Yo Abby was on some other shyt in the faceoff with Ellie

Ellie fresh off getting beaten within an inch of her life: "Please don't kill her


Abbie with her fukking knife to Dina's throat: "GOOD

This game was crazy good, best of all time is a stretch. We need that Tommy one man army Director's Cut DLC
I'm not sure what the hate was about from all those cacs when this released. Only thing that was weird was that rough sex scene that came out of nowhere, but they had built up some tension. The story made sense and I liked playing Abby's story. fukk the Rattlers

, gotta be the WOAT humans we've encountered in this series yet excluding David the rapist cannibal from Part 1. I ran through and split all their heads open with melee weapons and the shotty
I have to say that whole Santa Barbara neighborhood part with Ellie might be my favorite setpiece. I like the idea of traversing through an abandoned neighborhood like that it was
Really heavy story. I ended up watching The Office after beating it bc I needed a pick me up