She's the LeBron James of avatarsKorra and Asami been low key feeling each other out since season 1
but man.... Korra hitting the Final Flashclutch ain't even the word. Girl put in so much work no avatar state
Tenzin was right - she did more in a few years than most Avatars do in a lifetime
I'm gonna miss this show.That's my bisexual, hotheaded, slow-learning, needatoptiersupportingcastatalltimes giaint killing avatar brehs

He's in chains, but his spirit is free. They already showed this season how he spends most of his time in the spirit worldI would have taken that spirit blast or at least try to get Korra to kill me.
Zaheer got it worst. nikka can fly but he in chains for lifeHe also lost all of his homies, he should have gotten bodied too.