I wasn't feeling how mad Ellie was. It didn't seem like she was at all. Here she is on the war path and she got friends dropping in, blossoming love one minute and she's out torturing motherfukkers the next. You don't see it in her face like you do on the cover or on the loading screen. She's avenging a dude who's enemies had enemies, who fukked the world over so that she could have a chance at a life. If he could speak to her from beyond the grave he'd probably tell her, "Oh, they let you live? Take your ass back to Jackson then." I get that she was mad but she wasn't "fukk everyone and everything mad" to do what she was doing. Should have had her go dolo and having nightmares and shyt mad all the time. Tone on Ellie's side was wack until day 3 maybe.
I kind of preferred Abby's side because at least there was a story there. Not that it was something I was like forward to from The Last of Us Part 2 starring Joel and Ellie. I thought it ended when they got to the farm but then you see Tommy show up. Hell naw he lived through that. Point blank, Ellie busted a move and ran into the theatre and Tommy on the floor. Really no reason Abby couldn't make that shot but nah.That felt like a plot contrivance to get Ellie back on the war path. Reality would have really set in if Ellie's plot for vengeance got multiple people killed including Joel's little brother who she was supposed to send back home. Honestly felt like there was no reason for that third act but it was pretty dope once the ball got rolling.
Hiding the night before Joel's death was some bullshyt though. Would have really clue'd you in about how she felt about him before his death. When they get down to it though she says, "I can never forgive you for what you did but I'd like to try." bytch, you tore down a whole city over that?
Keep in mind that's the reconciliation. shyt was even less sweet before that. They did a poor job of setting up the why of it and the conversation at the end made it even worse
Whole first part I was playing all I could think was Joel's beef caught up with him, it is what it and ELLIE KNEW. You gotta be next level devoted to go Rambo on a group of people knowing that or maybe you're just a psycho. Is she a psycho, Naughty Dog? Just say that then