yes, that's with all the equipment ready breh, we talkin' about one man building it from scratch. he's gotta make the cement, the glass, mine the steel, smelt it, all within 80 years? And that's assuming he already has the knowledge ingrained in his head a la the Matrix or some sh*t
Again, even if I give you all that, how do you demonstrate that it's impossible?
I hear you, but you gotta admit stating a common ancestor for homo sapien and pan troglodytes (chimps) and then stating there's no way to observe this because it happens over several millenia raises some basic questions, whether scientifically relevant or not, they are valid logical questions
Fine. There are a lot of valid questions surrounding evolution. But the one you posited wasn't one of them.
Well you raised the question, and it seems like you answered to a degree. All I'm saying the universe is always expanding, analogous to an unfinished skyscraper. I should still be able to see guys working at the top no?