I am surprised so many of you do not know what they are actually attempting by showing Fani & Wade had a relationship before he was hired. The implication is nepotism. They first demonstrated that he was not actually a lawyer with prosecutorial experience. Then they prove that he was in a relationship with her before he was hired onto the case. Add in the discussions about her paying him out of the cash in her house, and questions about who payed for the trips and with what money, it all comes down to claims of nepotism and a misuse of government funds. If they can prove those circumstances to be factual, then they end up with a good chance of having her removed from the case at the very least.
Too many of our people allow their ego and arrogance to overcome their common sense. She should have known a relationship with a man she has hired would be scrutinized. Her being caught in a lie about when they first started interacting with each other also, definitely does not help her. Last, all of that education and prosecutorial experience, and she allowed herself to be trapped into perjuring herself, since she seemed to for some reason forget that cellphone records exist. Add in the dress being backwards during her testimony, and she comes off disheveled, lacking any real attention to details.
None of it bodes well for the case she is prosecuting. The situation as it is now, should encourage her to recuse herself from the case. Let a prosecutor handle it who has less skeletons in their closet than her.