Just watched the finale and man

All of Team Korra working together to take down Kuvira inside the mech was

. The animation and the strategy involved with young Milo using the paint and all of them working to slow it down was well thought out. Asami's dad coming back to make the sacrifice was well done. You had the two sisters and the two brothers working to take it down from inside. Korra finally rising to the occasion and showing compassion to her enemy

. It really had a big stakes feel from jump.
Then you had Varick finally stop playing around and did the thing with Zhu Li
Korrasami going to the Spirit World on vacation


Just looking back we got both of these seasons in the same year, Legend of Korra is easily one of the best programs of 2014. I really will wish the show and its a shame there isn't more dope action animation I there. I'm an anime fan, but it would be cool to have more shows like this

. First Young Justice went off and now Korra. Having said that, I look forward to what new projects the creators are working on. I hope they stick with animation and develop something else unique.
The closing theme music they play at the end of each episode is great. I stay after the Nick commercials just to hear it.