The Italian Mafia is looking flabby n sick these days

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
You can't compare street gangs - no matter their size - to the mafia. They aren't even close to being the same.

There is less hierarchy and organization in gangs. Street gangs are more like terrorist cells/groups because they operate independent of structure and direction.

Mexican cartels are much more "mafia-like" because of the structure and organization.

And all of the perceived power that's being discussed is subjective because no group has complete control of any one criminal enterprise.

Loud Still Coolin

Suppose be a IT cert like you coli nikkaz
May 28, 2012
Certz Up ..... Hoezzzz down .....

Imagine a mobster that comprised the cunning of Lucky Luciano, the brilliance of Meyer Lansky, the ferocity of Vito Genovese, the duplicity of Carmine Galante and the massive wealth of Pablo Escobar. Such a person is not the fantasy creation of some novelist or screenwriter, but rather a real-life flesh-and-blood monster that lives among us.

Semion Mogilevich looks nothing like Marlon Brando nor Al Pacino. The short, bald, pockmarked, grossly obese, 66-year-old Ukrainian is believed by international law enforcement agencies to be one of the most powerful criminals on earth.

The Moscow resident reportedly holds Russian, Ukrainian, Greek and Israeli passports.

Among a litany of crimes, Mogilevich allegedly defrauded thousands of investors in the US and Canada in the 1990s, netting him at least $150 million. He also served as the chief of Inkombank, a Russian financial institution, which was accused of money laundering.

Indicted in 2003, Mogilevich is currently one of the FBI’s ten most wanted fugitives, wanted for wire fraud, RICO conspiracy, mail fraud, money laundering, securities fraud, among other offenses.

With a $100,000 bounty on his head, Mogilevich is also suspected of involvement in murder-for-hire, arms dealing and drug trafficking. The FBI noted that he holds a degree in economics (quite unlike most mobsters) and smokes heavily (quite common for Russians and Ukrainians).

He was arrested in Moscow in 2008 for tax evasion, but released the following year. Russia subsequently rejected a request by U.S. authorities to extradite Mogilevich to answer charges related to the aforementioned massive stock swindle.

A website called Gangstersinc. reported that Semion Mogilevich’s criminal career began slowly and with little initial success. As a young man in the early 1970s, he belonged to the Lyubertskaya group, a band of small-time crooks in Moscow. He apparently served two separate jail terms during this period for a plethora of petty crimes.

His fortunes improved dramatically during the 1980s when the Russian government allowed thousands of Jews to depart for Israel, Europe and the U.S. Seeing a grand business opportunity, Mogilevich defrauded his fellow Jews by buying their possessions at discount prices (exploiting their eagerness to leave) and promising to sell them on the market and send the profits fron such nonexistent sales overseas at a later date. Mogilevich scored millions of dollars on this scheme and used these funds to invest in the highly lucrative areas of weapons and drugs smuggling, prostitution and gambling.

In the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union empire in the early 1990s, scores of organized crime gangs took advantage of the chaos, but Mogilevich fled to Israel.

However, he did not relinquish his criminal activities. Indeed, Mogilevich made contacts with other mobsters while still running various illegal enterprises and investing his ill-gotten cash in myriad businesses. After marrying his Hungarian girlfriend Katalin Papp, Mogilevich relocated to Budapest, where he formed a criminal empire based on the structural model of the Sicilian Mafia.

Eventually, the tentacles of Mogilevich's criminal empire expanded across Europe, into North and South America and even Pakistan and Japan.

Former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (now in jail herself) accused Mogilevich of illegally profiting from the Russia-Ukraine gas deals.

"He has access to so much, including funding, including other criminal organizations, that he can, with a telephone call and order, affect the global economy," FBI Supervisory Special Agent Peter Kowenhoven told CNN.

FBI Special Agent Mike Dixon declared: "[Mogilevich]'s a big man. He's a very powerful man. I think more powerful than a John Gotti would be, because he has the ability to influence nations. Gotti never reached that stature."

The FBI has labeled Mogilevich as the “most dangerous mobster in the world.”

Like virtually all powerful organized criminals, Mogilevich is closely linked with top politicians. According to reports, he has been allied with Yury Luzhkov, a former Mayor of Moscow, Dmytro Firtash and Leonid Derkach, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine, and Oleksandr Turchynov, former Prime Minister of Ukraine.

"Semion Mogilevich is as serious an organized criminal as I have ever encountered and I am confident that he is responsible for contract killings,” said Jon Winer, a former anti-crime official with the Clinton Administration, in 2006.

At least one analyst has linked Semion Mogilevich to the most powerful man in Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Roman Kupchinsky wrote in the Eurasia Daily Monitor that Leonid Derkach, the former chief of the Ukrainian security service, the SBU, characterized Mogilevich as a close friend of Putin while conversing with former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma.

"[Mogilevich]'s on good terms with Putin,” Derkach allegedly said. “He and Putin have been in contact since Putin was still in Leningrad… They have their own affairs."

Mogilevich remains a free man.


"Semion Mogilevich is, like Fraser, a big football fan, but they share no other attributes with the possible exception that Semion won’t pick up a paintbrush again either.

The 65-year-old overweight Ukrainian fugitive from the FBI has been identified as possibly the biggest winner of Euro 2012, which kicks off this summer.

At 5ft 6in and 21 stone he is a true fatcat in every sense of the word.

As exclusively revealed by James Murray in The Sunday Express, Mogilevich is a crime lord who expects to earn millions from next month’s tournament in Poland and Ukraine.

Murray writes: “His racketeering empire includes prostitution, selling alcohol and providing security and it is said he has already earned a fortune from kickbacks on stadium construction projects in Ukraine, where England meet France on June 11.”

The FBI would like to interview him after investors apparently lost £130 million in a complex scam. Now he has recruited an army of touts to take care of tickets at the tournament.

The Sunday Express says: "Ticket sales have reached an all-time record of £30.4 billion.

“If the gangs of touts run by Mogilevich pick up just one per cent of that they will have earned him £303.7 million.”

Making millions: Bob Geldof, Fraser Ewing, Semion Mogilevich and Royal Bank of Scotland fatcats | The Drum

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
You can't compare street gangs - no matter their size - to the mafia. They aren't even close to being the same.

There is less hierarchy and organization in gangs. Street gangs are more like terrorist cells/groups because they operate independent of structure and direction.

Mexican cartels are much more "mafia-like" because of the structure and organization.

And all of the perceived power that's being discussed is subjective because no group has complete control of any one criminal enterprise.

Either way in 2013 bloods/crips > American Mafia

One of those mafia dudes got to prison he getting extorted.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Either way in 2013 bloods/crips > American Mafia

One of those mafia dudes got to prison he getting extorted.
The B's & C's aren't making nearly as much money as the mob, then or now.

The mob has legitimate multi-million dollar businesses. Gangs moving work and they aren't even consolidating the profit and working together, so what exactly do they do that makes them greater?

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
The B's & C's aren't making nearly as much money as the mob, then or now.

When did I claim they were. I think everybody knows that the mafia make more money then them but in terms of violence, intimidation and reputation the mobs power has diminished.

The mafia makes more money then any major street gang BUT if some shyt popped off they would be food. 30 years ago they were untouchable but in this day and age the mob are on it's last leg. When they hit prison they pay for protection from prison/street gangs what that tell you?

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
You judging power from who gets the most cigarettes in the pen?

On the streets or in the pen bloods/crips have more muscle. The mafia did their thing from 1920-1980 but it's not like that anymore. Yes the mob make more money then b's/c's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more money then them BUT in terms of sorry but yall kidding yourself if you think the mob are more powerful in that aspect.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
When they hit prison they pay for protection from prison/street gangs what that tell you?
Everyone who isn't affiliated with one of the 4 major prison gangs does that though.:ld:
Even Mexican drug lords. One of the Arrellano brothers paid for protection while he was doing time in California. That's how he hooked up with David Barron Corona.
albanians tho... shiiiiiiit. ive read a story how they had a sit down, italians brought pistols to an uzi fight. these dudes DO NOT fukk around and are coming up
Arnold Squitieri brought about 20 of his guys to a gas station to confront Alex Rudaj, who was encroaching on some Gambino clubs. Rudaj only had 2 or 3 guys with him, so one of them pointed either a shotgun or an uzi(court documents differ) to a gas tank and said he'll blow them all up.:whew:

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Everyone who isn't affiliated with one of the 4 major prison gangs does that though.:ld:

Exactly so I don't wanna see none of these

":stopitslime: you cant compare mafia to these unworthy street gangs"

type post like the mafia are gods or sutting lol

yeah they got money but they aint scaring anybody like that anymore.

edit: even albanians dudes tryna get at them now lol

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Exactly so I don't wanna see none of these

":stopitslime: you cant compare mafia to these unworthy street gangs"

type post like the mafia are gods or sutting lol

yeah they got money but they aint scaring anybody like that anymore.

edit: even albanians dudes tryna get at them now lol
Your logic is ass backwards then, because that'd make the Cartels the top of the food chain since they have more muscle and are more feared.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Exactly so I don't wanna see none of these

":stopitslime: you cant compare mafia to these unworthy street gangs"

type post like the mafia are gods or sutting lol

yeah they got money but they aint scaring anybody like that anymore.

edit: even albanians dudes tryna get at them now lol
You're missing my point breh. Numbers mean everything in prison. Of course a single mobster is going to pay. What else is he going to do, fight a hundred guys with shanks all by himself? Anyone would pay. fukking El Chapo would pay. Your power on the street doesn't mean shyt to people in there doing life, there's nothing you could threaten them with.

Blacks and latinos run prisons because there's so fukking many of them, but by that same logic put a single black or latino in a mobbed up joint like MDC Brooklyn, and the roles are reversed. It's the same story.

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
Your logic is ass backwards then, because that'd make the Cartels the top of the food chain since they have more muscle and are more feared.

then the american mafia.

It's not my fault yall keep on changing the criteria on why we cant compare the mafia to the b's/c's

If it's about money making? sure

Mafia >>>>>>>> B's/c's

Now if we talking muscle/violence/intimidation

B's/c's >>> Mafia.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
then the american mafia.

It's not my fault yall keep on changing the criteria on why we cant compare the mafia to the b's/c's

If it's about money making? sure

Mafia >>>>>>>> B's/c's

Now if we talking muscle/violence/intimidation

B's/c's >>> Mafia.
I haven't changed any criteria...they aren't the same so they can't be compared.

But for whatever reason you're emotionally invested in this conversation and over looking the fact that gangs are completely splintered and not unified. So anybody with enough bread could probably cause one set to start funk with another.

Chill...there is no honor or prestige in having the "best" criminals.