The Last of Us Part II Spoiler Discussion Thread

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
This should be a neg gif

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
I liked how Tommy and Ellie were basically the Final Bosses of the game. It was interesting to see the characters we know and played as from the other side, terrorizing us. Like when Tommy was sniping us, I was :picard: And the as capable and brolic we saw Abby be playing as her, when we had to fight Ellie I kept trying to to beat the shyt out of her and Ellie kept chopping me the fukk down. Like I saw the loading menu hint that said “Don’t charge Ellie, she’s too deadly.” And I was again like:picard: “fukk, she is isn’t she?” Seeing how quick and agile she was, rushing her wasn’t gonna work. When Ellie went into stealth mode and wasn’t showing up when you listen I was again :picard:“goddamn this little bytch gonna kill Abby big ass”. It let me give her a level of respect I should have given her a long time ago if we think about all the shyt she does. Abby is a physical goon but Ellie little ass is a killing machine. Same with Tommy. Even when Abby was able to get her hands on Ellie, she so wiry, she can pull a knife out and slice you. I liked how they did their fight. Abby beat the shyt outta Ellie once she was able to disarm her but goddamn, it took a lot to do it. I was playing on survivor too:picard: Tommy killed me a good 10times. :francis:


May 6, 2015
I'm glad I played this to completion on an internet blackout. I must say the story is not as bad or contrived as anyone is saying imo.

I really enjoyed this game. Things are a lot more nuanced than anyone is explaining, much too cursory of a view. I will also say I no lifed this game for 3 days straight to only just beat it this afternoon. How many people criticizing the story beat it or just read about what happens?

I thought it was interesting to see that both sides of the fence have similar motivations and justifications for committing horrible acts. Abby and Ellie essentially do the same stuff for the same reasons and both discover the savages it has made them.

Even the end I understood. Given all that has happened and all they have both been through. Realizing it won't bring Joel back and seeing Lev in the boat knowing you're essentially sentencing him to death if you kill Abby. They both realized they don't like the monsters they've become and recognized themselves in each other.

People acting like Abby's plot is unjustified I thought it was interesting. Here's an innocent young girl who's father was murdered by the hands of Joel. Seeking revenge like anyone would. She has friends and a social life and all the moral justifications of anyone in this world to go find Joel and kill him.

It's a bit contrived but I enjoy the whole 'who's really the bad guy' motifs in stories. I like observing how reality is dependent on perspective and this game delves into that.

It seems most peoples criticisms are very cursory "i liked joel wtf" "abby sucks fukk this game" "gay people? smh"

I just enjoyed how it shines a light on how everyone will find a way to morally justify their evil. Every side had plenty of good reason to do what they did and they were stuck in a perpetual cycle of retribution. I liked how it showed how tribalism may evolve in a post apocalyptic world.

I get people not enjoying it but I think there was a lot of great stuff here and the people being upset seem to be like on a campaign for their voices to be heard or some shyt.

It seems many decided they won't like this game before it even came out because of leaks. Which to me is amazing how many people read the leaks. I was a huge fan of the first game heard there was leaks and avoided TLOU 2 talk online all the way til release.

Meanwhile other supposed mega fans just readily read the leaks? Just waiting to be mad when the game drops?

There are valid criticisms of the game, I just think a lot I've read aren't very fleshed out and can be countered or explained easily.

It's like people are mad the game isn't straight fan service. What happens is perfectly logical within the world they live.

Also Abby is not a tranny.

You make good points. I completely agree that Ellie's justification for revenge was no more sincere than Abby's. Lot of objections to Abby's build, but it 1) made her a direct contrast to Ellie in appearance, though in spirit she is the same and 2) made the the ending scene where she's withered away all the more significant.

A fairer criticism (that I share) is that it felt very contrived for there to be several instances of the revengeful party sparing their targets lives when they'd worked so hard to reach the point where they can exact revenge. Killing several dozen people who likely have their own strong convictions and loved ones because they were immediate threats. For many players it didn't feel satisfying to commit x hours into completing objectives, many of which felt tedious to complete (powering generators, finding gate combinations, creating access points to buildings that merely lead to continuing an objective, not the objective itself) just to not finish the job when given the opportunity. It does make sense according to the theme that TLOU 2 wants to push. But for many it's not so convincing of a message from the perspective of the characters given their prior actions.

Another criticism is the amount of time you spend fighting enemies who are not the target of the characters hate. Unlike Joel who had personal reasons for hunting the infected it was less the case for Ellie & Abby who were hunting specific targets that they understood the identity of. So much of the skirmishes felt empty and just a matter of exploring the mechanics of the game, progression system than being related to character or story developments. The best, most tense moments are when you are chasing the targets who are responsible for murdering your loved ones. Ellie chasing that girl through the hospital who she later clubbed to death. Abby and Ellie playing duck duck goose backstage in the theater. Abby and her friend hunting down that sniper that turned out to be Tommy. There are relatively few of these compared to the other battles that feel like fluff in relevance to the story.

You have pretty much explained the main ideas behind this game in a few sentences. Some were hoping for ideas that were more debatable than a morally grey revenge plot that shows the perspectives of both sides, neither more or less justified than the other as the game thoroughly shows you. Ironic parallels between Ellie/Abby and Joel. TLOU 1 gave you a lot more to chew on. High bar to meet, yeah. But the disappointment is justifiably high given the expectations.

I do understand the reactions to Joel's death. Even if they saw it as a spoiler and it ruined their enjoyment of the game. Not just because he was liked or that he was killed, but that he dies so soon and you didn't even get to hear from his perspective. He is more or less muted in this game after being the focal point in the last, and that's a tragedy since he could have given us another vantage point.

Game is a mixed bag for me. See the good and bad. In hindsight I'd have waited until it was on sale as I don't think it's something you need to play immediately. You could watch the cutscenes, walk and chats on youtube and be okay in the meantime.
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Pure Water

May 12, 2014
Man, I'm was trying to wait for itsreal85 to beat the game, but this nikka takes too long to beat games.

Pure Water

May 12, 2014
I see people complaining about the way Joel died... I think it's great (not that he died, but the way he died). These people live in a post apocalyptic world. shyt ain't for play play, and death ain't pretty. It ain't poetic. Often it's brutal with no redeeming qualities.

What I don't like (if it's true, the player I'm watching hasn't beaten the game yet) is not being able to kill Abbey as Ellie or Dina( I don't even know if she's alive that deep into the game). Y'all can spoil this for me, I don't plan on buying the game.


May 6, 2015
I see people complaining about the way Joel died... I think it's great (not that he died, but the way he died). These people live in a post apocalyptic world. shyt ain't for play play, and death ain't pretty. It ain't poetic. Often it's brutal with no redeeming qualities.

What I don't like (if it's true, the player I'm watching hasn't beaten the game yet) is not being able to kill Abbey as Ellie or Dina( I don't even know if she's alive that deep into the game). Y'all can spoil this for me, I don't plan on buying the game.

Yeah, you don't kill Abby. But if you play the game you see her vantage point and become less resentful towards her for killing Joel. (your'e really just mad he died so early in the game, for what amounted to nothing) There's even a point where you're fighting Ellie as Abby and it doesn't feel so bad winning that fight.

Of all things this game does wrong narratively, Abby's motives are sold well enough. I'd agree it would make more sense if one of Ellie or Abby actually died though.

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
I finished the game a couple of hours ago. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed playing as Abby. The parts with her and the kids were fun.

I guess the title screen change after the credits means that they made it to the Firefly base.


Jan 29, 2017
East London
Are there any black characters in this game?
I got the impression the studio did like white people often do and felt like having gays is enough diversity and tried to keep everyone as pale as possible.
From what I've seen, one gets beaten to death by Ellie for not snitching since she was getting killed anyhow and there's a breh that is one of the antagonists but he gets shot anyhow dunno if he's dead or not. I'm the folks on here who have the game will know.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Like most of the motivations for characters in this world the morality is grey. Most decisions have a good argument either way.

I don't think Joel was wrong, but the doctor believed he had to do this for good reasons. My only point is if the doctor was your dad are you gonna go "well shoulda let Joel take her" or are you going to be boiling with rage over the murder of your dad? Abby's emotions and motivations make perfect sense.

The point of the plot is the villain is just whoever your opposition is. Both sides are essentially doing the same types of shyt for the same types of reasons, so who is really the evil here? It's all circumstance and perspective.

Obviously we have an attachment to Ellie and Joel so we're rooting for Abbys downfall, I couldn't wait to kill her. But by the end I understood why Ellie didn't. I think Ellie realized they are both the same.

This game reminds me of the MGS2 outrage but I loved that game too.

I respectfully disagree
again, Abby gets absolutely no sympathy - she should be smart enough to understand that her father was going to take the life of a 14-year-old girl based off a potential nothing factual .., again a potential : which he didn’t have the right to take Ellie life only person that can give consent to that would be a biological parents which were already dead even Ellie herself couldn’t give consent because she wasn't a legal age

when you really think about it that aspect of the original TLOU storyline is pretty weak and poorly written ... let’s keep it real what’s the difference of them finding a cure 20 years a.k.a. 2 decades later when more then 2/3 of the population was already wiped out ... You’ll figure after the first several years if they couldn’t find a cure they would’ve to move to a contingency plan, by isolating all non-infected people and sending out an army to kill every person infected and burning them even dropping multiple nuclear bombs
