Brehs, I just binge watched the third season
We really are losing a gem
- Su and Lin coming to blows
- Zaheer ending the Earth Queen

- the way Su killed P'li

- Kuvira introducing herself to Tonraq

and all her little cameos throughout the season
- Bolin lavabending for the first time

- Korra finally going ham in the Avatar state when she was poisoned
Man, it's like ... they really knocked it out of the park with this show and the universe
Looking through this thread and seeing what you guys were saying about the end of the show ... I'm obviously exaggerating, but this could be expanded upon like Star Wars when you think about it. The fact that Avatar keeps reincarnating gives the universe a lot of story telling opportunities ... and then they could even expand on the origins of the Red Lotus and Unalaq's involvement with them ... they could look at Kuvira's life before she was adopted by Su ... so many stories that could be told
We are not worthy