Damn Abby, how you gonna wreck the man's family like that?

I don't get why people are so upset, the second half of the game has easily been more intense than the first part. That WHOLE segment with Abby running through the forest at night with Lev and Yara and fending for themselves is GOAT tier. I might even be liking this more than the first half, to keep it really real.
Legit, if people go into this game with an open mind and don't put Joel on a pedestal, I think you can really appreciate what ND is doing here. It's clear that they're going for a "violence begets violence" cycle, but even if it's "predictable"... I think that's the best call. It's real. The ONLY reason why we give a shyt about Joel and Ellie is because we've experienced a whole game with her. I know people feel like ND should do more with her character (and maybe from where I am, they'll do even more with that), but to be fair... This is in the end, Ellie's story and Ellie has the advantage of having a whole game plus DLC focusing on building her character, whereas Abby only has three days in-game to flesh her out. There's only so much they can do, and I think if they were to go overboard, the pacing would absolutely suffer for it.
I like Abby though. Former Firefly turned WLF Soldier who went on a journey to avenge her dad, and now she's trying to do right by the people she cares about, while trying to make sure she and they don't get murdered by the Scars. She's hardened due to what she's experienced, but she's not "evil". She clearly still has a lot of love for Owen, cares deeply about Manny and Mel, and clearly wants Lev and Yara to end up being okay. Ellie's also like that, her outward demeanour is one of a standoffish nature, but she absolutely cares about the people in Jackson, as well as her friends and family.
I absolutely look forward to seeing how it all plays out, especially where the story is going to go once we catch back up to when Abby discovers Ellie's hideout.