The Last of Us Part II | PS4 | June 19th (NO OPEN SPOILERS)

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
I don’t know what nikkas are saying Abby shyt boring. This is some of the best parts of the game. Her relationship with levy is hilarious and heartwarming as it develops. The skyscraper platforming the hotel, and the hospital are so tense and nerve wrecking. She got some of the best weapons in the game. Plus low key I just love beating the fukk out of people/infected with that momentum perk. I also feel like the game is more challenging as her. You get no tools, pills, or ammo with her compared to Ellie.


I pick shyt up
May 8, 2012
Vixens, Mascara's, Mary-Ann's
I don’t know what nikkas are saying Abby shyt boring. This is some of the best parts of the game. Her relationship with levy is hilarious and heartwarming as it develops. The skyscraper platforming the hotel, and the hospital are so tense and nerve wrecking. She got some of the best weapons in the game. Plus low key I just love beating the fukk out of people/infected with that momentum perk

I waited too long to get her momentum perk.. shyt came in handy when I finally got around to getting it:wow:

Admittedly I spent the first hour playing as Abby just waiting to switch back to the theater and Ellie..

After I realized it wasn't switching back anytime soon I got annoyed.. But then they introduced Lev.. Changed my whole impression of Abby..


What you looking at?
Nov 30, 2015
Just beat the game:ehh: decent game but nothing too crazy:francis: a little disappointed but whatever:francis:
Now I wait for cyberpunk

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
I still don’t get how people find the first game’s story more “captivating”. It was literally an escort mission from point a to point b, with a few bumps on the road and characters growing closer. That’s as simple as a story can get, and has been done multiple times. TLoU is probably my goat when it’s all said and done, but it certainly isn’t because the story was captivating or groundbreaking. It’s execution stood out though.

For the sequel they are attempting a nuanced looked at violence and forcing the player to confront biases they had/have about characters they have on a pedestal. Of course this has also been done many times before, but, objectively, it’s a more compelling premise than escort mission. Now if people argue that they didn’t like it for abcd reasons, cool. But to say the first game’s story was more captivating is just weird to me.

Opinions and all, I guess.
they liked it cuz it was "safe" and it didnt shake the table like i said earlier i aint fukkin with what did they did off TOP in the beginning of the game i was thisss close to being like nah yall ND nikkas disrespectful and not finishing it...but this shyt is way more tense and engaging than pt 1...


All Star
Nov 16, 2013
Quick thoughts now that I've taken in the story fully while calm and also not tired af. I re-read my first post once I completed the game and I was saying some bullshyt:mjlol:

The game tries to make you feel empathy for Abby. The problem is that OG players are so invested in Joel and Ellie, it fails in doing so for a lot of people and most people just are not able to forgive Abby for what she did just because we played as her for a few hours. We had a massive journey through a whole game with Joel and Ellie and 7 years to let it sink in, compared to just a few hours with Abby and like 10 minutes with her dad. I see what they were trying to do but it just wasn't plausible to make everyone feel connected to Abby in such a short amount of time, especially when most of the game was you trying to get revenge on her with Ellie

I could understand Abby's point of view and they got close to making me feel sorry for her, but still, in a lot of people's eyes including mine, it was still fukk Abby and I wish I could have killed her. That's why the ending felt terrible to me at first and why it's getting hate from some people.

Even though it's not the outcome I personally wanted at the time, that doesn't necessarily make the ending bad. You have to put biases aside and look at the story as a whole from both sides. Now I've fully calmed down and reflected on the experience, it was an amazing game.

A lot of people saying this doesn't have replayability and I agreed at first, but I think a second playthrough will let them take in the story from both sides instead of being full of vengeance and bloodlust. I'm definitely going to play through parts 1 and 2 again eventually and I hope they release an Abby DLC.

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Jul 7, 2012
Quick thoughts now that I've taken in the story fully while calm and also not tired af. I re-read my first post once I completed the game and I was saying some bullshyt:mjlol:

The game is supposed to make you feel empathy for Abby. The problem is that OG players are so invested in Joel and Ellie, it fails in doing so and most people just are not able to forgive Abby for what she did just because we played as her for a few hours. People had a massive journey through a whole game with Joel and Ellie and 7 years to let it sink in, compared to just a few hours with Abby and like 10 minutes with her dad. I see what they were trying to do but it just wasn't plausible to make everyone feel connected to Abby in such a short amount of time, especially when most of the game was you trying to get revenge on her with Ellie

I could understand Abby's point of view and they got close to making me feel sorry for her, but still, in a lot of people's eyes including mine, it was still fukk Abby and I wish I could have killed her. That's why the ending felt terrible to me at first and why it's getting hate from some people.

Even though it's not the outcome I personally wanted at the time, that doesn't necessarily make the ending bad. You have to put biases aside and look at the story as a whole from both sides. Now I've fully calmed down and reflected on the experience, it was an amazing game.

A lot of people saying this doesn't have replayability and I agreed at first, but I think a second playthrough will let you take in the story from both sides instead of being full of vengeance and bloodlust. I'm definitely going to play through parts 1 and 2 again eventually and I hope they release an Abby DLC.


I don't think the game tries to force the player to empathize with Abby. Druckmann is smart enough to know that people weren't going to warm to her after what she did. You would think that her plight with the kids was an effort to manipulate and endear the audience to her, and it did seem that way at first, but the game itself calls Abby out on her shyt via Mel.

The game throws away the conventional black/white, good guy/bad guy narrative and tries to paint an honest and complex picture of its characters, with their warts and all, and you can make up your mind about them if you want. Personally, I ended the game not rooting for or against anyone or even hating them.

I liked the first game a lot but didn't love it. It was easy for me to go in without any particular biases and look at things more objectively and how they are presented. I think this one is superior in a lot of ways.

I also think this is a game that time maybe more kind too. Right now people are caught up in the hype and shytstorm of controversy, but I think once things finally calm down, and people start to revisit in the future, their opinions may change.


May 11, 2012
East ATL