The Italian Mafia is looking flabby n sick these days


Dec 23, 2012
:rudy: You're embarassing yourself breh. First you came in this thread on some "Yeah Matthews is really bout that life, fukk those p*ssy ass Italians!". Then you switched it up, "well Matthews really ain't all that, it's the CIA pulling his strings. :stopitslime:
Spare me your condescention. You sound like you just heard about words like "conjecture" or "fallacy" and are eager as fukk to use them in an effort to try and appear smart.:russ:

Everything I said is well documented, it comes from various senate hearings and committees and declassified documents. Before the 9/11 War on Terror the mob was always considered the number 1 threat in America. Virtually any LE agent, lawyer, prosecutor or judge would agree.

I'm talking conjecture? That's the crow calling the raven black, lol. Everything you said is conjecture. Oh Matthews was protected by the CIA, everyone was afraid of him. You're stating the CIA killed Kennedy like it's a fact, like you were there.:heh:
"Oh, a friend of mine started getting strange phonecalls".:heh:

And you have the nerve to talk about critical thinking. I'm not sure you even know what that is.

The only people hyping Matthews like that are the ones that have a documentary or a book to sell, what a coincidence.:stopitslime:

Meanwhile here's a fact for you: during the McLellan committee hearings RFK called the Mafia the most powerful entity in America next to the government. He said, because of their control of the Teamsters and the AFLCIO, the mob could basically shut down the entire country, with a nation-wide trucking strike for example.

What the fukk could Matthews do besides sell dope to his own people? What could he do to the Italians? How many killers did Matthew have? Who were his top guys? Who did they kill?

Here's my 2 cents on the issue:
If I had to make a choice then the Italian mob during their golden age were the strongest criminal organization in modern history simply by virtue of being the most powerful organization in the most powerful country.

I have no doubt that guys like Pablo Escobar or Chapo Guzman had/have enormous power in their respective countries. But it's one thing to have power in a 3rd world country and quite another to have it in America. People like to cite the fact that the cartels are very violent. That's true, but they're very violent in Mexico or Columbia, which are close to a fukking 3rd world country. So what? There's some warlord in Africa doing to same thing with an army of children with rusty AKs. The difference is that could never get away with that in America. There's a reason Nuevo Laredo is a fukking warzone, yet just a few miles across the border Laredo is as safe as it can get.

Escobar or Chapo probably made more money than any individual mafia boss, even if you adjust for inflation. That's true, there's more money in drugs than anything else. But money only gets you so far. For all his billions Escobar ended up shot to shyt by the authorities. Guzman will probably end up the same, sooner or later, along with all the others. Their money will belong to the government. These people spend their entire lives hunted by the army and police.
The mobsters could walk around by themselves in NY or Chicago, frolicking with celebrities and politicians, not holed up in their isolated mansions in the mountains, surrounded by 20 bodyguards in armored trucks, worried about the Army coming and killing them. Look what happened to Arturo Beltran Levya. Meanwhile Carlo Gambino died in his own bed, go figure.

I repeat, the mafia now is on its last legs, but at their peak they were the goat. Their influence on the street, their political power, their control they exerted over the labour unions and legitimate industries. They wielded enormous power. No one will be that powerful again, no the drug cartels and not the Russian mafia.

Dude the Russian(jewish) Mafia is way more powerful they are untouchable, Italians owned unions, Russians own gas, steel, war heads :leon: Also the Russians are a real secret society and you will never see a russian John Gotti, any moscow Jouralist that thinks otherwise gets hit with the K. You can't dismiss mathews gangster because he had no insitutional power and then put the Italians over Russians, the russian mob practically is the institution.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Dude the Russian(jewish) Mafia is way more powerful they are untouchable, Italians owned unions, Russians own gas, steel, war heads :leon: Also the Russians are a real secret society and you will never see a russian John Gotti, any moscow Jouralist that thinks otherwise gets hit with the K. You can't dismiss mathews gangster because he had no insitutional power and then put the Italians over Russians, the russian mob practically is the institution.
Yeah breh, in Russia, not in America. The Russians tried their had in America and it didn't go so good. Also Vyacheslav Ivankov, Semion Moghilevich or Sergei Mikhailov could qualify as Russian John Gottis. Plenty of journalists have written about them.

Though you are right in one aspect, the Russian Mafia from Russia is much more powerful now than the Italians in America. No competition. The Italian crime syndicates like the Camorra or the 'Ndrangheta are as powerful as the Russians or the drug cartels though.

Still, I was talking about the Italians at their peak, which is from after Prohibition until RICO kicked in...


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Someone drop some science on Biggie's affiliation with the Genovese family (Heard the feds was spying on him in LA because of it)

and Wu's affiliation with the Gambinos


half of killarmy is from steubenville ohio, where rza ghost and dirty spent their time selling, building connections, blazay blah. (also where rza mentored 4th dicsiple and the rest in 5%)

dudes had beef, ghost got shot, rza caught a case for busting shots back. their dude got killed.

but after wu blew up, apparently they would run guns from ny to ohio and back (as said by the fbi who has a file on the wu, you can find their file on odb since he died its been declassified somewhat). rza/the clan have ties to the gambinos because like i said, they are all over staten island. its a nobrainer essentially.

the wu was infiltrated by a ex drug (x) pusher in manhattan clubs (Chemical Cowboys Chapter 22: The Club King Of New York — Lord Michael — Crime Library on who snitched on a MAJOR club owner in the city. he bcame ghosts\caps manager and was snitching about the wu to the feds for years apparently , or atleast somewhat.

for some reason hes still ghosts manager. but from what i understand, ghost may have knocked up dudes sister or something. the point when this info came out did spur a major rift in the clan though.

idk how much of it is all true and which is disinformation, but the only thing i do know is gambinos are all over staten island as well as other families. my cousin at 10 years old was handed a key to hide from a neighbor a cross the streetwho was raided and in the mob. ive heard many stories of these dudes, and they are psychos who will kill someone just to show someone else in the car they do this shyt

i know suges a good dude, wants to post a few pics of staten island white boys calling them all soft, but the MOB culture is HEAVY and these kids all have hustles and do work. and one thing, ive yet to see a borough fight with real thugged out blacks like staten island white boys. they say racism is heavy on stat and it is. everyones fighting each other for rep and turf and ive lived in brooklyn too, the white boys aint doing shyt like they are in stat. being in the last borough gives you a chip on ya shoulder. i cant and wont say no more on that really but dudes are hustling.

one example though before i leave this thread for good, just a cpl months ago, a bucnha blacks from park hill tried to rob a medical shipment to a doctor office for oxys roxys and all that. the cops beat the shyt out of them and idndt even arrest them just left them their bleeding. lets just say those pills were for someone else to make money off of. "legal hustles"

albanians tho... shiiiiiiit. ive read a story how they had a sit down, italians brought pistols to an uzi fight. these dudes DO NOT fukk around and are coming up


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
And go ask RAEKWON what he REALLY thinks of them WOPS on staten island...

since he's godbody right??....he probally sees them as the primitive savage cave dwelling poison animal eaters from europe that were ENSLAVED by the MOORS during the "DARK AGES".....

how bout you go ask him yourself??

he be at the school of mecca on 125th street with the other "gods"

oh i forgot YOU GUINEAS are afraid of anything past 110th street :ooh:


i aint a guinea, im a white mutt. i work on 109th ima take a walk over tomorrow

"METHOD MAN: We were high, hanging out. It was always a relaxed atmosphere because we were so used to being there, sleeping on the floors and all that. So it was like being home, writing rhymes in your own house. You went from the floor to the booth. It took thhrere hours tops, just to put vocals on it. That was the first time we ever used our aliases, The Wu-Gambinos names. We were sitting there like, "My name gonna be this" and "My name gonna be that." People really thought my fukkin' name was Johnny Blaze. Raekwon started that. Rae always had that mobster mentality, always liked to watch gangster movies and read mob books and stuff like that, you know? So he pretty much knew the names of the cats and what they was about. He polished his whole style like that. Plus Staten Island is known for mobsters - that's where the Italians live. Not saying all Italians are mobsters, but you know, we ain't blind and shyt."

XXL Article On The Making Of "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx".

rae worshipped these dudes. cause they were the ones taxing in his projects

rza godbody too, maybe thats why he hangs with savages like QT, john frusciante, etc. cmoooon suge... i enjoyed this tho


Tha Sickest
Jul 14, 2012
Who built Las Vegas again? LOL Keep the jokes about the mafia being finished and other groups being more powerful coming. Keep marginalizing the issue with just the NY faction and ignore its global reach. I can use the laugh!


Tha Sickest
Jul 14, 2012
Someone drop some science on Biggie's affiliation with the Genovese family (Heard the feds was spying on him in LA because of it)

and Wu's affiliation with the Gambinos


Diddy's dad was gettin' it in back in the day. In the interview with Frank Lucas and Nicky Barnes I mentioned before, Frank talks to Nicky about Puffy's dad. He talks about how Puff used to be around him when he was young. Puff's dad probably worked for the mafia just like Frank and Nicky. IF there is a mafia connection it MAY have come through his dad's people. But that's just speculation.


All Star
May 28, 2012

Imagine a mobster that comprised the cunning of Lucky Luciano, the brilliance of Meyer Lansky, the ferocity of Vito Genovese, the duplicity of Carmine Galante and the massive wealth of Pablo Escobar. Such a person is not the fantasy creation of some novelist or screenwriter, but rather a real-life flesh-and-blood monster that lives among us.

Semion Mogilevich looks nothing like Marlon Brando nor Al Pacino. The short, bald, pockmarked, grossly obese, 66-year-old Ukrainian is believed by international law enforcement agencies to be one of the most powerful criminals on earth.

The Moscow resident reportedly holds Russian, Ukrainian, Greek and Israeli passports.

Among a litany of crimes, Mogilevich allegedly defrauded thousands of investors in the US and Canada in the 1990s, netting him at least $150 million. He also served as the chief of Inkombank, a Russian financial institution, which was accused of money laundering.

Indicted in 2003, Mogilevich is currently one of the FBI’s ten most wanted fugitives, wanted for wire fraud, RICO conspiracy, mail fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, among other offenses.

With a $100,000 bounty on his head, Mogilevich is also suspected of involvement in murder-for-hire, arms dealing and drug trafficking. The FBI noted that he holds a degree in economics (quite unlike most mobsters) and smokes heavily (quite common for Russians and Ukrainians).

He was arrested in Moscow in 2008 for tax evasion, but released the following year. Russia subsequently rejected a request by U.S. authorities to extradite Mogilevich to answer charges related to the aforementioned massive stock swindle.

A website called Gangstersinc. reported that Semion Mogilevich’s criminal career began slowly and with little initial success. As a young man in the early 1970s, he belonged to the Lyubertskaya group, a band of small-time crooks in Moscow. He apparently served two separate jail terms during this period for a plethora of petty crimes.

His fortunes improved dramatically during the 1980s when the Russian government allowed thousands of Jews to depart for Israel, Europe and the U.S. Seeing a grand business opportunity, Mogilevich defrauded his fellow Jews by buying their possessions at discount prices (exploiting their eagerness to leave) and promising to sell them on the market and send the profits fron such nonexistent sales overseas at a later date. Mogilevich scored millions of dollars on this scheme and used these funds to invest in the highly lucrative areas of weapons and drugs smuggling, prostitution and gambling.

In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union empire in the early 1990s, scores of organized crime gangs took advantage of the chaos, but Mogilevich fled to Israel.

However, he did not relinquish his criminal activities. Indeed, Mogilevich made contacts with other mobsters while still running various illegal enterprises and investing his ill-gotten cash in myriad businesses. After marrying his Hungarian girlfriend Katalin Papp, Mogilevich relocated to Budapest, where he formed a criminal empire based on the structural model of the Sicilian Mafia.

Eventually, the tentacles of Mogilevich's criminal empire expanded across Europe, into North and South America and even Pakistan and Japan.

Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (now in jail herself) accused Mogilevich of illegally profiting from the Russia-Ukraine gas deals.

"He has access to so much, including funding, including other criminal organizations, that he can, with a telephone call and order, affect the global economy," FBI Supervisory Special Agent Peter Kowenhoven told CNN.

FBI Special Agent Mike Dixon declared: "[Mogilevich]'s a big man. He's a very powerful man. I think more powerful than a John Gotti would be, because he has the ability to influence nations. Gotti never reached that stature."

The FBI has labeled Mogilevich as the “most dangerous mobster in the world.”

Like virtually all powerful organized criminals, Mogilevich is closely linked with top politicians. According to reports, he has been allied with Yury Luzhkov, a former Mayor of Moscow, Dmytro Firtash and Leonid Derkach, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine, and Oleksandr Turchynov, former Prime Minister of Ukraine.

"Semion Mogilevich is as serious an organized criminal as I have ever encountered and I am confident that he is responsible for contract killings,” said Jon Winer, a former anti-crime official with the Clinton Administration, in 2006.

At least one analyst has linked Semion Mogilevich to the most powerful man in Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Roman Kupchinsky wrote in the Eurasia Daily Monitor that Leonid Derkach, the former chief of the Ukrainian security service, the SBU, characterized Mogilevich as a close friend of Putin while conversing with former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma.

"[Mogilevich]'s on good terms with Putin,” Derkach allegedly said. “He and Putin have been in contact since Putin was still in Leningrad… They have their own affairs."

Mogilevich remains a free man.

OC's finest

All Star
May 6, 2012
if this is gon turn into jus an overall organized crime/gangster thread, ima jus name drop the yakuza and triads.

the yakuza is cream of the crop in terms of gangsterism. they've achieved what very few mobs have done, which is become more or less socially accepted in japan. i mean, these fukers got ppl openly in the govt and on boards of directors of corporations. they've achieved "legitimacy" while still making billions.

more or less same for triads. and their offshoots into the usa. speakin from personal experience, having a buncha friends as low level thugs into triads in california such as 4seas and wahching, these dudes are making paper. yea, they aint as violent as mexican and black gangs, but they dont get murdered and caught up in prison. money over everything :takedat:


All Star
May 9, 2012
No. Bloods and crips (african american gang) are infamous around the world. I know jamaicans get it in but they aint know as well as the b's/c's. Now nigerians? never heard of no nigerian gangsters lol

breh the scams them Nigerians be doing on the internet, dont get more gangsta than that


All Star
May 9, 2012

Imagine a mobster that comprised the cunning of Lucky Luciano, the brilliance of Meyer Lansky, the ferocity of Vito Genovese, the duplicity of Carmine Galante and the massive wealth of Pablo Escobar. Such a person is not the fantasy creation of some novelist or screenwriter, but rather a real-life flesh-and-blood monster that lives among us.

Semion Mogilevich looks nothing like Marlon Brando nor Al Pacino. The short, bald, pockmarked, grossly obese, 66-year-old Ukrainian is believed by international law enforcement agencies to be one of the most powerful criminals on earth.

The Moscow resident reportedly holds Russian, Ukrainian, Greek and Israeli passports.

Among a litany of crimes, Mogilevich allegedly defrauded thousands of investors in the US and Canada in the 1990s, netting him at least $150 million. He also served as the chief of Inkombank, a Russian financial institution, which was accused of money laundering.

Indicted in 2003, Mogilevich is currently one of the FBI’s ten most wanted fugitives, wanted for wire fraud, RICO conspiracy, mail fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, among other offenses.

With a $100,000 bounty on his head, Mogilevich is also suspected of involvement in murder-for-hire, arms dealing and drug trafficking. The FBI noted that he holds a degree in economics (quite unlike most mobsters) and smokes heavily (quite common for Russians and Ukrainians).

He was arrested in Moscow in 2008 for tax evasion, but released the following year. Russia subsequently rejected a request by U.S. authorities to extradite Mogilevich to answer charges related to the aforementioned massive stock swindle.

A website called Gangstersinc. reported that Semion Mogilevich’s criminal career began slowly and with little initial success. As a young man in the early 1970s, he belonged to the Lyubertskaya group, a band of small-time crooks in Moscow. He apparently served two separate jail terms during this period for a plethora of petty crimes.

His fortunes improved dramatically during the 1980s when the Russian government allowed thousands of Jews to depart for Israel, Europe and the U.S. Seeing a grand business opportunity, Mogilevich defrauded his fellow Jews by buying their possessions at discount prices (exploiting their eagerness to leave) and promising to sell them on the market and send the profits fron such nonexistent sales overseas at a later date. Mogilevich scored millions of dollars on this scheme and used these funds to invest in the highly lucrative areas of weapons and drugs smuggling, prostitution and gambling.

In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union empire in the early 1990s, scores of organized crime gangs took advantage of the chaos, but Mogilevich fled to Israel.

However, he did not relinquish his criminal activities. Indeed, Mogilevich made contacts with other mobsters while still running various illegal enterprises and investing his ill-gotten cash in myriad businesses. After marrying his Hungarian girlfriend Katalin Papp, Mogilevich relocated to Budapest, where he formed a criminal empire based on the structural model of the Sicilian Mafia.

Eventually, the tentacles of Mogilevich's criminal empire expanded across Europe, into North and South America and even Pakistan and Japan.

Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (now in jail herself) accused Mogilevich of illegally profiting from the Russia-Ukraine gas deals.

"He has access to so much, including funding, including other criminal organizations, that he can, with a telephone call and order, affect the global economy," FBI Supervisory Special Agent Peter Kowenhoven told CNN.

FBI Special Agent Mike Dixon declared: "[Mogilevich]'s a big man. He's a very powerful man. I think more powerful than a John Gotti would be, because he has the ability to influence nations. Gotti never reached that stature."

The FBI has labeled Mogilevich as the “most dangerous mobster in the world.”

Like virtually all powerful organized criminals, Mogilevich is closely linked with top politicians. According to reports, he has been allied with Yury Luzhkov, a former Mayor of Moscow, Dmytro Firtash and Leonid Derkach, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine, and Oleksandr Turchynov, former Prime Minister of Ukraine.

"Semion Mogilevich is as serious an organized criminal as I have ever encountered and I am confident that he is responsible for contract killings,” said Jon Winer, a former anti-crime official with the Clinton Administration, in 2006.

At least one analyst has linked Semion Mogilevich to the most powerful man in Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Roman Kupchinsky wrote in the Eurasia Daily Monitor that Leonid Derkach, the former chief of the Ukrainian security service, the SBU, characterized Mogilevich as a close friend of Putin while conversing with former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma.

"[Mogilevich]'s on good terms with Putin,” Derkach allegedly said. “He and Putin have been in contact since Putin was still in Leningrad… They have their own affairs."

Mogilevich remains a free man.

All the biggest bosses are the politicians themselves, they the ones that allow shiit to happen

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
breh the scams them Nigerians be doing on the internet, dont get more gangsta than that

yeah they the king of scams but on some gangster shyt I aint never heard of them. I mean bloods and crips are the most famous street gangs in the world so I don't see how nigerians are overtaking them. Not to say my african brehs don't get it in it's just that I aint never heard of any nigerian gangs/ organised crime groups. Just scams.

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Black and Hispanic goons are more violent than Italian mafia ever was

9 times outta 10 the Italians did dirt and caught bodies on orders, there was strategic thought behind their actions.

n1ggas will kill u over Jordans

La Costra Nostra couldn't compete with that level of thuggary in a million years

you mean that level of retardation

its called ORGANIZED crime...not a bunch of morons thatll kill you for 4 dollars

I always find it funny when blacks gangsters kill someone its moronic/retarded/stupid but let it be these mafia cacs dudes will :bow:


Sep 1, 2012
Yeah breh, in Russia, not in America. The Russians tried their had in America and it didn't go so good. Also Vyacheslav Ivankov, Semion Moghilevich or Sergei Mikhailov could qualify as Russian John Gottis. Plenty of journalists have written about them.

Though you are right in one aspect, the Russian Mafia from Russia is much more powerful now than the Italians in America. No competition. The Italian crime syndicates like the Camorra or the 'Ndrangheta are as powerful as the Russians or the drug cartels though.

Still, I was talking about the Italians at their peak, which is from after Prohibition until RICO kicked in...

Jews run the world... The Italian Mafia in their prime couldn't fukk with the Jews now even with this age of technology. Fukk a fake ass Russian mobster with that Balishnakov bullsh1t, it's the Rothstein you need to worry about.

Jews are the reason those towers fell, they control currency, arms and MASS MEDIA amongst other things.


May 18, 2012
Lol at people bringing up bloods and crips. I'm black but I have to laugh at that. Maybe if this was the 70's and 80's, but if they ain't some of the most disorganized fukks. Random killings and bloodshed don't mean shyt.