I mean i was just thinking about it randomly today and the ridiculous amounts of events that had to happen for earth to be formed and life to exist is simply mind boggling.
I mean the statistical odds alone are just...
Im not saying creationism is also the way to go but i feel any scientist worth his salt should not dismiss ANY possibilities
i mean like at every step of the big bang theory for earths creation theres massive room for error and im supposed to believe this all went down perfectly at every step
i mean cmon son
and its not like you get a do over at every step, if only 1 step is off you gotta start over and wait for the galaxy to implode on itself and create another big bang or whatever
i mean im no scientist or anything but as a regular joe this just seems fishy to put all our faith in this type of theory
what yall think brehs?
I mean the statistical odds alone are just...
Im not saying creationism is also the way to go but i feel any scientist worth his salt should not dismiss ANY possibilities
i mean like at every step of the big bang theory for earths creation theres massive room for error and im supposed to believe this all went down perfectly at every step
i mean cmon son
and its not like you get a do over at every step, if only 1 step is off you gotta start over and wait for the galaxy to implode on itself and create another big bang or whatever
i mean im no scientist or anything but as a regular joe this just seems fishy to put all our faith in this type of theory
what yall think brehs?