The Legend of Korra


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
The parallels between Iroh and Itachi are fierce. :ohhh:

Both can bend fire.

Both care more a bout one family member than the entire world (iroh was willing to keep Aang alive because he was White lotus, but he still cared more for Zuko)

Both let someone hurt/ kill them (when Iroh got hit by fire from azula, it was on purpose. he wanted a distraction so Aang could get away)

Both are outcasts from their village/nation

Both are members of a secret societies ( White lotus/ akatsuhki)

Both are top tier but not the strongest ( iroh was thought of possibly being able to stop ozai with a little help, Itachi whupped Kakashi who later became hokage.)

Both are modeled after japanese people. (the fire nation has the best navy like Japan and they have Japanese features lke pale skin, slanted eyes, dressings, and serious attitudes/ UCHIGAWDS are very serious and they have pale skin).

Both are on secret missions (Itachi worked for the 3rd hokage to keep an eye on ORO. and Iroh wants to save Aang to keep the balance)

Both are very kind and spare people all the time (Iroh was nice to Toph and he saves the moon spirit/ Itachi couldve killed Guy, Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenia).

Both spend most of their time with violent people ( Itachi had kisame/ iroh had evil Zuko)

Both are very different compared to their families ( Iroh is kind and thinks having a heart is sweet, not evil/ Itachi was not in support of trying to overthrow the leaf village but the rest of his clan could not be persuaded.)

Maybe Im reaching:russ:


Sep 11, 2013
Who you taking in a one on one fight. Korra or Aang?,

Who are you putting your money on
Yall proly already talked about this a week ago but :laugh:

I'm taking Korra all the way. Shes a more gifted bender,with more raw power, and she's a ruthless but resourceful fighter. Aangs usual way of fighting wouldn't work on her, for one she's an airbender herself so his evasion advantage is moot and she has experience fighting airbenders.


Sep 11, 2013
Katara was the only water bender left, so I assume the Fire Nation wiped the floor with them before the series started and killed the other water benders.

How the hell was the Fire Nation so much stronger than everyone else?:ohhh:
The fire nation used sozins comet to kill off the entire air nation so their population couldn't have been huge. They were decimated so quickly in part because they were clustered in four locations throughout the world

The water tribes were so far off from everyone that they just weren't as much of a threat because of travel time. They don't explicitly state it but do you remember when Hama told katara her story. It seems like every couple years the fire nation would attack and try and kill or capture as many waterbenders as they could. It seems like over a period of 100 years the south's population fell drastically.

The north had natural defenses and so were harder to get too. But they were isolationists so the fire nation didnt bother with them for a long time

So in reality the fire nation only ever had to deal with the earth nation and considering the war lasted 100 years I think it's safe to say the earth nation has the biggest population by far.

:whew:wrote more then I wanted to


Sep 11, 2013
I watched a couple of episodes last night :wow: shyt is better than i remembered as well. or maybe Im just watching it with a better overall appreciation for the series now.

Look at her growth.

At 1:37 she drops a wall on him :mjlol:

at 1:48 hes hanging on a cliff for his life and she earth bends the floor. that could have killed him :mjlol:

then at 1:57 SHE hits the floor and is going to try to finish him off.

At 2:02 "What are you going to do now, you're all out of water" Then lights up her firebending :wtf:

She was ready to KILL a defenseless man :bryan:

:dahell: she was tryna kill him :blacklaff:

Shes grown so much :mjcry:

I told you:russ:

I watched that after reading somebody on tumblr breaking the scene down and was like :wtf:

She was still gully like that in season two. At the drop of a hat she was attacking or threatening that judge:demonic: "you kill them and I'll kill you"


Sep 11, 2013
My problem with the whole Korrasami bullshyt is they weren't lesbians. These are two heterosexual characters they retconned as lesbians.

Why couldn't they just be two girls that fought over a guy and both got over him and became friends? Or why couldn't they have just been lesbians from the start? It comes across to me as tacky pandering to homosexual people and very poorly done. If I was gay I'd find it insulting that they basically pandered to the fanbase by taking two characters who were straight and changing them to gay. I mean you're supposedly supposed to be born gay right? Why'd they ever fight over Mako then?

So yeah I don't have a problem with Korrasami as a couple as much as I have an issue with how it came about. The show damn near turned into Grey's Anatomy. Most of the characters in Team Avatar have fukked each other at some point. Why does it need to be like that? Same type of deal with Naruto at the end. All the shipping and pairing detracts from the actual ending.
I'm happy that gay people got representation but I gotta agree with this.

They said themselves that they didn't start seriously thinking of Korra and asami being to together until AFTER book 2 was done. So they had two seasons to build it up and did a pretty bad job at it. So much so that I think they didn't defenitively decide on them being together until the very end.from the outside looking in from the way they wrote it, it seems like they originally planned on leaving Korra single and giving both Mako and asami a scene with her so fans could pick. Otherwise asami would have gotten way more on screen time with Korra

I mean if that's what they planned all along why make it seem like mako hadn't quite moved on and give him an entire episode alone with her.:mindblown:


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL

The fire nation used sozins comet to kill off the entire air nation so their population couldn't have been huge. They were decimated so quickly in part because they were clustered in four locations throughout the world

The water tribes were so far off from everyone that they just weren't as much of a threat because of travel time. They don't explicitly state it but do you remember when Hama told katara her story. It seems like every couple years the fire nation would attack and try and kill or capture as many waterbenders as they could. It seems like over a period of 100 years the south's population fell drastically.

The north had natural defenses and so were harder to get too. But they were isolationists so the fire nation didnt bother with them for a long time

So in reality the fire nation only ever had to deal with the earth nation and considering the war lasted 100 years I think it's safe to say the earth nation has the biggest population by far.

:whew:wrote more then I wanted to
The earth nation's huge population was well documented. think of all of those villages in Book 1 and 2 of ATLA. I think the earth nation had the weakest benders tho. The Dai Lee are fukking jokes. Appa took out like 20 of them nikkas by himself.


Sep 11, 2013
The earth nation's huge population was well documented. think of all of those villages in Book 1 and 2 of ATLA. I think the earth nation had the weakest benders tho. The Dai Lee are fukking jokes. Appa took out like 20 of them nikkas by himself.
Nah if were talking hypotheticals I would say waterbending>earthbending>firebending>airbending in terms of fighting.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
Brehs, hear out my Iroh theory real quick.

Iroh might be my favorite character on either part of Avatar. Between him and Amon. I looked at Iroh and I discovered that he was not trying to stop aang, he was trying to help aang and zuko. He might be the most important character becuase he could have killed aang if he tried. In book 1, when aang only knew airbending. Iroh does not fight aang at all. he leaves it to prince Zuko for a reason. He does not want to fight Aang because he knows that he would kill aang in a fight. Iroh was supposed to be fire lord remember. At one point the gang even goes as far to suggest that Iroh kill Ozai. However, the general is not sure if he can do it. There is a reason for this. Iroh is a firebending master that created multiple techniques himself. If azula made Aang that could bend water and air lean back, imagine what Iroh (dragon of the west) could do if he fought aang before learning water bending.

I think Iroh wanted to save three things in this order during the ATLA:

1. Zuko- his only son left. Ozai aint give a fukk about family in general. I think Iroh loves Zuko more than himslef. he wants the best life possible for the Prince and he wants his nephew to be safe at all times. Think back on how Iroh protected Zuko and was always there to give him advice. he even went as far to say that Zuko needed to take down "Azula" during book 2. When Iroh loses Le Tan, he probably focused on not losing Zuko because he would be alone and zuko needed someone to guide him through life.

2. Aang- The avatar is the key to balance. The reason that Iroh wants to save Aang is to stop Ozai from destroying the balance and peace of the world. Iroh would go agaisnt the very morals of his own creed if he really tried to capture aang. Look at the ATLA. Iroh never tries to catch aang, he always either has an excuse or he wants to take a detour. Remember when he seen Appa, he still does not say a word.

3. Fire Nation- Ozai becoming Fire Lord meant three horrible leaders in a row. If you listen to fire nation dialogue, the people are normal. The only evil ones are those at the top. iroh knew that Zuko could save the nation. Iroh felt guilty by letting Ozai, his father, and Sozin ruin the name of fire bending culture. Iroh let Zuko give into becoming Aang's friend because he knew that Aang would save the world, and the nation would need a leader. The scared face of Zuko would be the face to lead the nation to a tenure of prosperity and peace. Obviously Iroh was right.


Jun 14, 2012
Just finished. I've been in and put of sleep but I'm goin back to bed. I just wanna say I wish Kuvira died. bytch didn't deserve to live. Also didn't like how they tried making her into a sympathetic character there in the last 5 minutes of the series lol. bytch needed to get killed, but I guess they already dropped enough bodies for a goddamn Nick show lol


Jun 14, 2012
But Aang was just so good at being evasive. Korra would lose her mind trying to hit him
The really good airbenders are. They're like rogues in RPGs once you get dexterity high just can't get a hit on the motherfukker.

Another reason why I love airbending. Its all so fluid and graceful. Even the most badass airbenders look like they're fukking dancing while putting in work.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Just finished. I've been in and put of sleep but I'm goin back to bed. I just wanna say I wish Kuvira died. bytch didn't deserve to live. Also didn't like how they tried making her into a sympathetic character there in the last 5 minutes of the series lol. bytch needed to get killed, but I guess they already dropped enough bodies for a goddamn Nick show lol
If I was Korra I would have let the cannon do her in. She brought it on herself.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Brehs, hear out my Iroh theory real quick.

Iroh might be my favorite character on either part of Avatar. Between him and Amon. I looked at Iroh and I discovered that he was not trying to stop aang, he was trying to help aang and zuko. He might be the most important character becuase he could have killed aang if he tried. In book 1, when aang only knew airbending. Iroh does not fight aang at all. he leaves it to prince Zuko for a reason. He does not want to fight Aang because he knows that he would kill aang in a fight. Iroh was supposed to be fire lord remember. At one point the gang even goes as far to suggest that Iroh kill Ozai. However, the general is not sure if he can do it. There is a reason for this. Iroh is a firebending master that created multiple techniques himself. If azula made Aang that could bend water and air lean back, imagine what Iroh (dragon of the west) could do if he fought aang before learning water bending.

I think Iroh wanted to save three things in this order during the ATLA:

1. Zuko- his only son left. Ozai aint give a fukk about family in general. I think Iroh loves Zuko more than himslef. he wants the best life possible for the Prince and he wants his nephew to be safe at all times. Think back on how Iroh protected Zuko and was always there to give him advice. he even went as far to say that Zuko needed to take down "Azula" during book 2. When Iroh loses Le Tan, he probably focused on not losing Zuko because he would be alone and zuko needed someone to guide him through life.

2. Aang- The avatar is the key to balance. The reason that Iroh wants to save Aang is to stop Ozai from destroying the balance and peace of the world. Iroh would go agaisnt the very morals of his own creed if he really tried to capture aang. Look at the ATLA. Iroh never tries to catch aang, he always either has an excuse or he wants to take a detour. Remember when he seen Appa, he still does not say a word.

3. Fire Nation- Ozai becoming Fire Lord meant three horrible leaders in a row. If you listen to fire nation dialogue, the people are normal. The only evil ones are those at the top. iroh knew that Zuko could save the nation. Iroh felt guilty by letting Ozai, his father, and Sozin ruin the name of fire bending culture. Iroh let Zuko give into becoming Aang's friend because he knew that Aang would save the world, and the nation would need a leader. The scared face of Zuko would be the face to lead the nation to a tenure of prosperity and peace. Obviously Iroh was right.
Dont forget to factor in Irohs membership with the White Lotus.


Sep 21, 2012
My problem with the whole Korrasami bullshyt is they weren't lesbians. These are two heterosexual characters they retconned as lesbians.

Why couldn't they just be two girls that fought over a guy and both got over him and became friends? Or why couldn't they have just been lesbians from the start? It comes across to me as tacky pandering to homosexual people and very poorly done. If I was gay I'd find it insulting that they basically pandered to the fanbase by taking two characters who were straight and changing them to gay. I mean you're supposedly supposed to be born gay right? Why'd they ever fight over Mako then?

So yeah I don't have a problem with Korrasami as a couple as much as I have an issue with how it came about. The show damn near turned into Grey's Anatomy. Most of the characters in Team Avatar have fukked each other at some point. Why does it need to be like that? Same type of deal with Naruto at the end. All the shipping and pairing detracts from the actual ending.

Korra and asami are bisexuals, not lesbians :manny:


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
I think it high time we call this series what it is, both parts

the greatest american adventure cartoon of all time
Young Justice could give it run for it's money if it had more seasons. But like @winb83 said, it's not like any American cartoons can give it any comp. The only cartoons I can think off top that weren't episodic are Avatar/Korra, Young Justice, Wolverine and the X-Men and to a lesser degree Danny Phantom (Phantom didn't have seasons where all the eps were directly linked, but it showed his powers were progressing as the series went on.)