Because order is by design
So is there a designer then?
Because order is by design
If it works logically then it works scientifically. Don't back away from that aspect of the argument. Design implies designer. If your definition of this well established word does not, then what semantically distinguishes this "design" from evolution? Why not just call it evolution?
Yep, I've been seeing it since the beginning. It's why his whole argument falls apart. I call it "blackzeus math". Define an arbitrary, vague human-centric, individual perception of "complexity" that means nothing to a universe that deals with light-years and atoms. Inject this unquantifiable non-sense into some legitimate, but simple mathematical induction. Attack all attempts at defining terms as "lawyering" instead of being scientific and precise. Then base your whole argument on that.
At best he's just ignorant to how the scientific method works, at worst he's reveling in the vagueness and handwavy-ness of his argument in order to do his usually equivocating, hand-waving, and goal-post moving. Case in point, I link him to a brief, really insightful video about how the "design" isn't really intelligent, and looks exactly how evolution theorized it would look. His response is basically: "'s not THAT intelligent :shrugs:"
How intelligent is it? Enough for him to win the debate and rationalize his pre-existing beliefs I suppose.
So is there a designer then?
I can't say that scientifically, I can only state that there is a pattern, there is an order, there is a degree of complexity that suggests design. Maybe in 10,000 years from now we'll know for sure scientifically if there was a God-like designer or not, but right now we don't know that, we can only infer, but inference isn't scientific, it's philosophical
So that suggests a designer?
1) You're insinuating genesis by evolution actually happened, when that's not provable, has never been provable, and in fact statistically improbable
There are degrees of order, but there's no degree of chaos, chaos is complete and total. So until you define a 3rd state that is neither chaos nor order, automatically, if one is false, the other must be true.
ID does not state a thinking entity is the cause of the universe, ID says the universe was intelligently designed.
Are we being scientific or philosophical here? We're begging the question at this point. Again, yes, philosophically, we can deduce that a design implies a designer. Scientifically, we have to prove it. Science /= philosophy, although both draw parallels from each other. ID is based on empirical data, not philosophy
This is why people view ID as the dishonest, pseudoscientific garbage that it is.
What do you mean "genesis by evolution"? I'm not claiming anything is true. I'm just saying just because it's unlikely for something to happen, doesn't mean it could not or did not. Making the assumption that it could not happen is what I object to.
Well it might be the case that we're talking about different things when we talk about chaos or randomness. An event unguided by an intelligence doesn't necessarily mean it happen it happened randomly.
This is why people view ID as the dishonest, pseudoscientific garbage that it is. What else could design something intelligently except a thinking entity? It's implied in the very language.
We're being English. Scientifically though, are you assuming there may be a designer that you can't prove at this time?
ID's proponents admit they don't actually have a scientific theory.The theory states