, and very hard not to like as a person. He reminds me of the loveable jokester that we all know and depend on. He seems to struggle with keeping him family that is scattered and wounded together. The family's struggles might be an analogy for how messed up his entire tribe is.

Aang got a little tiring after the first book. The amount of times that he seemed to not either care or understand how desperate of a situation he was in, was infuriating. While he was off playing around and goofying off, there were plenty of people dying. Plus for him to be the last air bender on earth, he hardly ever talked about his old culture or gave us insight on how things worked. He would just say over and over that the monks taught him to be non violent, but that approach felt forced. You mean to tell me a teenager knows how is responsible for the death of everyone Aang every cared about, but he wont kill him. He just takes his bending away. I know Korra spared Kuriva, but Kuriva's army was not responsible for the demise of an entire culture. However, this was not something the writers could be blamed for. This was a kid's show, so killing Ozai was not an option. JET was pretty much the only character with an identity to die. I did like how obsessed aang was with keeping his new family together. It made sense since unlike Toph, Zuko, Sokka, and Katara, he only had friends to look after him.

Katara was a little irritating as well. This girl stayed nagging and complaining about everything. I remembered her as having a little bit of a more strong and motherly personality, but this time around she seemed just scared and bitter behind what happened to her mother. I was understandably, she was just so traumatized about the whole ordeal. But her constant nagging and bossing was irritating to watch fr 60 episodes. I did not like the way that her interactions with Pakku played out. She was not allowed to train at the NWT, but when Pakku learns that Katara's grandmother is his old girlfriend, he all of a sudden has a change of heart. I think that for the whole NWT to change, there should had been a bigger motivation or event to change the entire tribal tradition.

Toph was a great highlight. The way she struggle to fit in because of her ability and the roughness around her edges was fun to watch. Plus she was trying to connect with her family that did not understand her. She was strong and very smart, but still struggled with being understanding of other people feelings. She was much better in ATLA because she seemed human and more complicated. In LOK, it seemed that they turned her into a robot that was just bitter and hurt.

Zuko was the 2nd best character. He and his uncle were the highlights of the show to me. I think the progression from an oddball to the FireLord was remarkable. He went through a lot, but hew as able to navigate the world around him because he had the spirit of a champion and the guidance from the Dragon of the West. Iroh was a formidable person and a man of great morals. Everything he did from threatening Zhoa, turning his back on his younger brother, fighting against the fore Nation, all of this was done to ensure that the world was safe and that Zuko would be around to lead the fire nation.

Azula was a good villain. I like how her and her father were taken down by two people that they greatly underestimated. I also liked the characterization of both of these people. Ozai was pure evil and he knew that his sole purpose in life was to destroy and hurt other people. Ozai was however addicted to L's. he was living off the accomplishments of his father and grandfather. Also Azula was the one to capture Ba Sing Se. I understand that the writers wanted to keep Ozai a secret, but we should have seen him getting his hands dirty a little bit. to be honest, it seemed to me that he was just an evil guy that was lucky that he had Azula that was able to take down Ba Sing Se. I cannot think of a single significant thing that Ozai did. he was coward that challenged his 13 year old son to a fight and he killed his own father to secretly take the throne. Azula fell apart because she was never loved by her mother the same way Zuko was. She not guided nor loved by anyone, so she could not love anyone else or understand why others would love her. She only understood fear.

I wish we got more background on how Air Nomad culture was set up. I also wished we got more insight on some form of a Fire Nation resistance. I find it hard to believe that after the fall of Ozai all those veil "ash makers" just all of a sudden turned good. In general the writing felt weak because the bad guys were all just pure evil. the only character we really see that is comlex from the Fire Nation is Zuko and Iroh. Everyone else born on that island is either just evil or clueless on the war.


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan

Aang got a little tiring after the first book. The amount of times that he seemed to not either care or understand how desperate of a situation he was in, was infuriating. While he was off playing around and goofying off, there were plenty of people dying.
Yeah that was the thing that agitated me the most about Aang.