quick question, how long ago did the grand designer create the universe and how long ago did he/she create the earth?
1) You're asking a loaded question, I never said there is a Grand Designer, I said that our universe exists due to intelligent design. Put it this way, the sperm inseminating the egg is the cause of a baby that comes out the mother's womb. You note the baby is a complex entity, and conclude that this baby's skeletal structure and central nervous system begs intelligent design. Does that mean the mother is the Designer?
2) I don't know how long ago the universe came into existence (I don't like the word created), but it's at least a few billion years
3) I don't know how long ago the earth was created, however, seeing as the life conditions on Earth are so unique, it wouldn't surprise me if we discover sometime in the future some alien species caused the conditions of life on earth to be possible