I think its for sure up there. And what part was all over the place? Again, I truly want to know what you mean by this. Its not perfect, but I think its a DAMN good game.The 1st was a top five gen experience. This was all over the place.
So dikk riding is stating I like the game?That guy dikk riding shamelessly. Top 5 games this gen is GoW, HZD, Spiderman- RDR2 and anything that isnt TLOU2

Now in terms of top 5, I think this game is really up there. I could say my list is the same as that perhaps with Horizon as the odd game out and putting in FF7R. So GoW, FF7R, Spiderman, RDR2 and TLOU 2. Again, I think people really missed the point of the game and instead focused on the fact Joel got killed.