The Last of Us | PS3/PS4


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Each game in this series should feature a new storyline...

The "Us" in the title plays along with that IMO. They can keep a fresh new experience that we explore every release

I agree but I feel like
any story would still somewhat revolve around the search for a cure, though. Which makes me feel that Ellie should always have some sort of role in these games. I don't think the story would be as effective if we didn't feel we had some goal to strive for that had to do with the greater good. I think Marlene's trip to the hospital would make a great DLC, though.

Actually...:ohhh::ohhh::ohhh:...what if they put us in the role of Ish from the sewers and see what went on with him and finding that family of kids and making it out alive with Susan? I hope Naughty Dog is reading this:damn:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I agree but I feel like
any story would still somewhat revolve around the search for a cure, though. Which makes me feel that Ellie should always have some sort of role in these games. I don't think the story would be as effective if we didn't feel we had some goal to strive for that had to do with the greater good. I think Marlene's trip to the hospital would make a great DLC, though.

Actually...:ohhh::ohhh::ohhh:...what if they put us in the role of Ish from the sewers and see what went on with him and finding that family of kids and making it out alive with Susan? I hope Naughty Dog is reading this:damn:


I feel you on that. I agree with the story being centralized around finding a cure, but they could also show how others were going about doing so as well. You kind of hit on it from the Firefly's perspective in your post. They have a plethora of material and timelines to dive into if they want to.

They have a 20 year gap between the intro of the game and when you actually start the campaign too (I don't necessarily need anything about that though but whatever).

Then you have all the notes and stories that you go about reading while playing the game.

All I know is that Naughty Dog blessed us with this experience brehs.

Story shytted on the last 2 seasons of The Walking Dead



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
I just started this multi a couple hours ago. shyt is crazy:wow:

Being the last dude left on your team in Survivor mode against four nikkas is some scressful stuff. Man, even spectating gets scressful:damn:

My clan is 40 something deep. But it says one of my dudes is on the verge of cannibalism:dahell:


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
I just started this multi a couple hours ago. shyt is crazy:wow:

Being the last dude left on your team in Survivor mode against four nikkas is some scressful stuff. Man, even spectating gets scressful:damn:

My clan is 40 something deep. But it says one of my dudes is on the verge of cannbalism:dahell:

When It's me and my 3 dudes against 1 survivor, we go HAM like dogs chasing cats.
Hard Target (1993): Hunt Through the Cemetary - Video


May 2, 2012
I just started this multi a couple hours ago. shyt is crazy:wow:

Being the last dude left on your team in Survivor mode against four nikkas is some scressful stuff. Man, even spectating gets scressful:damn:

My clan is 40 something deep. But it says one of my dudes is on the verge of cannibalism:dahell:

there will come a moment when your team is down to the last 2-3 people, against 8-9 enemy lives -- and you will win :ohlawd:


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
So i'm at the chapter where
I'm in a restaurant with no bullets and some dude is tryna rape me

I don't want this game to be over, how much longer I got?

Next game I'm really anticipating doesn't drop until Oct and I wanted this joint to last me while, already clocked in like 15 hours but it feels like those 15 went by quick as hell for some reason


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
Just beat the game...:wow:

Easily the best game of the generation. And I love that ending :wow:

I hope they don't try and address it with any of the sequels they make. That would take away from how powerful it is.

Again: :wow:

I agree 100% on all points. I thought the ending was...if not perfect...certainly it was...fitting...if you can understand that.

Caution: Not exactly a short post:

Joel is a human being. Not a superhero, not any kind of hero. And the thing is, he never pretends to be one. He never wanted to do this. He set out on a journey to get some guns, and now all of a sudden he's supposed to help save humanity? Why? What has humanity done for him? The "Government", that's resorted to treating ppl like animals...essentially herding them into cages? Society itself, who have behaved like the very animals they deny being? The Fireflies, who have, since we have known them, shown to be nothing but incompetent, wanna-be Freedom Fighters that can't get out of their own way? Those are the ppl he's supposed to "want" to help?

I think that's goes to the core of his decision. If Ellie never came into his life, he and Tess would be living life just like they were: one day at a time, fighting for survival. His daughter long buried, and even (dare I say) forgotten (I mean, he kept the watch yes, but even with Ellie, it's like he's trying his hardest not to remember...refusing the picture from Tommy being the main example). But the bond is there, and it grows to be the strongest he's felt since Sarah (I mean, we don't know how he responded with whatever happened between him and Tommy, but even when Tess died, it was goes on). So they took his daughter once, and now they're trying to do it again? How's he supposed to live with himself? How's he supposed to pick up and move on? You wanna call that selfish? Go ahead. What would I call it? Real. Human.

I seen Winb had some problems with the ending, and while I can understand where he's coming from, how can you NOT understand where Joel was coming from? My dude isn't Captain America, trying to save the planet. He's you...he's me...he's any one of us, that, if put in a similar situation, would in all likelihood do the exact same thing Joel did. I know as soon as Marlene said they "decided" that Ellie had to die, I immediately got the :birdman: face. Wasn't no way I was letting them kill my girl. Nope. Everyone wants to hope that they would do "the right thing", but "the right thing" isn't necessarily the same for me as it is for you. Is it right to deny humanity a chance at a cure? Obviously not. At the same time, is it right to sacrifice a 14 year old girl on the "hope" (NOT guarantee) that she'll be the answer? Who here can answer that without being put in them shoes? I'm one of them people that isn't big on speculation. That "what would you do if..." scenario that ppl like to throw around. I don't know what I would do. Let me get in that situation, and I'll let you know after the fact. That's what makes this game so damn really makes you feel as if you really are in that situation.

That said, I'm sure they probably thought about, and obviously decided against it, but imagine if they actually did give you the choice? I can tell you 2 things: 1. I obviously woulda made the same exact decision that Joel made, and 2. No matter how many times I replay it, I woulda NEVER went the alternate way. I couldn't deal with Ellie dying. I'm not bout that life. :to:

Also, I missed the Surgeon's Recorder my first go around, so I didn't even know they had already had access to other immune people, and I STILL wanted to walk out that hospital with Ellie by my side. They failed how many times? But I'm supposed to believe THIS time will be different? Nah...Ima go ahead and take Ellie out of here, and we'll be on our merry way. As far as Ellie's feelings on the matter, do I think she was resigned to the fact that she was going to die? Maybe. I mean, we never "knew" she had to die until the very end, so how could she "know"? I think she suspected, hence the aloofness she showed when Spring started. But at the same time, that aloofness was gone when we saw the Giraffes. It coulda been lingering from what happened during Winter. I mean, she was almost cut up into "tiny pieces", Joel almost died, and who knows what that psycho woulda done to her had he finally gotten his hands on her in the restaurant. I agree with what someone (not sure who) said above: when she asked Joel at the end, and he said what he did, and she said "OK", I think she meant it. I think she knew that he wasn't 100% with her, but I think she accepted it.

As far as the doctors, the first one that showed aggression got clapped up real quick. I left the others alone. And Marlene? After she green-lit dude to kill me, I just wish I was in control of Joel when he murked her. :demonic:


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
So i'm at the chapter where
I'm in a restaurant with no bullets and some dude is tryna rape me

I don't want this game to be over, how much longer I got?

Next game I'm really anticipating doesn't drop until Oct and I wanted this joint to last me while, already clocked in like 15 hours but it feels like those 15 went by quick as hell for some reason

You still have a little bit to get through, but you're basically in the homestretch.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
I agree 100% on all points. I thought the ending was...if not perfect...certainly it was...fitting...if you can understand that.

Caution: Not exactly a short post:

Joel is a human being. Not a superhero, not any kind of hero. And the thing is, he never pretends to be one. He never wanted to do this. He set out on a journey to get some guns, and now all of a sudden he's supposed to help save humanity? Why? What has humanity done for him? The "Government", that's resorted to treating ppl like animals...essentially herding them into cages? Society itself, who have behaved like the very animals they deny being? The Fireflies, who have, since we have known them, shown to be nothing but incompetent, wanna-be Freedom Fighters that can't get out of their own way? Those are the ppl he's supposed to "want" to help?

I think that's goes to the core of his decision. If Ellie never came into his life, he and Tess would be living life just like they were: one day at a time, fighting for survival. His daughter long buried, and even (dare I say) forgotten (I mean, he kept the watch yes, but even with Ellie, it's like he's trying his hardest not to remember...refusing the picture from Tommy being the main example). But the bond is there, and it grows to be the strongest he's felt since Sarah (I mean, we don't know how he responded with whatever happened between him and Tommy, but even when Tess died, it was goes on). So they took his daughter once, and now they're trying to do it again? How's he supposed to live with himself? How's he supposed to pick up and move on? You wanna call that selfish? Go ahead. What would I call it? Real. Human.

I seen Winb had some problems with the ending, and while I can understand where he's coming from, how can you NOT understand where Joel was coming from? My dude isn't Captain America, trying to save the planet. He's you...he's me...he's any one of us, that, if put in a similar situation, would in all likelihood do the exact same thing Joel did. I know as soon as Marlene said they "decided" that Ellie had to die, I immediately got the :birdman: face. Wasn't no way I was letting them kill my girl. Nope. Everyone wants to hope that they would do "the right thing", but "the right thing" isn't necessarily the same for me as it is for you. Is it right to deny humanity a chance at a cure? Obviously not. At the same time, is it right to sacrifice a 14 year old girl on the "hope" (NOT guarantee) that she'll be the answer? Who here can answer that without being put in them shoes? I'm one of them people that isn't big on speculation. That "what would you do if..." scenario that ppl like to throw around. I don't know what I would do. Let me get in that situation, and I'll let you know after the fact. That's what makes this game so damn really makes you feel as if you really are in that situation.

That said, I'm sure they probably thought about, and obviously decided against it, but imagine if they actually did give you the choice? I can tell you 2 things: 1. I obviously woulda made the same exact decision that Joel made, and 2. No matter how many times I replay it, I woulda NEVER went the alternate way. I couldn't deal with Ellie dying. I'm not bout that life. :to:

Also, I missed the Surgeon's Recorder my first go around, so I didn't even know they had already had access to other immune people, and I STILL wanted to walk out that hospital with Ellie by my side. They failed how many times? But I'm supposed to believe THIS time will be different? Nah...Ima go ahead and take Ellie out of here, and we'll be on our merry way. As far as Ellie's feelings on the matter, do I think she was resigned to the fact that she was going to die? Maybe. I mean, we never "knew" she had to die until the very end, so how could she "know"? I think she suspected, hence the aloofness she showed when Spring started. But at the same time, that aloofness was gone when we saw the Giraffes. It coulda been lingering from what happened during Winter. I mean, she was almost cut up into "tiny pieces", Joel almost died, and who knows what that psycho woulda done to her had he finally gotten his hands on her in the restaurant. I agree with what someone (not sure who) said above: when she asked Joel at the end, and he said what he did, and she said "OK", I think she meant it. I think she knew that he wasn't 100% with her, but I think she accepted it.

As far as the doctors, the first one that showed aggression got clapped up real quick. I left the others alone. And Marlene? After she green-lit dude to kill me, I just wish I was in control of Joel when he murked her. :demonic:

dapped and pos repped:wow:

The reason I think the ending is perfect is because of the disagreement it's caused. Because while I would have absolutely done what Joel did, I absolutely think it was selfish. And not just selfish because Joel didn't want to lose someone he loved but because he was making a decision for mankind that wasn't his to make. Yeah Ellie is a teenager, but lets be honest, she grew up a lot in the year's span that we followed her. She's seen her friends die and killed multiple people. She looked death in the face before and was ready for it. She's actually started wrapping her mind over just how important her very existence is. Joel himself scolds her at one point about being reckless because she' so important. She deserved the truth at the very least. But god knows when you're carrying her out of that surgery room and Joel sounds exactly like he did when Sarah got shot, nobody had a bad word to say about dude. Too many games give us concrete black and white endings and this is very much gray and I love that. As for the surgeon recording, it actually says that Ellie is the only one who has ever been immune. I'm happy that's the case because it really magnifies how epic a choice Joel had to make there and really makes you think of the morality of that choice. Video games don't ever have me writing paragraphs on just plot points; this shyt was genuinely special.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
When you get control of her. Just go look in her backpack. She has different artifacts than Joell
:ohhh: I can't even front though when winter started I went from "fallout exploring every square inch and sneaking" to :pacspit: :demonic: game had me caught up. I was killing people for the fukk of it after that had to ride for the homie, didn't even check the bag.

We gonna see how that Uncharted 4 look like by the end of the year breh :eat:

I don't need Uncharted being like this game. This game is different than Uncharted. Uncharted already got the acting and story telling like this game down pat. Better writing for the story and crazy ass polish for the arcadyness with a fresh coat of graphics will make Uncharted fresh.
yeah uncharted going to do what it do I agree, but it would be nice to see a more adult version of the game with blood and darker story line. But honestly I think naught dog should drop a new ip maybe sci fi or on some game of thrones they some creative cats. I was two weeks late on the game seen a bunch of spoilers read this thread and still thought the game was :lawd:

I agree 100% on all points. I thought the ending was...if not perfect...certainly it was...fitting...if you can understand that.
I'll be honest anybody that
wasn't trying to see joel save ellie is a sucka. I know I can't be the only one that thought all they needed was to draw some blood and run some test to get a cure. The whole kill her shyt had me like :dahell: You could feel the boy joel's fatherly love when he pulled the trigger on the guard that was about to escort him out of the base when he saw her book bag. He hit homie with :dahell:" WHAT FLOOR ?" Breh didnt even give em a second to answer before he shot him again :pachaha:
My thing is Joel probably thought what the hell is he even saving at this point? First off, his daughter was killed by a soldier, the world was fukked up for two decades peoples sense of morality was gone. You got a bunch of crazy ass people in the world. they are not going to go back to the old way of life living like that for years for a cure.Yeah you might not have clickers, but you think dudes out there being cannibals, murders rapist ect. are going to come together to start living under some form of government going to work and shyt when they just take what they want now? In all honesty the clickers would be gone then you would just open the door for some crazy ass cult/dictator to try to take over. But really I guess thats how we got to america today if you think about it :ohhh: maybe part two can be about a war between firefly's and Joels camp for ellie

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
So i'm at the chapter where
I'm in a restaurant with no bullets and some dude is tryna rape me

I don't want this game to be over, how much longer I got?

Next game I'm really anticipating doesn't drop until Oct and I wanted this joint to last me while, already clocked in like 15 hours but it feels like those 15 went by quick as hell for some reason

Just finish the shyt breh:katt: You acting like a damn squirrel or dog. Ol let me bury this bone so it last me all through the winter face ass

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
I just started this multi a couple hours ago. shyt is crazy:wow:

Being the last dude left on your team in Survivor mode against four nikkas is some scressful stuff. Man, even spectating gets scressful:damn:

My clan is 40 something deep. But it says one of my dudes is on the verge of cannibalism:dahell:

i got up to 64 i think, then fukking randoms kept getting slaughtered and i couldn't get kills. :snoop:

This shyt ain't call of duty...that one man hero shyt get you murked out.


May 1, 2012
shyt is starting to click now...but fukk these bloaters breh. fukk em in the navel with a red hot fireplace poker :angry:

Prince Akeem

Its not that deep breh....
May 4, 2012
Playing on survivor...Is it just me or am I getting less material for crafting on this difficulty???