The Last of Us Part II | PS4 | June 19th (NO OPEN SPOILERS)

Nov 18, 2016
I'd be more inclined to think it was the Rattlers had they actually made it to where they was told to go and then got ambushed but because they got jumped as soon as they left the house I feel they were just being watched by Rattlers the whole time they was on that street. It's almost like them getting squadded on straight after the call was done on purpose to make us think they were being set up.

As you say we're not really told or given any indication of who they were actually talking to so thats leading me to think it could be one of those small seemingly insignificant moments that could prove to be crucial for the narrative of the next game (if they make one of course) - kinda like how Joel killing the doctor in TLOU1 turned out to be a crucial moment for TLOU2's story.
it will be
most likely
Part 3 will focus on the cure and Ellie trying to find purpose. Abby probably finally meets the fireflies, she tells them about Ellie, and her, Lev, and the Fireflies go out to search for to find a cure assuming they have some new doctor that can find one. Tommy will most likey have a very large role to play as he is a former firefly, will probably hate Ellie for not killing Abby especially after seeing her lose two fukking fingers, still hates Abby obviously, and I predict will do something that will have major consequences in the game. There are a lot of places they can go with the story but it has to be executed well. I didn't think Part 2's story was as well done as Part 1's but that makes sense considering the majority of the writers/creatives left. Not killing Abby made the entire journey feel completely pointless, as if Part 2 never happened. It seems like Part 2 focused on the journey and transformation of the characters rather than the destination, They better not make me play as Abby for ten fukking hours though


May 1, 2012
it will be
most likely
They better not make me play as Abby for ten fukking hours though

You gonna be mad then. This series seems to be built on pairings and character interactions while exploring. Abby and Lev are clearly the new Joel and Ellie. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next game is 100% them. They kept Abby alive for a reason.
Nov 18, 2016
You gonna be mad then. This series seems to be built on pairings and character interactions while exploring. Abby and Lev are clearly the new Joel and Ellie. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next game is 100% them. They kept Abby alive for a reason.
I highly doubt ND is going to do that. If ND did that they're finished. ND got their Metal Gear Solid 2 out their system but they also care about selling units. No one is going to wait another 7 years just to play as Abby with Lev,
especially since a lot of people don't care for Abby's character. Joel and Ellie are the symbols of TLOU. Getting rid of Ellie completely will not be TLOU to most people

Nero Christ

Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev
Jan 15, 2017
St. Lucia
ran into them stalkers for the first time

they ain't shyt :mjlol:

btw, who is the real life Abby :picard:
  • Dap
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Nov 18, 2016
My only critique of this game is the story fell apart for me as the game went on
Too bad Neil's old team left as he probably threw away their original story arcs and went with his with that writer from Westworld
I guarantee you the original team's story arc for Part 2 w/ Neil was better than Neil's alone
My critiques

The peak of the story was the Museum encounter and Jesse getting his face blown off. The intensity was 100. After that, it was so obvious what the developers were trying to do humanizing Abby and basically forcing the character on us. The game doesn't do a good enough job in terms of execution of story IMO

1) They killed off Joel and the execution was poor. Okay you kill a fan favorite, the protagonist of the 1st game, you better do it right and it needs to be a satisfactory end to his story arc
I've watched enough Game of Thrones and characters getting killed off to get used to shyt like this
Anyone who payed close attention to Joel's personality in the 1st game should know, he wasn't very trusting
He wasn't trusting towards the black guy and his little brother, pushing him down and pointing his gun on him when he thought he left him and Ellie for dead
He wasn't trusting towards that one guy walking towards the car as if he was in need because with his experience he knew it was a probably raid
So knowing Joel's personality, he would never just seemingly walk into a stranger's cabin with his brother, after all the experience they had in the outside world
It's an example of a character acting out of character to push the story forward
It's lazy
Not only that, after making that long trip and waiting so many years for vengeance, it wouldn't make sense to keep Ellie and Tommy alive as there is a chance
they can come for you
Joel's death was the beginning of a story to justify Ellie going on a revenge spree instead of it being a well though out end to his arc

2) You're telling me Tommy was also as dumb as Joel and doesn't have sense too after what they been through together?
The fact neither questioned what was going on and just went along with it doesn't make sense given their background and Joel's personality in the 1st game

3) In the 1st game, Ellie just wants a normal life, only to want revenge after Joel is killed, to wanting a normal life again by going on the farm and staying with Dina, to wanting revenge again after Tommy comes through, to wanting a normal life again after having a flashback of Joel like damn bytch make up your mind
The story just falls apart
Wouldn't a flashback of Joel make you want to kill Abby even more?
Nah that flashback was Ellie trying to forgive Joel and move on how pretentious
The ending is dumb and that's because the game didn't do a good enough job of making the ending make sense

4) It seems like Neil didn't know how to expand the story into a 3rd game, and decided to introduce Abby and Lev to do so
Problem is, no one gives a fukk about an Abby and Lev standalone game so that plan fell out the window, especially after witnessing the fan backlash. Felt like one big pointless journey

5) The game is inferior in terms of story telling to the 1st game. But that's also because Neil, though he has talent, needs the right team around him so he doesn't go astray. That bruce guy and Amy and his other team members helped him make TLOU what it was. His team is gone and it shows. If Neil is responsible for the story for the 3rd game with no team comparable to the teams he had before around him, :huhldup:
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May 1, 2012
My only critique of this game is the story fell apart for me as the game went on
My critiques

The peak of the story was the Museum encounter and Jesse getting his face blown off. The intensity was 100. After that, it was so obvious what the developers were trying to do humanizing Abby and basically forcing the character on us. The game doesn't do a good enough job in terms of execution of story IMO

1) They killed off Joel and the execution was poor. Okay you kill a fan favorite, the protagonist of the 1st game, you better do it right and it needs to be a satisfactory end to his story arc
I've watched enough Game of Thrones and characters getting killed off to get used to shyt like this
Anyone who payed close attention to Joel's personality in the 1st game should know, he wasn't very trusting
He wasn't trusting towards the black guy and his little brother, pushing him down and pointing his gun on him when he thought he left him and Ellie for dead
He wasn't trusting towards that one guy walking towards the car as if he was in need because with his experience he knew it was a probably raid
So knowing Joel's personality, he would never just seemingly walk into a stranger's cabin with his brother, after all the experience they had in the outside world
It's an example of a character acting out of character to push the story forward
It's lazy
Not only that, after making that long trip and waiting so many years for vengeance, it wouldn't make sense to keep Ellie and Tommy alive as there is a chance
they can come for you
Joel's death was the beginning of a story to justify Ellie going on a revenge spree instead of it being a well though out end to his arc

2) You're telling me Tommy was also as dumb as Joel and doesn't have sense too after what they been through together?
The fact neither questioned what was going on and just went along with it doesn't make sense given their background and Joel's personality in the 1st game

3) In the 1st game, Ellie just wants a normal life, only to want revenge after Joel is killed, to wanting a normal life again by going on the farm and staying with Dina, to wanting revenge again after Tommy comes through, to wanting a normal life again after having a flashback of Joel like damn bytch make up your mind
The story just falls apart
Wouldn't a flashback of Joel make you want to kill Abby even more?
Nah that flashback was Ellie trying to forgive Joel and move on how pretentious

4) It seems like Neil didn't know how to expand the story into a 3rd game, and decided to introduce Abby and Lev to do so
Problem is, no one gives a fukk about an Abby and Lev standalone game so that plan fell out the window, especially after witnessing
the fan backlash.

5) The game is inferior in terms of story telling to the 1st game. But that's also because Neil, though he has talent, needs the right team around him so he doesn't go astray. That bruce guy and Amy and his other team members helped him make TLOU what it was. His team is gone and it shows. If Neil is responsible for the story for the 3rd game with no team comparable to the teams he had before around him, :huhldup:
1) Joel fresh off being a hunter, and now a smuggler is a lot different from Joel who has been living in a friendly community for years that most likely regularly brings people in. Also Abby's group didn't kill the others because they weren't those types of people. When you play as Abby you get more insight into their group and you see they are just regular people and not stone cold murderers who tie up loose ends. Also none of them knew Ellie was basically Solid Snake and Tommy was a god sniper who could track them across multiple state lines. And once they got to the cabin you could tell Joel was a little on edge so he wasn't completely naive to what was going on. But it was either take your chances with this group or with the snow storm. And Joel got caught slipping. It was bound to happen at some point.

2) From what we know about Tommy's personality its safe to say trusting Abby was in character for him. We know he was a firefly and he's been in Wyoming for a hot minute living in a town, so that's probably made him more trusting over the years. We also know he split from Joel because he wasn't built for all the grimey shyt Joel was doing and he was more of an glass half full type of guy when it came to people.

3) I get what you are saying here. But Ellie is all over the place because that's her character, she's purposely been conflicted and contradicting herself since we've been introduced to her.

4) And yeah Abby and Lev are the future of this franchise. But you're right, I don't think they expected this sort of backlash against the character. But I honestly think its just mob mentality and everyone has it in their head that she's awful so people are just running with it. If we never had that leak I think the reception to the game would have been better. I personally liked the character, and by the end I was rooting for her to find her firefly crew :yeshrug:

And everyone complaining about this game is full of shyt to be honest :russ: When TLOU3 drops on PS5 everyone will line up to get it, don't front.
Nov 18, 2016
1) Joel fresh off being a hunter, and now a smuggler is a lot different from Joel who has been living in a friendly community for years that most likely regularly brings people in. Also Abby's group didn't kill the others because they weren't those types of people. When you play as Abby you get more insight into their group and you see they are just regular people and not stone cold murderers who tie up loose ends. Also none of them knew Ellie was basically Solid Snake and Tommy was a god sniper who could track them across multiple state lines. And once they got to the cabin you could tell Joel was a little on edge so he wasn't completely naive to what was going on. But it was either take your chances with this group or with the snow storm. And Joel got caught slipping. It was bound to happen at some point.

2) From what we know about Tommy's personality its safe to say trusting Abby was in character for him. We know he was a firefly and he's been in Wyoming for a hot minute living in a town, so that's probably made him more trusting over the years. We also know he split from Joel because he wasn't built for all the grimey shyt Joel was doing and he was more of an glass half full type of guy when it came to people.

3) I get what you are saying here. But Ellie is all over the place because that's her character, she's purposely been conflicted and contradicting herself since we've been introduced to her.

4) And yeah Abby and Lev are the future of this franchise. But you're right, I don't think they expected this sort of backlash against the character. But I honestly think its just mob mentality and everyone has it in their head that she's awful so people are just running with it. If we never had that leak I think the reception to the game would have been better. I personally liked the character, and by the end I was rooting for her to find her firefly crew :yeshrug:

And everyone complaining about this game is full of shyt to be honest :russ: When TLOU3 drops on PS5 everyone will line up to get it, don't front.
Nah bro people are pissed off. Legitimate fans of the series. All I here are excuses trying to rationalize this weaker storyline that has a lot of plot holes. The ending is just dumb it's that simple. How Joel died is dumb yeah Joel would have had to slip up eventually but that entire scene was out of character. It wouldn't have been like that given his personality.
Sales have dropped 80% since they broke records. We'll see how much this sells in total because if it is half or less of the first game, Neil is going to have problems. Other than that, honestly, I fear how they will fukk up the storyline for Part 3. At least if Neil is the sole writer. Maybe after replaying a couple of times the story will grow on me but for now, meh


#grizzlies #titans
May 1, 2012
Just beat it brehs :wow: blassic and easily topped the first one. Naughty Dog can do no wrong. I didn’t read spoilers beforehand or during, so now I really am confused to what the outrage was.

Was it because Joel died? Got killed by a woman? The story mainly focuses on women? Lesbian lovers? A transgender kid?

The only thing that had me :comeon: was when Lev was revealed to be trans. It didn’t upset me but I’m like ok they are pouring it on a bit thick here. Not enough to make me go crazy though like people were.